José I. Badenes, S.J., Ph.D.

Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures - Spanish · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Interdisciplinary Studies Comparative Literature Federico Garcia Lorca Hispanic modernismo Theology and literature

Krystyn Moon

Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Moon is an expert in U.S. immigration history, popular culture, race and ethnic studies, foodways, gender and sexuality, & consumerism.

Consumerism Foodways Popular Culture U.S. Immigration History Race and Ethnic Studies

Robert Cook

Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Robert Cook is a professor within the Department of Epidemiology focusing on preventative health care.

Primary Care Medicine Alcohol Consumption Sexually Transmitted Diseases HIV Infection Stigma

Jafari Allen

Assistant Professor of African American Studies and Anthropology · Yale University

Assistant Professor of African American Studies and Anthropology at Yale University

Cuba Gender Sexuality Race Caribbean

John Osburg

Associate Professor of Anthropology · University of Rochester

Osburg is an expert on contemporary Chinese society and the changing economy in China

Entrepreurship in China Chinese Society Contemporary China Masculinity China

Magaela Bethune

Assistant Professor of African American Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Dr. Magaela Bethune is an expert on adolescent socialization, behavior, health, & development at intersections of race, gender, & sexuality.

Black Adolescence African American Studies Race & Health Health Policy & Policy Studies Race

Vanessa Díaz

Associate Professor of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Music oral & life histories Latin America political culture diasporas

Margaret A. Cramer, Ph.D., ABPP

Professor Emerit - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Psychodynamics; PTSD and substance abuse; Women, trauma and addiction.

History and Systems of Psychology Theories of Personality Psychopathology Health Psychology Psychoanalytic and Neoanalytic Theory and Psychotherapy

Ann Juliano

Professor of Law | Charles Widger School of Law · Villanova University

Ann Juliano, JD, is an expert in employment law and discrimination, sexual harassment and discrimination and dress codes.

American Indian Law Sex Discrimination Employment Discrimination Employment Law Sexual Harassment

Negin Ghavami

Associate Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Gender Intersectionality School based research Race/ethnicity Psychology of Gender & Diversity

Elizabeth Hintz, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Communication · University of Connecticut

Elizabeth Hintz’s research examines how individuals manage complex, stigmatized, and poorly understood health conditions.

Interpersonal, Family, and Health Communication Medically unexplained symptoms Chronic Pain Medical Gaslighting Voluntary Childlessness

Jon Gould

Dean · UC Irvine

Jon Gould is a distinguished scholar in justice policy, social change and government reform.

International Human Rights Hate Speech Indigent Defense Government Reform Justice Policy

Brenda Lee

Ph.D., C.Psych.(Cand.), Counsellor · University of Manitoba

Relationship and sex researcher (monogamy, infidelity, breakups, relationship maintenance, cyber/stalking); clinical therapist.

Psychology Clinical and Health Psychology Research Research Analysis Abnormal Psychology

Charlene Weaving

Associate Professor, Human Kinetics · St. Francis Xavier University

Leading researcher on gender and sport analysis

gender and sport Hockey and gender LFL Beach volleyball Olympics and ethics

Lisa Fontes

Senior Lecturer II, UWW Interdisciplinary Studies · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lisa Fontes is an international leader in the understanding of intimate partner violence, or coercive control.

Intimate Partner Violence Coercive Control Child Sexual Abuse Domestic Violence (Partner and Victim) Child Abuse

Anthony Maurelli

Professor · University of Florida

Anthony Maurelli studies bacterial genetics to address questions about how bacteria cause gut disease and sexually transmitted infections.

Laboratory Capacity Building Wasterwater Epidemiology Sexually Transmitted Diseases Shigella Genetics and Pathogenesis Bacterial Pathogenesis

Jamie S. Hughes, Ph.D.

Professor, School of Psychology, · Fielding Graduate University

Enjoys teaching and mentoring students in the science of psychology

Moral Psychology Gender and Sexuality Social Justice Criminal Justice Reform Attribution

Carrie Heeter

Professor of Media and Information · Michigan State University

Carrie Heeter is an expert in meditation, cybermeditation, user experience design, and serious games.

Self-Regulation Meditation Research Online Learning User Experience Design Serious Games

Jianjun Sun, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology · University of Connecticut

Jianjun Sun, Ph.D. is an expert in reproduction biology and contraceptives.

Ovarian Cancer Contraception Reproductive Biology Reproductive Physiology

Christina DeJong

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

Dr. DeJong can discuss gender, sexuality and crime; violence against women; sexual assault; genocide; and other criminal justice issues.

Gender, Sexuality, and Justice Genocide Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Hate Crimes Violence Against Women