George Busenberg, PhD
Associate Professor of Environmental Management and Policy · Soka University
Professor Busenberg focuses on environmental policy
Environmental Policy Environmental Management
John Jaeger
Associate Professor · University of Florida
John Jaeger researches the ways in which hurricanes have impacted Florida’s coastline.
Coastal Erosion Biodiversity and the Environment Sea Level Rise
Jo Carrillo
Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
California Community Property Comparative Marital Property Community Property Systems in the U.S. and Beyond Economic and financial aspects of intimpate partnerships Archival Research About the Representation of Law in Culture
Bernadette Boden-Albala
Director of Program in Public Health and Founding Dean of proposed School of Population Health · UC Irvine
Bernadette Boden-Albala, Dr.P.H., is a renowned researcher & administrator who researches community-based stroke & heart disease prevention.
Stroke and heart disease prevention Public Health Infectious Diseases COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Jeffrey Miller
Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Sciences · Southern Utah University
Dr. Jeffrey Miller serves as the dean of the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences at Southern Utah University.
Computer Programming Ethics in Driverless Cars Vehicular Communications Software Engineering STEM Education and Learning
Lisa J. Merlo
Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Lisa Merlo’s research focuses on mental health, well-being and professional fulfillment among healthcare professionals.
Motivational Interviewing Burnout of Health Professionals Well-being of Health Professionals Medical Student Wellness
Barry H. Rosen, Ph.D.
Expert in cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms and blue-green algae · Florida Gulf Coast University
Barry Rosen studies the nature of freshwater harmful algal blooms and their dynamics.
blue-green algae Cyanobacterial genetics Diatoms Limnology Fish kills
Kevin Sweeney
Leadership and Inspiration Motivational Professional Speaker · Kevin Sweeney Speakers
Decorated combat pilot, Fortune 50 Exec, All-conference collegiate athlete. Expert in Leadership, Teamwork, & Excelling under pressure.
Leadership in Challenging Times Performance Under Pressure Customer Service Motivation and Inspiration Focus On Execution
Paul Loeb
Founder · The Campus Election Engagement Project
Author and lecturer on civic engagement
Citizen Activism Community Involvement Political Hope Students Youth Involvement
James Randerson
Chancellor's Professor Earth System Science · UC Irvine
James Randerson studies the global carbon cycle using remote sensing and in-situ measurements and different types of models.
Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Forests Wildfires Climate Plants
Carlos Moffat
Associate Professor, School of Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Moffat specializes in the dynamics of the coastal ocean in Antarctica, and how this region responds and contributes to climate change.
ocean circulation Polar Oceanography Ice-Ocean Interactions
Robert Rumble
Owner · Psinvestments
Award winning International speaker and best selling author
Self Improvement Dream Building Motivation
Chenfeng Xiong, PhD
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Villanova University
Dr. Xiong conducts AI and big-data research on human mobility, and its relations with policies, environment, & public health.
Transportation Engineering Transportation Planning Transportation Economics Transportation and Environment Big Data
Elizabeth Larus
Professor, Political Science · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Larus is an expert in the politics of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong
Political Science University Teaching Public Policy International Relations Foreign Policy
Hermann Fritz
Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Hermann Fritz's research centers on fluid dynamic aspects of natural hazards such as tsunamis, hurricane storm surges and landslides.
Fluid Dynamic of Natural Hazards Hurricane Storm Surges and Landslides Tsunamis Coastal Systems
Larisa DeSantis
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences · Vanderbilt University
Studies mammal teeth and bones to determine how they responded to ancient climate change and reasons why they went extinct.
saber-tooth cats Paleoecology Ancient Australian Animals Ancient Climate Change Paleontology
Daniel Bolnick, Ph.D.
Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Bolnick is an expert on how evolution maintains genetic variation within species.
Speciation Host-parasite Interactions Ecology Evolutionary Biology Immunology
Matt Weeg
Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in neuroethology, brain behavior, and neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience Human Pathophysiology Fish Audiology Communication & Behaviour Audition
Katie Peek
Coastal Research Scientist · Western Carolina University
Katie Peek researches coastal vulnerability, climate change impacts, and natural hazard resilience using GIS.
Hazard Mapping Climate Change Adaptation Sea-Level Rise Coastal Processes Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessments
Charles Venator-Santiago, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · University of Connecticut
Dr. Venator-Santiago is an expert in US territorial law and policy with a focus on the history of citizenship
Nation-State building in the Americas Political Theory Latino Politics Puerto Rico/US Law Territorial Legal History Public Law