Gregory DeFreitas
Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy · Hofstra University
Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.
Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development
Heather Chiero, PhD
Associate Professor of History, Anthropology and Philosophy · Augusta University
Dr. Chiero is a leading scholar in Latin American & U.S. Western history and the Spanish colonial periphery of the Caribbean Basin.
Material Culture Social History Underrepresented Populations Central America Latin America
Jennifer McMahon
Lecturer of English · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Literature and Writing 20th Century American Literature Modernist Literature Colonial/Post-colonial Literature
Stephen Allen
Associate Vice President for International Affairs · Southern Utah University
Specializing in international affairs in higher education, DACA in Utah, and international education partnerships
DACA in Utah DACA Student Services Student Affairs in Higher Education International Education Partnerships
Benjamin Steere
Associate Professor · Western Carolina University
Ben Steere's primary areas of interest for research and teaching include Southeastern archaeology and Cherokee archaeology.
Indigenous archaeology Household Anthropology Cherokee Archaeology Archaeology of Eastern North America Household Archaeology
Rebecca Hanson
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Rebecca Hanson conducts research on participatory democratic neighborhood experiments and police militarization.
Venezuelan Politics Socialism Political Theory Latin American Studies Citizen Security and Policing
Jane Caputi, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
Jane Caputi, Ph.D., is an expert in contemporary American cultural studies, including popular culture, gender and violence, and ecofeminism.
Feminism Gender and Violence Contemporary American Cultural Studies Popular Culture Ecofeminism
Lisa Scarton
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Lisa Scarton focuses her research on reducing health disparities among American Indian populations, especially Type 2 diabetes.
Health Disparities Type 2 Diabetes
Chris Slobogin
Milton R. Underwood Chair in Law · Vanderbilt University
Expert in criminal law and procedure, mental health law and evidence law.
Juvenile Crime Insanity Defense Criminal Procedure Evidence Law Criminal Law
Alicia Partnoy
Professor Emeritus of Modern Languages and Literatures - Spanish · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Writing and Political Repression Testimonio Women Writers Social Semiotics Contemporary Latin American Literature
Claudia Buchmann
Professor and Chair | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University
Expert in gender, race and class from a sociological perspective.
Social Stratification Education Gender Race and Ethnicity Comparative and International Sociology
Johnathan O'Neill
Chair, History · Georgia Southern University
Johnathan O'Neill researches constitutionalism and American conservatism in the twentieth century, with emphasis on legal history.
U.S. Constitutional History American Constitutional and Legal History American Political Thought Legal History of the U.S.
Jared McDonald
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. McDonald teaches courses related to American government, political behavior, public policy, and research methodology.
Research Methodology Political Psychology American Government Public Opinion Voting and Elections
Stephen Hanna
Professor of Geography · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Hanna's research in cultural geography explores how our pasts are represented in monuments and museums.
Cartography and GIS Southern plantation museums Confederate memorials Cartography Geographic Information Systems (Gis)
Kathy Roberts Forde
Professor of Journalism · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Kathy Roberts Forde studies the Black freedom struggle and the press, First Amendment, literary journalism and history of book culture.
African American Freedom Struggle and the Press The First Amendment Journalism History Journalism Literary Journalism
Cynthia Alcantar
Associate Professor & Director of Higher Education Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Higher Education Race and Ethnicity Equity and Diversity Civic Engagement Minority Serving Institutions
Stephanie Bangarth
Associate Professor, Department of History · King's University College, University of Western Ontario
Activist Academic. Dedicated Volunteer. Avid Outdoorswoman.
Human Rights Immigration Asian Immigration Immigration Policy Social Movements
Larry Bartels
May Werthan Shayne Professor and University Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Law · Vanderbilt University
Expert in public opinion, electoral politics, public policy, and political representation.
Campaigns and Elections Public Policy Public Opinion Electoral Politics Political Representation
Joshua W. Walker, PhD
President & CEO · Japan Society
Walker leads Japan Society to create deep bonds between the US & Japan through programs in culture, education, business, policy & technology
UN Conflict Diplomacy Asia Minor Japanese Language
Lowell Gustafson, PhD
Professor of Political Science | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Lowell Gustafson, PhD, is an expert in the politics, political structure and cultural heritage of Latin America.
Political Science International Political Economy Latin American Politics International Relations Theories Politics