Susan Mackey-Kallis, PhD

Professor of Communication | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Susan Mackey-Kallis, PhD, is an expert in film analysis and commentary, particularly in regard to pop culture.

Communication Political Rhetoric Gender, Media and Pop Culture American Film

Micki McElya, Ph.D.

Professor of History · University of Connecticut

Professor McElya is an expert in the histories of women, gender, sexuality, and race in the U.S., with a focus on politics and memory.

U.S. Cultural and Political History Women & Gender Sexuality & LGBTQ History Feminist Theory Queer Theory

Elizabeth McRae

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Elizabeth McRae’s teaching and research interests include the intersection of race, gender and politics in America and in the modern South.

American History American South Race and Politics Gender and Politics Modern South

Nancy D. Campbell

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Science and Technology Studies (STS) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on the history of science, technology, and medicine as it relates to drug policy and the social significance of drugs

Opioid Crisis Harm Reduction Opioid Overdose History of Science & Medicine Gender & Addiction

Arezoo Najibzadeh

Women in Politics Advocate · Young Women's Leadership Network (Femmepower)

Arezoo works on addressing the barriers against young women's involvement in grassroots and institutional politics.

Women in Politics Canadian Politics Politics & Public Policy Women's Rights Young Women

Priya Rehal

MA in Communication and Culture, Fan Studies Researcher · Independent

Montreal and Toronto based researcher and educator

Race Race Culture and Ethnicity Race Gender and Class in Organization Processes Race Gender and Sexuality Sexual and Gender Identity

Imogen Coe

Dean, Faculty of Science · Ryerson University

Dr Imogen R. Coe is a scientist who is internationally recognized for her advocacy in promoting equity & diversity in science in Canada

Science Education Women in STEM Membrane Protein Cell Biology Membrane Protein Cell Biochemistry Clinical Research

Romana Mirza

PhD Candidate · Romana B. Mirza

PhD Candidate | Brand Strategist | Scholar | Educator

Brand Strategy Social Media

Leslie Kern

Director, Women's and Gender Studies Program · Mount Allison University

Expert in urban social issues, including gentrification, gender, and inequalities.

Gentrification/Displacement Gender Cities Urban Affairs Enviromental Justice

Bryant Keith Alexander

Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts

Race Gender & Sexuality Communication & Culture Performance & Culture Higher Education Speech Communication

Heidi Hardt

Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine

Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender.

Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy‎‎ International Organizations

Jongwoo Jeremy Kim

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Jongwoo Jeremy Kim is a specialist of modern and contemporary art addressing issues concerning gender, race and sexuality.

Male Bodies Contemporary Art Gender, Race, & Sexuality Modern Art

Dr Emily Christopher

Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Christopher's research has explored the ways in which UK state policy is mediated through workplace policies and cultures.

Gender Divisions and the Relation Between Paid and Unpaid Work Sociologies of the Family, Relationality and Kinship Men and Masculinities Visual Methodologies

Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick

Professor | School of Communication · The Ohio State University

Communications expert, focusing on the politics of media

Media Selection New Media Political Communication Health communication News

Ken Ryalls

President · IDEA

Ken Ryalls is dedicated to the improvement of learning in higher education through research, assessment, and professional development

Higher Education Adult Education Public Speaking Distance Learning Program Development

Ina Ganguli

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ina Ganguli looks at how individuals acquire and use their skills, particularly on science and innovation, immigration and gender issues.

Gender Disparities in Labor Markets International Migration of Students and Scientists Formation of Scientific Collaboration Economics of Science & Innovation Labor Economics

Kasey Windels

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Kasey Windels' research centers on the advertising agency itself, with a specific interest on creativity within the advertising agency.

Gender Identity in Advertising Creative Leadership and Direction Research & Strategy Advertising Campaign Copywriting

Betty Farmer

Professor · Western Carolina University

Betty Farmer's specialty areas include gender communication, crisis communication and communication skills training.

Public Speaking Communication Skills Training Gender Communication Crisis Communication Public Relations

Anita Anantharam

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Anita Anantharam’s research interests include leadership, environment, political economy, and South Asian history.

Women and Leadership Food Women and Business Inclusion Diversity

Sarah Adeyinka-Skold

Assistant Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Race and Ethnicity Gender Family Immigration Sex and Sexualities