Nikos Tziolas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Nikos Tziolas develops interpretable AI techniques and integrated sensing systems to support informed decision-making in agriculture.

Soil Science Deep Learning Spectroscopy AI Artificial Intelligence

Mark DeBeliso

Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Focuses on sports medicine and athletic performance and the physiological effects of exercise

Sport Science Research Common Injuries in Athletics Stress Reduction for University Students College Sports Medicine Human Performance

Dr Benz Kotzen

Associate Professor in Landscape Design · University of Greenwich

Dr Kotzen is a chartered landscape architect with more than 30 years’ experience as a consultant and a researcher.

Environmental Noise Green Roofs Plants Landscape Design Arid and Desert Landscapes

David Evans

Principal Hydrogeologist and GWX Managing Director · MWH Global

Hydrogeologist based in Lima, Peru with over 25 years of groundwater and business management experience (17 years in Peru and 8 in Canada)

Hydrogeology Karst Hydrogeology Mining Hydrogeology Mining and Water Geology

Michel Boufadel

Distinguished Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Michel Boufadel focuses on water, water technology and energy, offering insights into oil spills and other environmental disasters.

Oil Spills Global Warming Sustainability Water Technology Environmental Disasters

Kelly Goonan

Assistant Professor of Outdoor Recreation · Southern Utah University

Outdoor recreation expertise with outdoor safety tips, planning national park visits, and planning and management of outdoor recreation.

Visitor Use Management Wilderness First Aid Resource Management Recreation Impact Analysis Recreation Ecology

Chris Williams

Professor, Wildlife Ecology · University of Delaware

Prof. Williams serves as Director of the Waterfowl and Upland Gamebird Center.

Zoology Game Bird Ecology Wildlife Ecology Waterfowl Ecology Bird Populations and Habitats

Michael Milczarek, M.S.

Senior Soil Scientist · Global Water Experts

Mike Milczarek has over 20 years of experience in groundwater recharge, mine reclamation and land restoration studies

Groundwater Recharge Processes Mine Waste Closure System Assessment and Design Habitat Restoration Unsaturated Flow and Contaminant Fate and Transport Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions

Paul Topham

Head of School of Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering · Aston University

Professor Topham's research is focussed on sustainable polymer science; making new plastics of the future for a wide range of applications.

X-ray Scattering Electrospinning Polymer Science Block Copolymers Biodegradable Polymers

Anthony Mazeroll, PhD

Professor Environmental Studies · Soka University

Professor Mazeroll focuses on the behavioral ecology of fishes

Ecology of Amazonian Fishes Population Genetics Fish Ecology Fish Behaviour Observation Human Impact on the Environment

Eric Simanek

Robert A. Welch Chair of Chemistry · Texas Christian University

Dr. Simanek’s interests include whiskey, science education and basic scientific research aimed at the design of new medicines.

Medicinal Chemistry Whiskey Intellectual Property & Patent Management Expert Witness Interdisciplinary Education

Jeffrey Bielicki

Assistant Professor | Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering | John Glenn College of Public Affairs · The Ohio State University

Energy sustainability expert, focusing on the intersection of energy, environment, economics and policy

Consequences of energy development Evolution of Energy Systems Applied Energy Energy Policy

William Louda, Ph.D.

Research Professor · Florida Atlantic University

WIlliam Louda studies algal blooms, water quality, and how that affects microalgal communities (phytoplankton, periphyton, epiphytes etc.).

Algal Blooms Organic Geochemistry Phosphorus Pollution Photosynthetic and Accessory Pigments Microalgal Communities

Carlos Moffat

Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.

ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions

Edward Guinan, PhD

Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.

Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology

Stefanie Sydlik

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Stefanie Sydlik's research interests include polymer science, materials chemistry, biomaterials and sustainable materials.

Materials Chemistry Polymer Science Biomaterials Graphene Stem Cells

Amir Hussain

Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Interfaith Dialogue Islam and Muslim Lives in the United States; Muslim Communities in North America Religion on Film and Television

Jennifer S. Schiff

Professor · Western Carolina University

Jennifer Schiff's research is in comparative water policy around the globe, with a concentration on policies targeting water scarcity.

International Studies Politics of Ethnic Conflict Model United Nations International Political Economy Global Issues

Dr Alan Dunn

Reader · Leeds Beckett

Alan Dunn's research explores new models for curating content for non-gallery audiences.

Speech and Language Therapy Literature COVID-19 Art Dementia

Jeffrey LeJeune

Professor I Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine · The Ohio State University

Jeffrey T. LeJeune is an internationally recognized expert in food safety and bacterial diseases transmitted between animals and people.

Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Ecology Food Safety Bacterial Diseases