William Schmidt

University Distinguished Professor of Education and Statistics · Michigan State University

Professor Schmidt's research focuses on policy issues related to K-12 math education and the effects of curriculum on academic achievement

Opportunity to Learn Mathematics Assessment and Psychometrics International Mathematics Education Studies Statistics Educational Policy

Sutirtha Bagchi, PhD

Associate Professor of Economics | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Sutirtha Bagchi, PhD, is an expert in public finance.

Business Taxicab Medallions Tax Compliance & Tax Evasion Cable Regulation Public Pensions

Gregory DeFreitas

Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy · Hofstra University

Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.

Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development

Matthew Hughey, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

A scholar of racism and racial inequality in identity formation, organizations, media, politics, science, religion, and public advocacy.

Religion Fraternities and Sororities Organizations Whiteness Media

Aaron Kupchik

Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware

Professor Kupchik studies school policing, school punishment, and racial inequality.

Policing and Punishment of Youth in Communities School Discipline and Punishment School Policing School Safety Racial Inequality in Education

Christian Houle

Assistant Professor of Political Science · Michigan State University

An expert on comparative politics of developing countries

Social Mobility Inequality Civil Wars Democracy Regime Change

Brendan Cantwell

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Brendan Cantwell's research interests include the study of higher education organization, governance, & finance in the US & internationally.

Educational Administration Higher Education Comparative Education

Daniel Cornfield

Professor of Sociology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the American labor movement, the creative class, and work and occupation issues generally.

labor & employment Creative Class Unionization Labor Unions Musicians

Sean Mulholland

Professor · Western Carolina University

Sean Mulholland research interests include human capital and economic growth, white supremacist groups and hate crimes.

Drunk Driving Hate Crimes Economic Growth White Supremacist Groups Student Performance

Jayati Ghosh

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jayati Ghosh is one of India's best-known economists and a frequent commentator and writer about a wide range of issues.

Economics and the Developing World Economy of India India Asian Political Economy Gender and Care Work

Virginia Parks

Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy · UC Irvine

Virginia Parks, PhD, is a geographer and urban planner specializing in the study of urban inequality.

Clean Energy Transition Urban Politics and Policy Racial Inequality Employment Local Economic Development

Klaus E. Volpert, PhD

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Klaus E. Volpert, PhD is an expert in mathematics of finance and economics, pricing of financial derivatives, and pedagogy of mathematics.

Mathematics of Income Inequality Mathematics of Finance and Economics Pricing of Financial Derivatives Pedagogy of Mathematics Differential Geometry

Jared Starr

Sustainability Scientist in the College of Natural Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jared Starr's research analyzes how economic inequality shapes the distribution of environmental benefits and harms.

Economic Inequality Environmental Conservation Income Distribution Global Economy

Ganesh Sitaraman

New York Alumni Chancellor's Chair in Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in constitutional law, the regulatory state, economic policy, democracy and foreign affairs.

Public Option Institutional design Regulation Foreign Relations Law Constitutional Law

Lori Wilkinson

Professor of Sociology · University of Manitoba

Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods

Research Methods Race and Ethnic Relations Settlement Integration Youth and School-To-Work Transitions

Patrick Flavin, Ph.D.

Bob Bullock Professor of Political Science, Interim Chair of Political Science · Baylor University

Dr. Flavin focuses on political inequality, the impact of politics and public policies on citizens’ quality of life, and state politics.

Politics Inequality State Politics Teachers' Unions and Politics Quality of Life

Felicia Pratto, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychological Sciences · University of Connecticut

Psychology expert, specializing in race and sex discrimination and intergroup dynamics

Terrorism and counter-terrorism Xenophobia Prejudice, tace- and sex- discrimination in hiring Homophobia Violations of International Humanitarian Law in war-time

Donald Tomaskovic-Devey

Professor of Sociology and Executive Director of Center for Employment Equity · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Donald Tomaskovic-Devey is an expert in understanding the processes that generate workplace inequality.

Employment Equity Labor Markets Income Distributions Economic Sociology Organizations and Inequality

Richard Arum

Professor of Education and Sociology · UC Irvine

Richard Arum's research is focused on education, social stratification and formal organizations.

Social Stratification Legal and Institutional Environments of Schools Digital Education

Arindrajit Dube

Provost Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Arin Dube’s research focuses on labor economics, fiscal policy, minimum wage policies, income inequality and the economics of conflict.

Unemployment Benefits Public Finance Labor Economics Fiscal Policy Minimum Wage Policies