Gregg Fields, Ph.D.
Executive Director · Florida Atlantic University
Gregg Fields uses chemistry to answer biological questions, many of which assist in the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases.
Extracellular Matrix Biochemistry Matrix Metalloproteinase Collagen Drug Discovery Protein Biochemistry
Deborah O'Dell
Professor of Biology · University of Mary Washington
Dr. O'Dell performs research into how bees use magnetic fields to orient themselves.
Biology Neuroscience Magnetic Orientation in Animals Developmental Neurobiology Alzheimer's Disease
Stephen Kajiura, Ph.D.
Professor · Florida Atlantic University
He studies the sensory biology and behavior of sharks and their relatives as well as their seasonal migrations in southeast Florida.
Telemetry Rays Shark Behavior Sensory Biology Elasmobranchs
Wendy Binder
Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Carnivore Feeding Biology Organismal Biology Behavioural Ecology
Matt Weeg
Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in neuroethology, brain behavior, and neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience Human Pathophysiology Fish Audiology Communication & Behaviour Audition
Saad Bhamla
Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
The Bhamla Lab explores fundamental and applied research questions through the development of new experimental tools and techniques.
Materials and Nanotechnology Biotechnology Organismic Physics Global Health Complex Systems
Brenton R. Graveley, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Genetics and Genome Sciences · University of Connecticut
Professor Graveley is an expert in genetics and genomic sciences, with particular focus on RNA biology.
Micro RNAs Genetics and Genomics Genome Sciences RNA Biology
Antonis Rokas
Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair in Biological Sciences · Vanderbilt University
Expert on patterns of evolution, with a focus on the earliest forms of life.
Tree of Life Mosquito Functional Genomics Evolution of Fungal Metabolism Molecular Evolution Evolutionary Development
Aryn Gittis
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Aryn Gittis studies neural circuits in a multifunctional brain region that plays a role in the regulation of movement, learning, and reward.
Movement Disorders Optogenetics Neuroscience Electrophysiology Neural Circuits
Jennifer Doherty
Assistant Professor of Biology and Physiology/Ecology Education · Michigan State University
Jennifer Doherty is a physiology education researcher who investigates how students develop principle-based mechanistic reasoning.
Biology Education
Debbie Delaney
Associate Professor, Entomology · University of Delaware
Prof. Delaney researches evolutionary biology and population genetics of honey bees.
Population Genetics Honey Bees Evolutionary Biology
Reinhard Laubenbacher
Professor · University of Florida
Reinhard Laubenbacher's research is in computational and mathematical systems biology, with applications to human health.
Systems Biology Data Science Systems Medicine Mathematical and Computational Modeling Computational Immunology
Carolyn Viviano
Associate Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Biology Curriculum Design Student Development Clinical Research
James Costa
Professor and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station · Western Carolina University
Jim Costa's interests include insect behavior and ecology, environmental history and philosophy, and the history of science.
Charles Darwin Conservation Ecology Insect Behavior Evolutionary Biology
F.E. "Jack" Putz
Distinguished Professor · University of Florida
Frances "Jack" Putz applies science to real-world problems related to ecosystem management and conservation.
Plant Ecology Indonesian Consevation Issue Economic Botany Applied Ecology Florida Natural History
Darby Harris
Associate Instructor · Western Carolina University
Leaf Expert Molecular Physiology Molecular Biology Genetics
Renee Miller
Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Instructional Track; Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program · University of Rochester
Miller examines sex differences in brains and behaviors. She is author of "Cognitive Bias in Fantasy Sports."
Fantasy Football Fantasy Sports and decision making Neuroscience Cognitive Bias Neurobiology
Lynn Adler
Professor of Biology · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Lynn Adler examines the interaction between flowers, pollinator (especially bees) and pathogens.
Bee-Pathogen Dynamics Ecology and Evolution of Insect-Plant Interactions Plant-Animal Interactions Floral Traits Bees
Cheolho Sim, Ph.D.
Professor, Biology · Baylor University
Professor Sim's research is focused predominantly on the vector biology of human pathogens.
Vector Biology Functional Genomics Disease Vectors Biology
Toby S. Daly-Engel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech
Dr. Daly-Engel's research uses genomics, field ecology and modelling to study shark populations.
Molecular Ecology Shark Behavior Marine Biology Field Ecology Genomics