Richard A. Wilson, Ph.D.

Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Wilson is an expert on hate speech and incitement on social media.

Human Rights Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Anthropology Human rights trials International Human Rights

Eric Weaver

CEO · Transparent Path

Bringing IoT, blockchain and AI together to reduce risk, loss and waste in the food supply.

Social Business Consumer Behavior Social Media Social Media Analytics Big Data Analytics

Dr Simon Underdown

Reader in Biological Anthropology in the Human Origins and Paleo-Environments Research Group · Oxford Brookes University

He researches human evolution - examining ancient DNA to reconstruct past human and animal life.

Public Engagement in Science Human Evolution Anthropology Ancient DNA Genetics

Professor Kehinde Andrews

Professor of Black Studies · Birmingham City University

Kehinde Andrews is Professor of Black Studies and Director of the Centre for Critical Social Research at Birmingham City University.

Black Lives Matter Community Activism Ethnicity Race Racism

Eric Gable

Professor of Sociology and Anthropology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Gable is an expert on museum studies, heritage, and the religion and politics of West Africa and of Outer Island Indonesia.

Anthropology Museum Studies Heritage Religion and Politics of West Africa and Outer Island Indonesia

Tatishe M. Nteta

Provost Professor of Political Science / Director of UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Tatishe Nteta's research lies at the intersection of the politics of race and ethnicity, public opinion, and political behavior.

Political Polls American Politics Politics and Political Analysis Race Culture and Ethnicity Polling

Preston Green, J.D., Ed.D.

John and Maria Neag Professor of Urban Education · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on charter school regulation and industry oversight.

School Choice Educational Equity Industry Oversight Charter School Regulation Educational Leadership

Emile Lester

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Lester is an expert in church and state issues, especially controversies surrounding teaching religion in schools.

American Constitutional Law Church and State Issues Teaching Religion in Schools Minority Religious Groups Political Philosophy

Craig Albert, PhD

Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies · Augusta University

Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.

Political Philosophy Ethnic Conflict Influence Operations Cybersecurity Policy & Strategy International Security Studies

Dana Elizabeth Weiner

Associate Professor, History Department · Wilfrid Laurier University

US Historian, expert on African American history, activism, debates over rights, citizenship in the US to 1880.

United States History US History Early US History 19th Century US History US Race

Alexis Dudden, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of History · University of Connecticut

Professor of History specializing in modern Japan and Korea, and international history.

History/Memory Modern Korea Modern Japan Territorial Disputes Japan-Korea Relations

Elizabeth McRae

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Elizabeth McRae’s teaching and research interests include the intersection of race, gender and politics in America and in the modern South.

American History American South Race and Politics Gender and Politics Modern South

Margarita R. Ochoa

Associate Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of History, Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Colonial Latin American History Women, Family, and the Law in Colonial Latin America Race, racial mixture, racial classifications in colonial Latin America Aztec Empire (aka Mexicas; aka Triple Alliance) Law and Legal Culture

Bethany Lacina

Associate Professor of Political Science · University of Rochester

Bethany Lacina is an expert in civil and ethnic conflict.

Migration International Relations Territorial Autonomy Civil Conflict Ethnic Conflict

Dorinda Carter Andrews

Chairperson and Professor · Michigan State University

Her research is broadly focused on racial justice and educational equity.

Program Development Curriculum Development Higher Education Community Outreach Program Evaluation

Mical Raz

Charles E. and Dale L. Phelps Professor in Public Policy and Health · University of Rochester

Author of "What's Wrong with the Poor? Psychiatry, Race and the War on Poverty."

Foster Care and Adoptions Child Welfare Psychiatry Education Policy Race Culture and Ethnicity

Gerald Gamm

Professor of Political Science and History · University of Rochester

Gamm is an expert in U.S and urban politics

Congress State Politics U.S. Politics Urban Politics State Legislatures

Catherine Cerulli

Professor of Psychiatry · University of Rochester

Cerulli is an expert in women's rights and equality, suffrage, and domestic violence

Women's rights and equality Domestic Violence Psychiatry Women's and Gender Studies Women work and welfare

Dr. Adey Nyamathi

Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor of Nursing · UC Irvine

Dr. Nyamathi conducts studies among vulnerable groups, including homeless, drug-addicted and incarcerated persons and gay/bisexual youth.

Vulnerable Populations Tuberculosis Role of Nursing Hiv/Aids Hepatitis

Peter Roberts

Professor of Organization & Management; Academic Director of Specialty Coffee Programs, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Micro-Business Development Specialty Coffee Entrepreneurship Social Enterprise