Gregory Richardson

Network Security Lead · 1337 Networks, Inc.

Gregory Richardson: Cyber Security Expert

Web Development Security Network Security

Prashant Mali

President · Cyber Law Consulting

Cyber Law, Cyber Security & Privacy Law Expert Speaker

Cyber Law Cyber Crime Cyber Security Cyber Frauds Cyber War

Raheem Beyah

VP Interdisciplinary Research, professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Raheem Beyah is an expert in the intersection of the networking and security fields.

Energy Grid Security Network Security Cyber-physical systems security Privacy Network Monitoring and Performance

Johnny Nhan

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and Professor · Texas Christian University

Nhan's research focuses primarily on technology and policing - cyber security, police culture and collaborative security networks.

Police Culture Policing Race and Crime Cybercrime White Collar Crime

Iftach (Ian) Amit

VP Consulting · Security & Innovation

Information Security, Hacking and Business

Innovation Hacking Information Security Management Information Security Policy Cyber Security

Demetrice Rogers

Adjunct Professor · Tulane University

Demetrice Rogers is an expert in cybersecurity and information technology.

Cyberattacks Information Assurance Computer Forensics Cybersecurity Information Technology

Jerod Brennen

Founder and Principal Consultant · Brennen Consulting

I help clients protect their businesses by building effective, efficient, forward-thinking cybersecurity programs.

Cyber Security Web Application Security Identity and Access Management Information Security

Richard Hollis

Director · Risk Crew

Cyber Security Risk Management Speaker

AI Cybersecurity Social Engineering HIPPA IoT Security SOC 2