Daniel Speak

Professor of Philosophy and Graduate Director · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Metaphysics Moral Philosophy Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Action Epistemology

Dr Ieuan Cranswick

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

Ieuan Cranswick has a background in Sport and Exercise Science.

Sports Injury Sport Body Image Rehabilitation Sport Science

Edward Murphy

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Edward Murphy is an expert on mass urbanization, inequality, state formation, and squatting in Chile; Latinx immigration and deportations

Latinxs in the US Squatting Urbanization Property Relations Latin America

Inge Steglitz

Associate Director · Michigan State University

International educator with a focus on global and intercultural learning.

Education Abroad Intercultural Education Intercultural Communication Global Learning

John Crawford

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: crawforj@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4675 / 386-200

Corporate and Securities Law Financial Regulation Property Law Regulation of Financial Institutions

Deborah Stienstra

Professor · University of Manitoba

author, researcher, advocate, speaker on inclusion, accessibility, gender-based analysis, disability policy, and global development

Disability Rights Disability Access and Advocate Gender analysis Women International Development

Kimberly Moekle

Senior Lecturer of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

College of Communication & Fine Arts

James Wolffsohn

Professor and Head of Optometry · Aston University

Professor Wolffsohn's research areas are the development and evaluation of ophthalmic instrumentation, contact and intraocular lenses.

Ocular Allergy Ophthalmic Instrumentation Contact Lenses‎ Intraocular Lenses Dry Eyes

Jason Jarvis

Associate Professor and Chair of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Associate Professor and Chair of Communication Studies

Julian Chambliss

Professor of English · Michigan State University

Julian Chambliss' research interests focus on race, culture, and power in real and imagined spaces.

Afrofuturism‎ Black Digital Humanities Comics and Culture Comic Book Adaptations Space, Place, and Identity


Professor of Medicine · Michigan State University

Take care of HIV/AIDS patients as well as Hepatitis C, B patients at 3 sites in Michigan

Hepatitis C Hiv/Aids Hepatitis B

Dr Andrew Manley

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

Andrew Manley lectures on sport & exercise psychology, as well as supporting athletes and coaches from a range of sports and backgrounds.

Psychology Sport Psychology Sport

Art Nomura

Professor Emeritus, School of Film and Television Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Art Nomura is a Fullbright Research Scholar (Japan, 2003) who has worked as a painter, sculptor, potter, filmmaker and New Media artist

New Media Documentary Video Art Narrative Film Production

Eddie Speed

President · The Note School & Colonial Funding



Timothy B. Folta, Ph.D.

Professor of Management; Thomas John and Bette Wolff Family Chair in Strategic Entrepreneurship; Academic Director, Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation · University of Connecticut

Prof Folta is an expert in entrepreneurship and corporate strategy, analyzing decisions around entry, exit, and diversification.

Strategic Management Market Entry and Exit Corporate Strategy and Diversification Innovation Policy Managing Uncertainty

Meaghan Adams

Registered Physiotherapist / PhD candidate, Department of Kinesiology · University of Waterloo

PhD candidate in neuroscience, studying sensory changes after concussion. Sports & vestibular physiotherapist working in concussion rehab.

Concussion Rehabilitation Neuroscience Vestibular System Physiotherapy Concussions

David Takacs

Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: takacsd@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4845 / Office 329-200

Climate Change Law Environmental Law Earth Systems Science Biodiversity Law International Environmental Law

Nancy Henderson

Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences · Georgia Southern University

Nancy Henderson is an expert in injury prevention, running form, and assessing meaningful change of interventions.

Orthopaedics Running Form Injury Prevention Assessing meaningful change of interventions

Rachel Washburn

Professor of Sociology and Director of Health and Society · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Sociology of health and illness Science and technology studies Situational Analysis

Jesse Fox

Assistant Professor | School of Communication · The Ohio State University

Communication expert, focusing on the impact of new media on human sociality

Social media use Representations of sex, gender, and sexuality in media Representations in virtual environments Prosocial communication