George Bisharat

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4721 / Office 603F-200

Criminal Procedure Islamic Law Law and Social Anthropology Criminal Practice Law in Middle East Societies

Haroon Ullah

Policy Planning Staff · U.S. Department of State

A scholar, diplomat and author of widely acclaimed Bargain From The Bazaar and Vying for Allah's Vote. Visit

Public Policy Pakistan Diplomacy International Relations Foreign Policy

Ray A. Blackwell, M.D., M.J.

Chief of Cardiac Surgery · ChristianaCare

Ray Blackwell is Chief of Cardiac Surgery and is also the W. Samuel Carpenter, III, Distinguished Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery.

Adult Cardiac Surgery Surgical Resynchronization Therapy ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) Cardiac Surgery Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)

Christina Myers

Assistant Professor of Journalism · Michigan State University

Christina Myers's research examines narratives of the Black experience in mass media, with a focus on music, sports and news.

Race and Media‎ Critical Race Theory Mass Communication

Francis Galgano, PhD

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Francis A. Galgano, PhD, specializes in coastal geography and military geography.

Piracy Environmental security Environmental Change Geophysical Processes Military Geography

Professor Viren Swami

Professor of Social Psychology · Anglia Ruskin University

His research focuses on the psychology of body image, human appearance, and attraction in relationships.

Impact of Nature on Healthy Living Tattoos Body Image Psychology of Attraction Relationships

Christopher Babson

Founder/CEO · Peak Performance Leadership

Acclaimed Expert in Leadership, Motivation, Engagement and Peak Performance. Stories and Tools to Inspire, Enrich and Empower Your Team.

Leadership Development Peak Performance & Personal Development Motivation and Empowerment Attitude Change Charisma & Presence

Brenda Spotton Visano

University Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies · York University

Spotton Visano engages a variety of research methods to examine ways to improve access to basic financial services for low income Canadians.

Financial Literacy Economic Literacy Social Justice Financial Education Community Outreach

Deborah Cullinan

Chief Executive Officer · YBCA

Deborah is a leading advocate on the pivotal role artists & cultural organizations play in shaping our social & political landscape.

Nonprofit Management Civic Engagement COVID Recovery Unemployment Philanthropy

Rachel Décoste

Motivational Speaker, Immigration Policy and Political Pundit · Independent

Rachel Décoste is a media critic, educator, and public speaker who has been involved in community activism since her youth.

Community Organizing and Engagement Political Activism Political Consulting Immigration Race and Racism

Kelly Shannon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Executive Director, Center for Peace, Justice, & Human Rights (PJHR) · Florida Atlantic University

Kelly Shannon, Ph.D., specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations with the Islamic world and women's human rights.

Diplomatic History Women's Rights Modern Islamic World 20th Century U.S. U.S. Foreign Relations

David Redlawsk

Professor and Chair, Political Science Political Science and International Relations · University of Delaware

Prof. Redlawsk is a political psychologist with expertise in campaigns, voter behavior, decision making, and emotion.

Political Campaigns Decision Making Survey Research Politics Voter Beavior and Attitudes

General Rick Hillier

General R.J Hillier (Retired) · Canadian Forces

I was wowed by General Hillier presentation on leadership. His message hit home like a cannon ball.

Peacekeeping Leadership Teamwork Public Policy Military

Elizabeth Dorrance Hall

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Elizabeth Dorrance Hall has applied and extended interpersonal and family communication theories to explore difficult conversations.

Interpersonal Communication Family Communication Organizational Communication

Robert Darden, M.A.

Professor, Journalism, Public Relations and New Media · Baylor University

Darden is a professor in the department of journalism, PR & new media. He directs Baylor's Black Gospel Music Restoration Project.

African-American Gospel Music Civil Rights Movement Music on B Sides of Gospel Recordings African American Museum in D.C. Black Gospel Music Restoration Project Journalism

Charli Carpenter

Professor of Political Science and Director of Human Security Lab · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Charli Carpenter's teaching and research interests include the protection of civilians, laws of war and humanitarian affairs.

International Relations World Politics Children Born of War Global Issue Networks Laws of War

Vasudha Narayanan

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Vasudha Narayanan's fields of interest are the Hindu traditions in India, Cambodia and America.

Hindus and Hindu Culture in India Hinduism Hindu Culture in America Hindu Culture in Cambodia Hinduism and the Environment

Treena Wynes

Wellness Warrior · Food4Thought

Wellness Warrior, Counsellor & Author

Eating Disorders Self-Esteem Stress Management Mental Health Health and Wellness

Stephanie Bangarth

Associate Professor, Department of History · King's University College, University of Western Ontario

Activist Academic. Dedicated Volunteer. Avid Outdoorswoman.

Human Rights Immigration Asian Immigration Immigration Policy Social Movements

Jane Caputi, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Jane Caputi, Ph.D., is an expert in contemporary American cultural studies, including popular culture, gender and violence, and ecofeminism.

Feminism Gender and Violence Contemporary American Cultural Studies Popular Culture Ecofeminism