Owen Jones

Glenn M. Weaver, M.D. and Mary Ellen Weaver Chair in Law, Brain, and Behavior · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the intersection of law and behavioral biology.

Contracts Law and Neuroscience Law and Behavioral Sciences Law and Behavioral Biology Evolutionary Analysis in Law

Joel Lessem

CEO and Co-Founder · Firmex Inc.

This CEO has a firm grasp on data storage solutions that assist businesses and organizations in improving productivity

Cloud Computing and Data Storage Entreprenuership Start-Ups Social Enterprise Sales Presentations

Manuel N. Ponce, Jr.

Clinical Associate Professor & Director, Institute for School Leadership and Administration (ISLA) · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration

Urban School Reform Communities of Practice K-12 School Leadership and Administration Systems Thinking Charter and Traditional Public School Collaboration

Caitlin Barry, JD

Professor of Law; Director, Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic; Co-Director, Community Interpreter Internship Program | Charles Widger School of Law · Villanova University

Caitlin Barry, JD, is an expert in immigration law and enforcement, farmworker rights and advocacy for working conditions in the food chain.

Food Justice Farmworkers Immigration Ice Immigration Enforcement

Rebecca Campbell

Professor of Psycology · Michigan State University

An expert in sexual assault research and violence against women.

Trauma and Violence Violence Against Women Sexual Abuse Survivors Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Violence against Children

Paul Labarge

Board Chair, CATAAlliance // Founding Partner · LaBarge Weinstein LLP

Paul C. LaBarge, C.M. is a founding partner of LaBarge Weinstein LLP, a corporate law boutique nestled in the nation’s capital since 1997.

IPOs Trade Mergers and Acquisitions Taxation Financing

Walter Hawthorne

Professor and chairperson of MSU’s Department of History · Michigan State University

Expert in African history, history of slavery and slave trade

The Slave Trade Brazil Upper Guinea Atlantic The History of Slavery

Kathryn Kadous

Schaefer Chaired Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Kadous's research focuses on using psychology to improve investor and auditor decision making.

Auditor Judgment Investor Judgment Audits of Financial Statements Financial Reporting Cognitive Processing and Complex Judgments

Cyndy Caravelis

Professor · Western Carolina University

Cyndy Caravelis's research interests include the relationship between social threat and social control, and minorities and crime.

Minorities and Crime Social Justice Criminology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Policy

C. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP

Head and Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice · University of Connecticut

Dr. White’s research interests are in drug, dietary supplement, and illicit drug safety, quality, and cost

Diet CBD Drug Costs Dietary Supplements Cardiovascular Drugs

Jeanniey Mullen

Global EVP, CMO · Zinio LLC: Digital Publishing Innovation

Global EVP/CMO at Zinio

American Sign Language Email Marketing Direct Marketing Mobile Marketing Brand Building

Scott Dodson

Associate Dean for Research & Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: dodsons@uchastings.edu / 925-285-1445 / Room 356

Civil Procedure Federal Courts Comparative Civil Procedure Class Actions

Bob Ramsay

President · Ramsay Inc

Helping clients think differently about what they want to show and tell the world.

Marketing Communications Corporate Communications Brand Development Social Media Marketing Integrated Marketing

Jay Samit

CEO · SocialVibe

Top Industry expert on how Brands can leverage Social Media

Social Media Roi Engaging the Consumer Secrets of Successful Brands in Social Media

Joseph E. Trainor

Interim Dean and Professor, Biden School of Public Policy & Administration · University of Delaware

Can discuss behavioral responses to disasters, including household risk management and decision making about warnings and evacuation orders.

Public and organizational behavior in disasters Disaster Mitigation Smart Warning Systems Mobile Warning Systems Disaster Warning Systems

Howard Oliver

Forensic Pathologist

Howard Oliver is an experienced Forensic Pathologist.

Forensic Pathology medical examination Pathology

Kathleen Kim

Professor of Law · Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University

LMU Loyola Law School

Immigration Law Human Trafficking

Sameer Hinduja, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Sameer Hinduja is recognized internationally for his work on the subjects of cyberbullying, safe social media use, and youth well-being.

Safe Social Media Use Cyberbullying

Jesse Rhodes

Professor of Political Science and Co-Director of the UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jesse Rhodes is a leading expert in social policy, voting rights, inequality, and political behavior.

Polls Political Polling Voting Rights American Politics Civil Rights

Ana Santos Rutschman, SJD, LLM

Professor of Law · Villanova University

Professor Rutschman, SJD, LLM researches topics in health law, biotech, innovation policy, patent law, and law and technology.

Drug Prices Intellectual Property/Patent Innovation Policy Health/Bio 3D Printing Health AI