David Wettergreen

Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

David Wettergreen is well known for deploying robots in locations that compel scientific investigation without human presence.

Human-Robot Interaction Underwater Robotics Space Robots and Systems Robotics for Scientific Discovery AI Reasoning for Robotics

Sara Seager

Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering · Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist, and is an expert in theory, computation, and data analysis of exoplanets.

Exoplanet Habitable Zones Exoplanet Atmospheres Exoplanet Interior Composition

Michael A. Posner, PhD

Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics · College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | Villanova University

Michael Posner, PhD, PStat®, is an expert on statistical analysis for medical and health care data, including Medicare overpayment.

Data Science Statistics Education Methods Observational Studies Biostatistics Statistics

Abe Usher

Chief Innovation Officer · HumanGeo Group

Chief Technology Officer at HumanGeo Group

Hadoop Social Network Analysis Big Data Data Science Data Analysis

Jeff Karp

Professor · Brigham and Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical School

Dr. Jeff Karp is a leading researcher in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives.

Biomaterials Stem Cell Therapeutics Drug Delivery Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering

Emile Lester

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Lester is an expert in church and state issues, especially controversies surrounding teaching religion in schools.

American Constitutional Law Church and State Issues Teaching Religion in Schools Minority Religious Groups Political Philosophy

Georgina Montgomery

Professor and Historian of Biology · Michigan State University

Georgina Montgomery's research focuses on the history of field science, particularly the development of field methods.

History of Field Science Primates and Animal Behavior

Luis Ricardo Fraga

Director, Institute for Latino Studies; Acting Chair, Department of Political Science · University of Notre Dame

Luis Ricardo Fraga specializes in race, education, ethnicity, and Latino politics, as well as immigration, urban and voting rights policy.

Latino Politics Politics of Race Politics of Ethnicity Urban Politics Educational Policy

Thomas Missimer, Ph.D., P.G.

Expert in hydrogeology and water quality · Florida Gulf Coast University

Thomas Missimer conducts research into groundwater, sedimentary geology, water resources management, and geochemistry.

Injection Wells Geology Desalination Groundwater Contamination Groundwater Hydrology

Sarah Hill

Professor, Psychology · Texas Christian University

Dr. Hill specializes in research on women's sexual psychology, sex hormones, and the birth control pill.

The Birth Control Pill Mind-Body Interactions Menstrual Cycle Interpersonal Relationships Sex Hormones

Debra Duke

Professor of the Practice and Director of Fundamentals of Computing, Department of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Duke is a computer scientist focused on learning and engagement strategies

Computer Science Education

Mark DeBeliso

Professor of Kinesiology · Southern Utah University

Focuses on sports medicine and athletic performance and the physiological effects of exercise

Sport Science Research Common Injuries in Athletics Stress Reduction for University Students College Sports Medicine Human Performance

Anna Esselment

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science · University of Waterloo

Anna Esselment research interests include Canadian institutions, campaigns and elections, and intergovernmental relations.

Canadian Politics Partisanship Political Parties Campaigns Canadian Institutions

Patricia Bricker

Professor, Jay M. Robinson Distinguished Professor in Educational Technologies · Western Carolina University

Patricia Bricker's primary areas of expertise are science education and teacher professional development.

Elementary Education Teacher Professional Development STEM Education Science and Literacy Community Engagement Projects

Ronald Shapiro

Speaker & Consultant · Ronald G. Shapiro, Ph. D.

Improve job or school performance, educate, and entertain at the same time!!! Learning which is applicable and a ton of fun!!!

Human Factors/Ergonomics Leadership/Management/Teamwork Career Development Understanding Human Capabilities and Limitations Special Recognition

David Barrett, PhD

Professor of Political Science | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

David Barrett, PhD, is a presidential historian and leading expert on the CIA's relationship with presidents and Congress.

National Security & Intelligence Issues Politics The Vietnam War United States Congress United States Presidents

Joseph Krajcik

Professor and Director of the CREATE for STEM Institute · Michigan State University

Expert in K-16 teaching practices, focusing on the promotion of student engagement and learning in science

Designing Science Learning Environments Science Education Project-Based Learning

Shannon Schmoll

Director, Abrams Planetarium · Michigan State University

Shannon Schmoll is an expert on basic astronomy, naked-eye astronomy, eclipses, constellations and the night sky.

Night Sky Eclipses Basic Astronomy Planetariums Science Education

Paul Fritz

Associate Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Fritz specializes in international relations, with concentrations on international security and US foreign and defense policy.

Foreign Policy Political Science Terrorism International Security International Relations

Barbara Schneider

Hannah Distinguished Professor in the College of Education and Professor of Sociology and Education · Michigan State University

An expert on how schools and families influence the academic and social well-being of adolescents as they move into adulthood

Social Contexts of Education Adolescents and Families