Jacob Elmer, PhD

Dicciani Endowed Professor of Chemical Engineering | College of Engineering · Villanova University

Jacob Elmer, PhD, is an expert in genetic engineering, GMOs, and gene therapy

CAR-T Cell Therapy CRISPR-Cas9 Hemoglobin Immunotherapy GMOs

Betsy Candler

Lecturer in Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: candlerbetsy@uchastings.edu

Legal Writing Fundamentals of US Law Mediation Legal Research Advocacy

Stephen Lind

Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: 415.565.4651/linds@uchastings.edu


Stefano Moscato

Assistant Dean for Academic & Professional Success | Lecturer in Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: moscato@uchastings.edu

Employment Law Civil Procedure Civil Litigation Experiential Legal Education

Jenni Parrish

Emerita Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: parrishj@uchastings.edu

Law Librarianship Legal Research Advanced legal research American Legal History

Erin Clarke

Writing Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: clarkeerin@uchastings.edu

Public Speaking Legal Research Legal Writing

John Crawford

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: crawforj@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4675 / 386-200

Corporate and Securities Law Financial Regulation Property Law Regulation of Financial Institutions

Veena Dubal

Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: dubalv@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4860 / Office 364-200

Critical Race Theory Sociology of Social Movements Legal Anthropology Work Law Law and Social Change

Sheila Purcell

Director and Clinical Professor, Center for Negotiation and Dispute Resolution · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: purcells@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8940 / Office 408-100

Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy Dispute System Design International Court Alternative Dispute Resolution

Lois W. Schwartz

Senior Lecturer in Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: schwartl@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8809

Ethics Education Law Constitutional Law Property Wills & Trust

Charles Knapp

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: knappch@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4668 / Office M204-198

Contract Law Commercial Law Secured Transcations

Wendy Hill

Writing Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

hillw@uchastings.edu / 198 McAllister Street, Office 458

Civil Litigation Federal Courts Legal Writing Legal Research Civil Procedure

Krista Vaught

Director of Faculty and Academic Support, Levin College of Law · University of Florida

Director of Faculty and Academic Support

Executive Support Nonprofit Communications Legal Support

Stephanie Perez Beaudion

Lecturer in Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Kinesiology Athletic Training Sport Management

Shannon Plosser

Lecturer in Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Chip Ferguson

Professor · Western Carolina University

Chip Ferguson, individually, with students and other faculty, has completed over 15 significant research projects and patents applications.

New Product Design and Development Strengths of Materials Engineering Fundamentals Engineering Graphics 3D Constraint-Based Computer Modeling

Gail Boreman Bird

Emerita Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: birdg@uchastings.edu

Community Property Wills & Trusts

Scott Dodson

Associate Dean for Research & Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: dodsons@uchastings.edu / 925-285-1445 / Room 356

Civil Procedure Federal Courts Comparative Civil Procedure Class Actions

Aaron Rappaport

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: rappapor@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4697 / Office 370-200

Criminal Law Sentencing Law Jurisprudence Moral Theory Telecommunications Law

Debra Gerardi

Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: GerardiD@uchastings.edu

Conflict Assessment Executive Coaching Conflict Engagement Mediation and Facilitation Professional Development