Joshua Grill

Director of the Institute for Memory Impairments and Nerological Disorders at UCI · UC Irvine

Joshua Grill directs a major Alzheimer's disease research institute helps lead the national strategy for AD clinical trial recruitment.

Neuroscience Clinical Trials Alzheimer’s Disease Neurodegenerative disorders Recruitment and Retention

Jase Bernhardt

Associate Professor of Geology, Environment, and Sustainability · Hofstra University

Dr. Bernhardt has had a lifelong passion for studying weather and climate. His current research focuses hurricane preparedness.

Rip Tide safety Hurricanes Climatology Climate Change Weather

Professor Rachel Julian

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Professor Rachel Julian is an internationally recognised researcher working on Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping/Protection.

Security Peace Feminism Community Culture

Abigail Larson

Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in bioenergetics and sports nutrition, advanced exercise prescription, and cardiovascular disease

Sport Rock Climbing Bioactivity Bioenergetics and Sports Nutrition Advanced Exercise Prescription Sports Conditioning

Rayid Ghani

Distinguished Career Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Rayid Ghani is a reformed computer scientist who wants to increase the use of large-scale Machine Learning in solving large public policy.

Predictive Analytics Machine Learning Ethics Public Policy Information Systems

David Primo

Ani and Mark Gabrellian Professor, Professor of Political Science and Business Administration · University of Rochester

An expert in American politics; campaign finance; corporate political strategy, social responsibility & fiscal policy; & airline industry.

Airline Industry Airline Business Election Law Federal Tax Policy Political Gridlock

Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor, Environmental Science and Public Health; Director of Environmental Health Science · Baylor University

Interdisciplinary expert researcher and author on water quality, environmental health and sustainability issues in rapidly urbanizing areas.

Contaminants of Emerging Concern Harmful Algal Blooms Urbanization Sustainability Issues Environmental Contaminants

Emily Hunter, Ph.D.

Professor; Department Chair of Management, Hankamer School of Business · Baylor University

Negotiation and conflict management expert, revolutionizing the fundamentals of workplace psychology

Negotiation and conflict management Work-Family Issues Stress Work-family conflict and balance Workplace Deviance

Danilo Yanich

Professor, Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware

Prof. Yanich's research centers on the media and its intersection with citizenship, public policy and crime, as well as media ownership.

Media Media Ownership Media, Citizenship and Public Policy Policy Analysis Urban Society

Rebecca Campbell

Professor of Psycology · Michigan State University

An expert in sexual assault research and violence against women.

Trauma and Violence Violence Against Women Sexual Abuse Survivors Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Violence against Children

Lauren Herckis

Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Lauren Herckis' field research applies anthropological and archaeological methods and theory to analyze human engagement with the world.

Human-Computer Interaction Implementation Science Future of Education Anthropology Digital Archaeology

Saleem Alhabash

Assistant Professor of Public Relations · Michigan State University

Expert in social and new media

Advertising and Public Relations Media and Information Social Media Journalism Editing

Ken Ryalls

President · IDEA

Ken Ryalls is dedicated to the improvement of learning in higher education through research, assessment, and professional development

Higher Education Adult Education Public Speaking Distance Learning Program Development

Melanie Gainey

STEM Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Melanie Gainey is a trained neuroscientist and spent over 10 years studying the plasticity of neural circuits in sensory cortex.

Bioinformatics Library & Information Science Neuroscience Open Science Biology

Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ph.D.

Professor, University of Connecticut; Senior Research Fellow, US Census Bureau · University of Connecticut

Extensive research consulting experience with Fortune 100 and US govt on “Big Data” driven decision making in IT and operations.

Energy INformatics Operations Research Information Systems Economics Machine Learning Big Data

Marlene Neill, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Journalism, Public Relations and New Media, Graduate Program Director · Baylor University

Professor Neill's research interests include internal communication, public relations management and ethics

Internal / Employee Communication Integrated Communication Advertising Management Public Relations Management Public Relations Ethics

Dr Anne-Marie Greenslade

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

Dr Anne-Marie Greenslade is a Senior Lecturer with a background as a frontline practitioner in both the voluntary and public sectors.

UK Constitutional Law Human Rights Modern Slavery Human Trafficking Gender-Based Violence

Jennifer Doherty

Assistant Professor of Biology and Physiology/Ecology Education · Michigan State University

Jennifer Doherty is a physiology education researcher who investigates how students develop principle-based mechanistic reasoning.

Biology Education

Bryan Koenig

Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in social and evolutionary psychology

Social Relationships Statistics Social Psychology Research Methods Moral Psychology

Nancy D. Campbell

Professor and Graduate Program Director, Science and Technology Studies (STS) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on the history of science, technology, and medicine as it relates to drug policy and the social significance of drugs

Opioid Crisis Harm Reduction Opioid Overdose History of Science & Medicine Gender & Addiction