Catherine Morris
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Human & Social Development · University of Victoria
Catherine Morris is involved in education, research and advocacy on international human rights, peacebuilding and conflict resolution.
Thailand Higher Education Research Policy Analysis Cambodia
Jin-Won Kim
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Jin-Won Kim’s research focuses on the role of recreation, parks and tourism in the creation of active, healthy and sustainable communities.
Water-Based Recreation and Tourism Public Health and Quality of Life Environmental Justice Applications of Geospatial Technologies in Recreation Park and Tourism
Sara Seager
Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering · Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist, and is an expert in theory, computation, and data analysis of exoplanets.
Exoplanet Habitable Zones Exoplanet Atmospheres Exoplanet Interior Composition
Sharon Collison
Clinical Instructor, Health Behavior and Nutrition Science · University of Delaware
Sharon Collison provides medical nutrition therapy (MNT) in University of Delware's Nutrition Clinic.
Weight/Health at Every Size Weight Management Sports Nutrition Healthy Aging Eating Disorders
Michael Vandenbergh
Professor of Law · Vanderbilt University
Expert in environmental law and how private industry can help slow climate change.
Environmental Law Corporate Environmental Behavior Carbon Emissions Organizational Culture Climate Change Research
Travis S. LaBlanc, P.E.
Senior Hydrology/Hydraulics Engineer · Global Water Experts
Hydraulic Structures Design and Construction
Stormwater Containment/Diversion Channel Design & Construction Spillway Drop Structure Design & Construction Discharge Piping Design & Construction Utility Relocation/Corridor Design & Construction Mine Waste/Industrial Structures Remediation Design & Construction
A.R. Siders
Director, Climate Change Science & Policy Hub | Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center | Associate Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration & Department of Geography & Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Siders' research focuses on climate change adaptation policies with an emphasis on relocation and fairness in adaptation.
Flood Exposure & Resilience Climate & Disaster Study Managed Retreat Environmental Justice Climate-related Hazards
Stacy Roberts, DBA
Lecturer · Augusta University
Stacy Roberts is an expert in salesmanship, sales marketing, principles of management, organizational behavior, and human resources.
Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Human Resources Marketing Salesmanship and Sales Marketing
Lillian Guerra
Professor · University of Florida
Lillian Guerra is an expert on Cuban and Caribbean history.
Latino Culture & Politics in the U.S. Caribbean History Latin American Studies Caribbean Diasporas and Caribbean History Central American and Caribbean Immigration
Jayme Radomski, P.E.
Assistant Professor, Architectural Engineering Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Jayme Radomski is an expert in fire suppression design and building construction.
Water Based Fire Protection Systems Design Project Management Building Mechanical Systems
David Weintraub
Professor of Astronomy; Director of Undergraduate Studies; Director of Program in Communication of Science & Technology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in astrophysics who also writes about extraterrestrial life, human space travel and space colonization.
Space colonization Extraterrestrial life Mars colonization Mars Space travel
P. Lynne Honey
Associate Professor and Chair · MacEwan University, Department of Psychology
Behaviour, biopsychology, evolution, and critical thinking. I'm interested in where nature and nurture shake hands.
evolution and human behaviour animal learning and conditioning theory teaching of psychology social dominance sex differences
Jessika Rojas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Rojas is a nuclear engineering expert specializing in nuclear materials, nanomaterials, and radiation processing.
Nuclear materials Radiation chemistry and radiation processing Radiation damage and radiation effects on nuclear materials Nanostructures for targeted radionuclide therapy and enhanced external radiotherapy Nanomaterials for nuclear engineering applications
Norman Beatty
M.D./Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Norman Beatty studies neglected tropical diseases, such as Chagas disease, Leishmaniasis, cysticercosis and snake envenomation.
Borreliosis Ehrlichiosis Tick-borne Diseases Snake Envenomation Leishmaniasis
Charlie Kemp
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Charlie Kemp is an expert on robots for intelligent physical assistance and is passionate about enabling robots to help people.
Intelligent Systems Mobile Manipulation Healthcare Robotics Assistive Robotics Human-Robot Interaction
Scott Bohman, P.E.
Project Manager · Global Water Experts
Piping and Pumping Design & Construction
Pipeline Investigation Design & Construction Utility Relocation/Corridor Design & Construction Mine Piping Facilities/Infrastructure Design Remediation & Construction Water Wastewater Utilities Design and Systems Permitting Field Investigation; Construction Material Sampling and Testing Analysis
Oliver Thomas (Tom) Weihmayr
General Manager · Green Energy Dynamics Corporation
Experienced, candid and comfortable speaker that motivates and informs today's leaders
Mercury Contamination of Our Potable Water Sources International Conflict Resolution
Janie Robinson
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Dr. Robinson's interest include kidney disease, chronic illnesses, and health disparities in African Americans
Health Disparities in African Americans Kidney Disease in African Americans Chronic Illnesses in African Americans
Dr Virginie Grzelczyk
Reader/Associate Professor in International Relations · Aston University
Dr Grzelczyk's research focuses on security relationships over the Korean Peninsula and especially about North Korea.
Korean Peninsula Northeast Asia Politics Politics of North Korea Foreign Policy Towards North Korea North Korea
Charles Venator-Santiago, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Venator-Santiago is an expert in US territorial law and policy with a focus on the history of citizenship
Nation-State building in the Americas Political Theory Latino Politics Puerto Rico/US Law Territorial Legal History Public Law