Molly Jacobs
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Molly Jacobs conducts research on health outcomes, healthcare utilization, and treatment/intervention efficacy.
Data Analytics Econometrics Health Economics Multilevel Analysis Cost Effectiveness
Narayana Kocherlakota
Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics · University of Rochester
Professor Kocherlakota's research includes theoretical and empirical contributions to many fields in economics
Central Banks U.S. Federal Reserve Dynamic Games/Contracts Financial Economics Economics of Money and Payments
Laura Hernandez, J.D.
Professor of Law / Chair, Baylor Law School's Diversity Committee · Baylor University
Expert litigator, focusing on immigration law, insurance law, Civil Rights Actions, and separation of Church and State
Immigration Law Insurance Law Civil Rights Actions Separation of Church and State DACA
Allison Alford, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate Professor of Business Communication · Baylor University
Communications expert and author who studies the roles of daughters and mothers in the family structure
Daughtering Mother-Daughter Relationships Roles of Daughters Roles of Mothers Conflict Resolution
Bob Hoell
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Bob Hoell is an expert in labor relations and human capital management.
Labor Relations Human Capital Management Human Resource Information Systems
Jonathan Corpus Ong
Professor of Communication and Director of Global Technology for Social Justice Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jonathan Corpus Ong's research areas are global media ethics, digital politics and the anthropology of humanitarianism.
Elections in the Philippines Media Ethics Global Media Studies Critical Disinformation Studies Sociology of Activist Organizations
John Peiserich, Esq.
Executive Vice President | Environmental, Health & Safety Practice Lead · J.S. Held LLC
Environmental Risk & Compliance Expert | Independent Monitor - EPA Suspension & Debarment Program | Public Policy Advisor
Environmental Risk & Compliance Oil & Gas Products Liability & Mass Torts Toxic Torts Natural Resources
Kenneth Rosenman
Professor and Medicine Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine · Michigan State University
Kenneth Rosenman is an expert on preventing and treating medical conditions caused by exposure to chemicals, lead, asbestos and silica
Coronavirus Work-related Asthma Occupational Environmental Disease Pulmonary Disease COVID-19
Marie-Line Germain
Professor of Human Resources and Leadership · Western Carolina University
Marie-Line Germain specializes in psychosocial risks, mental health in the workplace and personality disorders of corporate leaders.
Consulting Leadership Human Resource Development Organizational Behavior Psychosocial Risks
Simon Medcalfe, PhD
Professor · Augusta University
Dr. Simon Medcalfe is an economist with an emphasis on sports economics, social determinants of health, and the local economy.
Community and Economic Development Social Determinants of Health Sports Economics
Veena Dubal
Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: / 415-565-4860 / Office 364-200
Critical Race Theory Sociology of Social Movements Legal Anthropology Work Law Law and Social Change
Miriam Liss
Professor of Psychology · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Liss is internationally known expert on parenting and work-family balance issues.
Mindfulness Work-Life Balance Feminism Parenting Social Media
Peter Berg
Professor · Michigan State University
International expert on Collective Bargaining and the Aging Workforce
Work-Family Flexibility Policy Domestic and International Labor Policy Collective Bargaining Aging Workforce
Cheryl Tatano Beck, D.N.Sc.
Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut
Cheryl Tatano Beck is a distinguished professor in School of Nursing whose research focuses on postpartum depression and traumatic birth
Birth Trauma Ptsd Postpartum Depression Traumatic Childbirth Qualitative Research
Rick Eckstein, PhD
Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Rick Eckstein, PhD, is an expert on sports and society, intercollegiate spending, stadium financing and labor and unions.
Title IX College Athletics Reform Sociology of Sport Stadium Financing Labor and Unions
Ina Ganguli
Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Ina Ganguli looks at how individuals acquire and use their skills, particularly on science and innovation, immigration and gender issues.
Gender Disparities in Labor Markets International Migration of Students and Scientists Formation of Scientific Collaboration Economics of Science & Innovation Labor Economics
Robert McCann
Professor · University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics
Professor McCann's research focuses on optimal transportation and its applications within and outside mathematics.
Mathematical Physics Mathematical Economics Convex Analysis Geometry Optimization
Sheng Lu
Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Lu's research focuses on the economic and business aspects of the global textile and apparel industry.
Textile and Apparel Industries International Trade Sustainability Issues Trade Policy Fashion and Apparel
Jack Schneider
Dwight W. Allen Distinguished Professor of Education and Director of Beyond Test Scores Project · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Jack Schneider studies what is effective and important in education with a particular interest in looking beyond standardized test scores.
Educational Assessment Standardized Tests Standardized Testing Measuring School Quality
Angela Hall
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Angela Hall's research interests include employee accountability and employee legal claiming.
Relationships Between Accountability and Job Performance, Satisfaction, and Tension Leader Reputation, Leadership, and Training and Development Employee Legal Claiming