Nora Rubel
Jane and Alan Batkin Professor of Jewish Studies · University of Rochester
Rubel is an expert in Jewish studies, as well as Jewish food and holidays
Jewish Cuisine American Religions, Race and Ethnicity Jewish Holidays Jewish American Immigration Judaism
James Costa
Professor and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station · Western Carolina University
Jim Costa's interests include insect behavior and ecology, environmental history and philosophy, and the history of science.
Charles Darwin Conservation Ecology Insect Behavior Evolutionary Biology
Mae Hoover
Founder · Foundation for Publication
"Laffologist" making people laugh because laughter relieves stress.
Laughter Does Good Like Medicine Should Overcome Fear of Writing Guiding Writers From Idea to Published Book
Nefertiti Walker
Professor of Sport Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nefertiti Walker's research centers on sports culture and developing diverse and inclusive cultures in sports and other organizations.
Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in Intercollegiate Sports Gender in organizations Gender in sport Organizational Diversity and inclusion Sexism in Sports
Garrett Strosser
Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in empirical social psychology research on topics such as morality, political psychology, and cultural psychology.
Morality and Values Stigma Against Mentally Ill Statistics in Psychology Social Norms Political Psychology
Suki John
Professor · Texas Christian University
Suki John is an expert in diversity, social justice, classical modern dance, dance history and art activism.
Feminism and the Arts Diversity Cuban Culture Cuban Modern Dance Dance History
Daneka Souberbielle
VP of Community Outreach & Engagement · Southern Utah University
Specializing in community outreach strategies, diversity education, and student affairs
Diversity & Inclusion in Higher Education Diversity Education & Curriculum Organizational Development Student Affairs Leadership Team & Leadership Development
Dr. Randy McIntosh
Vice-President of Research ; Director, Rotman Research Institute · Baycrest
A world-renowned expert in the use of neuro-imaging methods (fMRI, PET, EEG and MEG) and computational modeling.
Neuroscience Computational Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience Brain Imaging Brain Modeling
Erica Slotter, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Erica Slotter, PhD, is an expert in social psychology and romantic relationships.
Romantic Relationships Social Psychology Relationships
Hillel Glazer
Principal & CEO · Entinex, Inc.
Peronable, passionate, experienced consultant to high performance operations wanting lean & agile in their compliance-driven world.
Lean and Agile Performance Improvement Compliance Culture Operations
Linda Copel, PhD
Professor | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University
Dr. Copel, PhD, RN, CNS, BC, CNE, NCC, FAPA has extensive experience providing counseling in situations of familial and domestic violence.
Loneliness Bereavement Partner Abuse Mental Health Family Dynamics
Laura Briggs
Professor of Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Laura Briggs is an expert on U.S. and international reproductive politics, child welfare policy and transnational and transracial adoption.
Transnational Adoption Reproduction Politics Adoption Child Separation
Stephane Gaskin PhD, ACC, PPCC
Coaching, Speaking and Workshops · CoachingSG
Professor: Dawson College and Concordia University; Personal, Professional Coaching.
Research Teaching Public Speaking Life Coach
David Berri
Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University
Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports
Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA
James Kilgore, Ph.D.
Author · Marriage and Family Publishing
Financial Planning Event Management Leadership Development Couples Family Therapy
Jamie Greene
An Unconventional Coach · Off The Couch Consulting, Inc.
President & CEO at Off The Couch Consulting, Inc.
Negotiation Change Management Executive Coaching
Amid Yousef
Founder · LEDSIGNZ
We don't need their oil anymore, I bring you HOPE and good news!
Disaster Communication CNG Gas Petrol Oil
Karen Stabile, Life Coach, LLC
Life Coach/Image Consultant · Karen Stabile, Life Coach, LLC
Leadership Development Coach/Image Consultant who specializes in sharing the joys of becoming a people loving company!
Personal Development Emotional & Social Intelligence Development Freedom Through Personality Assessment
Antonia Darder
Professor Emeritus · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Latino Education Social Justice Language Rights
Michelle Richmond
Founder · The Book Doctor
Bestselling Author, Publisher, and Corporate Writing Retreat Leader
Writing Publishing Creativity Books