John Broome

Associate Professor of Education · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Broome’s research centers on social justice and civic education.

Classroom Management Instructional Technology Culturally Responsive Teaching Service Learning Experiential Education

Dan Green

Director, Master of Entertainment Industry Management Program · Carnegie Mellon University

Dan Green is an experienced program director with a history of working in higher education as well as the entertainment industry.

Directing Entertainment Technology Entertainment Management Tv Production

Scott Imberman

Professor · Michigan State University

Education expert and economist, focusing on policy issues in K-12 and higher education

Autism Spectrum Disorder Teacher Incentives Education Policy Economics of Education School Choice

Luis Ricardo Fraga

Director, Institute for Latino Studies; Acting Chair, Department of Political Science · University of Notre Dame

Luis Ricardo Fraga specializes in race, education, ethnicity, and Latino politics, as well as immigration, urban and voting rights policy.

Latino Politics Politics of Race Politics of Ethnicity Urban Politics Educational Policy

Mark Jamison

Director/Professor · University of Florida

Mark Jamison’s current research interests include competition and regulation in emerging technologies.

Telecommunications Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency Network Effects Regulation

John Covach

Professor of Music and Director of the Institute for Popular Music; Professor of Theory at Eastman School of Music · University of Rochester

John Covach is an expert on the history of popular and rock music, 12-tone music, and the philosophy and aesthetics of music.

Rock 'n' Roll Music and Culture Progressive Rock in the 1970s The Beatles Popular Music

Ryan Sweeder

Professor of Chemistry and Science Education · Michigan State University

Ryan Sweeder specializes in chemistry education research.

Chemistry Education Research

J. Andrew Hansen

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Policy Public Policy Criminology Criminal Justice Police

Christopher A. Daily

Instructor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Comparative Theology Theory and Method Chinese Religions Chinese Christianity Christianity in the Global South

Niall Wallace

CEO · Infonaut

CEO at Infonaut Inc. - Evidence-based Hospital Infection Control

Infection Control Infectious Diseases Concept to Commercialization Hospital Hand Hygiene Compliance Disease Surveillance

Stacy Roberts, DBA

Lecturer · Augusta University

Stacy Roberts is an expert in salesmanship, sales marketing, principles of management, organizational behavior, and human resources.

Principles of Management Organizational Behavior Human Resources Marketing Salesmanship and Sales Marketing

Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.

Department Chair and Professor · Baylor University

Dr. Moody-Ramirez is a nationally known expert on mass media representations of minorities, women and other underrepresented groups

Race, Class, and Culture Pop Culture New Media Writing for Media Markets Historical Stereotypes in Social Media

Candis Bond, PhD

Director, Writing Center; Assistant Professor of English · Augusta University

Professor Bond is an expert in Writing Center Theory and Practice, Composition and Women's and Gender Studies.

Identity Construction Intersection of space and place (perceptions of women in public space)

Simon Medcalfe, PhD

Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Simon Medcalfe is an economist with an emphasis on sports economics, social determinants of health, and the local economy.

Community and Economic Development Social Determinants of Health Sports Economics

Ben Fitzpatrick

Professor of Mathematics · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Mathematics Biomathematics Dynamics and Control Image Processing Environmental Modeling

Davide Zori, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of History and Archaeology · Baylor University

Medieval world research focused on the Viking expansion into the North Atlantic and 8th-12th century Italian population movements.

History Archaeology Medieval History Viking Expansion into North America Social Standing in the Viking Age

Michelle Bauml

Associate Professor and Clotilda Winter Professor of Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Bauml focuses on early childhood/elementary teacher education and teacher decision-making, civic education, and social studies.

Qualitative Research Methods Teacher Knowledge and Beliefs iEngage - Civics Education Teacher Decision-Making Elementary Social Studies Education

Helen Boswell

Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializes in animal behavior and evolution, with research emphasis on teaching and outreach strategies.

Outreach Education Scientific Literacy Animal Behavior Evolutionary Biology

George Bisharat

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4721 / Office 603F-200

Criminal Procedure Islamic Law Law and Social Anthropology Criminal Practice Law in Middle East Societies

Laura J. Burton, Ph.D.

Department Head, Educational Leadership · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on management in sports organizations and how gender stereotypes affect women working in athletics.

Gender Stereotypes Access and Success in Leadership Sport Management Gender Issues in Sport Leadership in Sport Organizations