Eric Simanek
Robert A. Welch Chair of Chemistry · Texas Christian University
Dr. Simanek’s interests include whiskey, science education and basic scientific research aimed at the design of new medicines.
Medicinal Chemistry Whiskey Intellectual Property & Patent Management Expert Witness Interdisciplinary Education
Meredith Grelli
Assistant Teaching Professor of Entrepreneurship · Carnegie Mellon University
Meredith Grelli is dedicated to helping people navigate business development, no matter the stage.
Venture Capital Entrepreneurship Artificial Intelligence Family Business Succession Non-Profit Organizations
Matt Blieske
Global Hydrogen Product Manager · Shell TechWorks
Matt Blieske is a business and technical transformation leader in the power, renewables, and oil and gas sectors.
Sustainable Energy Power Generation Product Development Renewable Energy Systems Engineering
Mark Thompson, PhD
Dean of Hull College of Business, Professor of Economics · Augusta University
Mark Thompson, PhD, dean of the Hull College of Business, is an economist in business conditions, risk analysis, energy and health care.
Economics Energy Healthcare Industry Risk Analysis
Donavon Roberson
Customer Success Leader. Coach and Author · AlbaCon Technologies
Hubby. Dad. Author. Productivity Coach. Advocate. Veteran. Fan of Tottenham, RedSox, SciFi, Running, PokemonGo, Pipes, Outdoors and Whiskey!
Dream Management Team Building Leadership Development and Assessment Time Management & Goal Setting Customer Success