Kristine Jacquin, Ph.D.

Academic Program Developer and Director · Fielding Graduate University

Psychology professor and licensed clinical psychologist with a consulting practice focused on forensic and neuropsychological evaluations

Forensic Psychology Neuropsychology Substance Abuse in Interpersonal Violence Victims Use and Abuse of Prescription Psychostimulants Intellectual Disability in Capital Crimes

Zubair Karim, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences · Augusta University

Karim researches signaling and the SNARE secretory machinery in platelets to understand their contribution to health and disease.

Smoking and Cardiovascular Disease Thrombosis Hemostasis Platelet Exocytosis and Signaling E-cigarettes

Timothy Morey

Professor/Chair/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Tim Morey's research interests include medication adherence, propofol use, pulse oximetry and postoperative cognitive dysfunction.

Anesthesiology Research Productivity Healthcare Affairs and Leadership Pharmacology

Russell Hepple

Professor · University of Florida

Russell Hepple's lab examines the mechanisms causing muscle atrophy and dysfunction with aging.

Aging Cancer Cachexia Mitochondria Muscle Atrophy Neuromuscular Junction

Cyndy Caravelis

Professor · Western Carolina University

Cyndy Caravelis's research interests include the relationship between social threat and social control, and minorities and crime.

Minorities and Crime Social Justice Criminology Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Policy

Helen Boswell-Taylor

Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in sharing the complexities of biology and how all living forms are connected

Ways of Knowing STEM Students Evolutionary Biology Animal Behavior Scientific Literacy

Ricardo McRae

Financial Broker • Podcast Host • TEDx Speaker · Wolf PACK McRae

Helping families become financially independent & debt free. •


Denise Amyot

President and CEO · Colleges and Institutes Canada

Denise Amyot is President and CEO of CICan, the national voice of Canada's public colleges, institutes, cegeps and polytechnics.

Postsecondary Education Non - Profit Organization Non Profit Advocacy Postsecondary Education Administration Public Administration

Sridhar Tayur

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Sridhar Tayur's research interests involve quantum computing, health care operations and supply chain management

Quantum Computing Healthcare Operations Supply Chain Management

Darcy Adin

Clinical Professor · University of Florida

Darcy Adin is interested in the management of congestive heart failure in dogs and medical therapies to improve life for pets.

Canine and Feline Congestive Heart Failure Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease Diuretics Dilated Cardiomyopathy Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

Clark Freshman

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8804 / Office 330-200

Civil Procedure Mediation Lie Detection Deception Emotion and Law

Sherry Grace

Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Science · York University

Studying access to chronic cardiac care, as well as optimizing quantity and quality of life in heart patients.

Healthcare Public Health Clinical Research Heart Disease Behavioural Cardiology

James "Jay" Clugston

Associate Professor/Team Physician · University of Florida

Dr. Jay Clugston's expertise in non-operative sports medicine, with specific expertise in concussion management.

Concussion management Concussion Biomarkers Sickle Cell Trait in Athletes Sports Related Concussion Heat Illness

Sarah Igo

Andrew Jackson Chair in American History; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Professor of Sociology; Director, American Studies Program · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the history of American privacy, social security, big data, survey data and the public sphere.

Modern U.S. History History of the Public Sphere History of the Human Sciences History of Survey Research Opinion Poll

Barry Setlow

Professor · University of Florida

Barry Setlow focuses on understanding the neural and behavioral mechanisms of substance use disorders and aging.

Aging Neuroscience Impulsivity Memory Animal Models

William Okyere-Frempong

CEO · The HuD Group

Medical doctor, Minister, Media host & Motivational speaker

Leadership Personal Development Christian Living Career Development Strategic Planning and Execution

Mariana Brussoni

Associate Professor · University of British Columbia

Brussoni's research focuses on child injury prevention, including risky play, parents' perspectives on safety, and Aboriginal injuries.

Injury Prevention Child Development Parenting Outdoor Play Higher Education

Steve Johnson

Professor · University of Florida

Steve Johnson is an expert in natural history and amphibian and reptile conservation. Steve has worked extensively with imperiled species.

Amphibians Cane Toads Cuban Treefrogs Crocodilians Frogs

Jula Hughes

Dean · Lakehead University

Professor Hughes researches in the areas of criminal law, comparative constitutional law and judicial ethics

Criminal Law Comparative Constitutional Law Judicial Ethics Labour Law Jurisprudence

Klaus Ley, MD

Founding Director · Immunology Center of Georgia

Klaus Ley is exploring the role our immune response plays in atherosclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.

T lymphocytes Immunology Vaccines atherosclerosis Integrins