Robin R. Wang

Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Chinese Philosophy Comparative Philosophy Ethics

Amanda L. (Glaze) Townley

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Amanda Townley's research centers on the intersections of science and society, specifically the acceptance and rejection of evolution.

Pre-Service Teacher Education Intersections of Science and Society Worldview Theory Evolution Education Conceptual Change

Najwa al-Qattan

Professor Emeritus of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

The Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Muslim Court Jews and Christians under Islam The First World War

Daxton “Chip” Stewart

Professor and Assistant Provost for Research Compliance · Texas Christian University

Dr. Stewart’s areas of expertise include media law and communication technology.

Media Law Communication Technology First Amendment Freedom of Information Public Records Law

Jacqueline Murray

3M National Teaching Fellow / Professor of History · University of Guelph

Expert in the history of contemporary sex and gender. An award winning professor and expert on how to improve teaching and student success.

Medieval and Early Modern History Women and Gender Studies Pedagogy in Higher Education Student Learning Outcomes

Landon Frim, Ph.D.

Expert in politics, philosophy, ethics, and religion · Florida Gulf Coast University

Antisemitism Catholicism Islam Middle East Philosophy

John Hayes, PhD

Associate Professor of History · Augusta University

Dr. Hayes is an expert in the history of the US South, with special focus on memory and commemoration, race and civil rights, and religion.

U.S. South Memory and Commemoration Race and Civil Rights Religion

David Lunt

Department Chair, Associate Professor of History · Southern Utah University

History expert, specializing in ancient Greece, ancient Greek athletics, and the history of the olympic games

Classical Studies Ancient Greece History History of the Olympic Games Sports History

Nicholas Canfield Read Brown

Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Bioethics - Minor · Loyola Marymount University

The Bioethics Institute Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Massimo Faggioli, PhD

Professor of Theology and Religious Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Massimo Faggioli, PhD, is an expert on the history and administrative inner workings of the Catholic Church and of the papacy.

Pope Francis Religion Catholicism and World/European Politics Historical Theology and Ecclesiology American Catholicism

Nirinjan Kaur Khalsa-Baker

Senior Instructor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Sikh Studies Yoga Studies Jain Studies Indian Philosophy Cultural Studies

Douglas Johnson

Managing Director · Cranganore Inc

Investment Banker and Portfolio Strategist

Emerging Markets Islamic Finance Behavioral Finance Venture Capital Cryptocurrencies

Becky Bloom

Assistant Director of Curatorial Affairs · Southern Utah University

Specializing in Art History, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist material culture, and issues surrounding the intersection of religion and museums.

Tibetan Buddhism Modern & Classic Tibetan History of Art Non-Western Art Museum Curation

Prem Kamble

IT and Management Consultant · IT & Management Consultant (Independent)

Expert in Behavioral IT®, a unique multi-disciplinary strategy to cut Cost, Time & Risk of ERP/IT. Other Skills: Knowing Your Inner Self

It Management Psychology Objective Look At God and Religion It-Driven Change Management Behavioral It(Tm)

Edward Timke

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Edward (Ed) Timke is a disabled scholar and activist focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in advertising.

Communication Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cultural Anthropology

Simon DeDeo

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Simon DeDeo conducts empirical investigations, and builds mathematical theories, of both historical and contemporary phenomena.

Theoretical Physics Social and Decision Sciences Artificial Intelligence Astrophysics Applied Mathematics

Ben Radcliffe

Senior Lecturer of Classics and Archaeology · Loyola Marymount University

Ben Radcliffe studies Ancient Greek literature, focusing on Homeric studies, critical theory, and aesthetics.


Maury Nation

Associate Professor, Core Faculty, Human Development Counseling · Vanderbilt University

An expert in restorative justice, suspensions, equity for students of color and restorative discipline practices.

Public School Systems Race Bullying and School-Age Children Neighborhood Characteristics and Mental Health Community & School-based Prevention Research

Eric Haruki Swanson

Assistant Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Esoteric/Tantric Buddhism Japanese Literature Religions of Japan East Asian Buddhism

Katherine Stewart

Author and Journalist · The Good News Club

Seasoned speaker with expertise in religion, policy, education, and politics.

Anti-Lgbt Bullying Subverting the Teaching of Science and Evolution Controversies Over Sex Education Religion and Student Athletics Peer Evangelism Initiatives