Richard A. Wilson, Ph.D.

Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Wilson is an expert on hate speech and incitement on social media.

Human Rights Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Anthropology Human rights trials International Human Rights

Elan Barenholtz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Elan Barenholtz uses behavioral and embedded computational approaches to study the brain and behavior.

Embedded Computational Neural Models Perception and Learning Deep Learning

Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Founding Editor and Writer · Ms. Magazine

Writer, lecturer, social justice activist, and the author of ten books—nine non-fiction works and one novel.

Illness Friendship Cancer Aging Jewish Interest

Heidi Hardt

Associate Professor of Political Science · UC Irvine

Hardt is an expert on NATO, international organizations, defense, security, military ops and gender.

Defense Organizational Change Military Operations US Foreign Policy‎‎ International Organizations

Jason Davidson

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Davidson is a specialist in American Foreign and Security Policy, and International Security.

American Foreign Policy American Security Policy International Security British, French and Italian Foreign Policy

Jeremy Everett, D.Min.

Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University

National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration

Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy

Heidi Tworek

Assistant Professor of History · University of British Columbia

Professor Tworek's current research focuses on communications, international organizations, history, and transatlantic relations.

News and Media International Relations International Organizations Legal History Germany and Europe

Imani Evans

Executive Director · Women Healing Women, Inc.

Executive Director/CEO of Women Healing Women, Inc. - Women's Empowerment Leader

Women Non-Profit Leadership Violence Against Women

Kevan Jacobson

Department Chair/Associate Professor, Criminal Justice · Southern Utah University

Specializing in the principles of criminal responsibility and the constitutional system, law of armed conflict, and military justice

National Security Law Process of Public Policymaking Terroristic Violence as a Political Tool Rights of the Accused Principles of Criminal Responsibility

Shauna Marshall

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8922 / Office 603A-200

Race, Racism and American Law Public Interest Lawyering Rebellious Lawyering

Peter Christensen

Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Art History · University of Rochester

Peter Christensen's specialization is modern architectural and environmental history of Germany, Central Europe and the Middle East.

Architectural design theory and history Critical Digital Humanities Historicism 19th Century Architectural History 20th Century Architectural History

Ogun Holder

Ordained Minister · Unity For All

Maximizing the Human Spirit

Larry V. Smith

Lecturer/Mediator/Trainer · Josephson Institute of Ethics and Agape Mediations and Ethics

Lecturer - Ethics Trainer - Mediator - Arbitrator

Mediation Ethics in Law Enforcement

Professor Hazel Barrett

Professor in Development Geography · Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR), Coventry University

Professor Hazel Barrett is a leading researcher and campaigner on the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Human Rights Refugees Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Africa Social Justice

David Maginley

Spiritual Care Practitioner · Nova Scotia Health Authority

Spiritual counsellor, four-time cancer survivor, near death experiencer, public speaker and author

Near-Death Experiences Cancer Care Psychosocial Oncology Spiritual Care Palliative Care

Robert Talisse

W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy; Chair of the Philosophy Department · Vanderbilt University

Expert in contemporary political philosophy, with a focus in democratic theory and political epistemology.

Political Philosophy Philosophy Political Allegiances in Society Pragmatism Contemporary Political Philosophy

Heather Vrana

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Heather Vrana's research explores student and social movements, Central America, disability and history of medicine and nationalisms.

Youth and Childhood Social and Student Movements Latin American Studies Disability

Michael A. Genovese

Professor of Political Science and International Relations, President of Global Policy Institute at LMU, Loyola Chair of Leadership Studies, Director of Institute for Leadership Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

American Politics The American Presidency Law and Presidential Power British Politics

Cato Laurencin, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer, Connecticut Convergence Institute · UConn Health

Dr. Laurencin is a world renowned engineer, physician and scientist who is known for pioneering the field of Regenerative Engineering.

Stem Cell Science and Technology Nanotechnology Polymeric Materials Science Tissue Engineering Regenerative Engineering

Ken Keen

Associate Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management; Associate Dean for Leadership; Lieutenant General, USA (Retired) · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Leadership Special Forces Leader Development Crisis Relief