Dr Raj Badhan
Lecturer in Pharmacokinetics · Aston University
Dr Badhan's interest is in applying clinical pharmacokinetics to challenging pre-clinical scenarios and clinical patient groups scenarios.
Pharmacokinetics Population Pharmacokinetics Modelling Mental Health Paediatrics
Arni Rao, PhD
Director and Professor · Augusta University
Director of the Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling and professor at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.
Artifical Intelligence Infectious Disease Mathematical Analyses Complex Dynamics,
Professor Ed Galea
Director of the Fire Safety Engineering Group · University of Greenwich
His research and software tools inform disaster management and crowd safety, and the design of safe buildings, aircraft and ships, globally
Fire and Evacuation Evacuation Computational Fire Engineering Fire Safety Civil Defence
Dr Jim Parker
Reader · Leeds Beckett
Jim Parker specialises in building energy modelling and the urban environment.
Sustainable Architecture Urban Heat Islands Urban Green Space Air Quality Urban Environments
Dr Haris Alexakis
Lecturer, Civil Engineering · Aston University
Dr Alexakis conducts research on smart/digital infrastructure for sustainable civil engineering systems.
Ageing Infrastructure Smart Bridges Structural Health Monitoring Structural Analysis of Masonry/Historic Structures Signal Processing and Data Analytics
Ray Toal
Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Computer Science Programming Languages Compilers and Interpreters Software Architecture Database Systems
Wendy Binder
Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Carnivore Feeding Biology Organismal Biology Behavioural Ecology
Gennady Miloshevsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Miloshevsky researches computational physics with emphasis on effects of plasma, laser and particle beams on materials.
Materials Under Extreme Conditions Radiation- and Plasma-Material Interactions Physics of High Energy Densities Atomic, Molecular and Plasma Physics Dusty Plasmas
Aniko Ekárt
Professor of Computer Science · Aston University
Dr Ekárt researches artificial intelligence techniques.
Artificial Intelligence Techniques Evolutionary Computation Genetic Programming Neuroevolution
Thomas Powers
Associate Professor, Philosophy · University of Delaware
Prof. Powers specializes in ethics in information technology (including AI), ethics in science and engineering and research ethics.
Scientific Ethics Biomedical Ethics Environmental Ethics Research Ethics Computer Ethics
Iglika Ivanova
Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - BC Office
Iglika Ivanova is Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher at the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
Poverty Labour Economics Income Distribution Income Inequality Living Wage Policies
Dr Lola Canamero
Reader in Adaptive Systems and Head of the Embodied Emotion Cognition and (inter-) action Lab · University of Hertfordshire
Lola’s work explores the emotions between humans and robots, particularly when robots are used to provide therapy or learning opportunities.
Human-Robot Interaction Artificial Intelligence Robots Robots as Therapy
Douglas Johnson
Managing Director · Cranganore Inc
Investment Banker and Portfolio Strategist
Emerging Markets Islamic Finance Behavioral Finance Venture Capital Cryptocurrencies
Bruno Basso
John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Bruno Basso's research deals mainly with water, carbon, nitrogen cycling & modeling in agro-ecosystems.
Sustainabile Intensification Nitrogren Water Carbon Agro-Ecosystems
Leon Davies
Professor of Optometry & Physiological Optics · Aston University
Professor Davies's research is focused on presbyopia and the restoration of ocular accommodation to the ageing eye.
Visual Function Following Stroke Ophthalmic Instrumentation Intraocular Lens (IOL) Technology Presbyopia Ocular Accommodation
Dr Martin Fletcher
Senior Research Fellow · Leeds Beckett
Martin Fletcher has expertise in building performance evaluation.
Building Performance Renewable Energy
Patricia Thornley
Director of EBRI, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute · Aston University
Patricia Thornley works in assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of renewable energy technologies.
Chemistry Supergen Project Climate Change Bioenergy Environmental Sciences
Professor Nashwan Dawood
Professor of Digital Construction · Teesside University
His expertise is sustainable infrastructure & in modelling ways to ensure carbon reduction in construction, housing & engineering projects.
Energy Efficient Buildings Infrastructure Design Carbon Reduction Sustainable Construction Engineering
Dr Jo Barnes
Senior Research Fellow in Air Quality · UWE Bristol
Her research is in policy, management and behaviour change related to improving air quality.
Low Emissions Smog Air Quality Pollution Traffic Pollution
Charlie Messina
Professor · University of Florida
Charlie Messina has expertise about crop modeling and plant breeding.
Climate Change Artificial Intelligence Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Plant Breeding Maize