James Dahlman

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

James Dahlman uses molecular biology to rationally design the genetic drugs he delivers.

Vascular and Immunoengineering DNA Barcoded Nanoparticles Drug Delivery CRISPR Gene Editing

Subha Das

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Subha Das has helped developed conditions for click-chemistry for the rapid modification and functionalization of DNA and RNA.

Nanotechnology RNA Biochemistry Organic Synthesis Future of Science Nucleic Acids Chemistry

Deborah Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Bolnick is an expert on genetic ancestry testing and how sociopolitical forces & history shape human genomic diversity.

Native American Genetic Histories Human Biodiversity Genetic Ancestry Testing Anthropology Ancient DNA

Dr Cheryl Allsop

Senior Lecturer in Criminology · University of South Wales

She researches cold cases including unsolved murders, sexual violence and missing people, with interest in police investigation processes.

Unidentified Found Remains Cold Case Reviews Missing Persons No Body Murders

Dr Simon Underdown

Reader in Biological Anthropology in the Human Origins and Paleo-Environments Research Group · Oxford Brookes University

He researches human evolution - examining ancient DNA to reconstruct past human and animal life.

Public Engagement in Science Human Evolution Anthropology Ancient DNA Genetics

Bruce Armitage

Professor and Co-Director · Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Armitage’s current research interests include the use of PNA for sequence-specific recognition of DNA and RNA.

Peptide Nucleic Acids DNA Nanotechnology Bioorganic Chemistry Fluorescent Dyes Molecular Evolution

Jessica Rouge, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry · University of Connecticut

Professor Rouge is an expert in enzyme-mediated assembly of nanomaterials and delivery of DNA and RNA into cells.

SELEX Therapeutic Oligonucleotides Gene Regulation Nanocharacterization

Vera Gorbunova

Doris Johns Cherry Professor Professor of Biology and Co-Director of the Rochester Aging Research Center · University of Rochester

Gorbunova's innovative research on DNA repair and the aging process has been internationally recognized

Lifespan Human Development Longevity Biology of Aging DNA Repair Cancer Resistance

Suzanne Tulien, Brand Consultant, Speaker,Author

Principal &Founder · The Brand Ascension Group

Brand Elevation Enthusiast! I align business + personal brands to walk their talk, from the inside out.

Internal Brand Development Employee Engagement & Development Brand Alignment Brand Advocacy Brand Positioning

Claire Cupples

Dean of Science and Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Faculty of Science · Simon Fraser University

Dr. Cupples has worked as a scientist, faculty member and administrator in three Canadian comprehensive universities since 1989.

Molecular Biology Microbiology DNA Repair University Administration Science Outreach to the Public

David L. Faigman

Chancellor & Dean | John F. Digardi Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: faigmand@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4700 Office 300-200

Constitutional Law Scientific Methods for Lawyers Science Policy Scientific Evidence Peer Review; Expert Testimony

Piyush Jain

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Piyush Jain researches the molecular basis of DNA and ways to improve technologies such as CRISPR and Cas.

CRISPR/Cas systems Nanomaterials Nucleic Acids Gene Editing Bioengineering

Brenton R. Graveley, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, Genetics and Genome Sciences · University of Connecticut

Professor Graveley is an expert in genetics and genomic sciences, with particular focus on RNA biology.

Micro RNAs Genetics and Genomics Genome Sciences RNA Biology

Jean Polfus

Postdoctoral Fellow · University of Manitoba

Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow working on caribou conservation in the NWT using non-invasive methods, traditional knowledge & sciart.

Ecology Ecology - Animal Movement and Space Use Conservation Biology Conservation Genetics Environmental Science

Ginger Grant

Professor (Marketing and Innovation) · Sheridan College

Innovation Management, Leadership Development, Strategy, Corporate Anthropology, Organizational Design, Scenario Planning, Storytelling

Experiential and Archetypal Marketing Scenario Planning Revisioning Retirement Innovation Culture Design Thinking

Lukasz Kurgan, Ph.D.

Robert J. Mattauch Endowed Professor and Vice Chair of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Data scientist specializing in high-throughput structural bioinformatics of proteins & small RNAs.

Structural Bioinformatics Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Protein-ligand(drug) interactions Computer-aided molecular modeling Big Data Analysis

Ellen Clayton

Craig-Weaver Professor of Pediatrics; Professor of Law; Professor of Health Policy · Vanderbilt University

World-renowned medical ethicist working at the intersection of law, medicine and public health, with a focus on genetics.

Gender and the Law Legal and Ethical Issues in Children's and Women's Health Research Ethics Genetics and Health Policy Medical Ethics

Rachel O'Neill, Ph.D.

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Molecular & Cell Biology and Institute for Systems Genomics · University of Connecticut

Dr. O'Neill's research projects use molecular genetic approaches to study centromere function and evolution

Cancer Susceptibility Genomics Genome Stability

Jeremy McCallum

Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Chemistry Oxidation Organic Chemistry Science NMR

Kate Detwiler, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Anthropology · Florida Atlantic University

Kate Detwiler's research focus is on the evolution and conservation of African forest monkeys.

Anthropology Conservation of African Monkeys Molecular Primatology Primate Hybridization Primate Speciation