Gaurav Jain
Assistant Professor · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Behavioral economist focused on studying how individuals make judgments and decisions in the absence of complete information.
Marketing Promotions Marketing Communication Judgment and Decision Making Consumer Choices and Behavior Behavioral Economics in Business
Devon Lantagne
Visiting Assistant Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Devon Lantagne has 6+ years of teaching experience in embedded systems and biomedical instrumentation.
Engineering Education Signal Processing Embedded Systems Biomedical Instrumentation Biomedical Engineering
Gianluca De Leo, PhD
Chair of the Department of Health Management, Economics and Policy · Augusta University
Dr. Gianluca De Leo is a leading expert on using technology, such as virtual reality and e-health, in public health and health care.
Telemedicine Augmented Reality Health Technology Biotechnology Public Health
David Ostrov
Associate professor · University of Florida
Dr. David Ostrov is an expert on immunology, structural biology, and drug discovery in the areas of cancer therapeutics.
Covid Autoimmunity Drug Discovery T cell immunobiology Immunology
Dr Duncan Sharp
Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University
Dr Duncan Sharp's primary research focuses on new technologies to allow measurements to be performed outside of conventional laboratories.
Biochemistry Non-Invasive Diagnostics Electrode/Sensor Fabrication Biochemical Analysis Electrochemistry
Sarah Schenck, M.D., FACP
Executive Director for ChristianaCare's Center for Virtual Health · ChristianaCare
Dr. Sarah Schenck is an expert in practice transformation for Primary Care and leads ChristianaCare's COVID-19 Virtual Practice.
Ambulatory Covid Care Clinical Care Transformation Virtual Health Care Telemedicine Internal Medicine
Yushan Yan
Henry Belin Du Pont Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware
Prof. Yan is an expert in electrochemical engineering for sustainability.
Electrochemical Energy Engineering Energy Conversion and Storage Fuel Cells Electrolyzers Flow Batteries
Joleah Lamb
Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · UC Irvine
Joleah Lamb studies natural buffers for mitigating infectious diseases that threaten coral reefs in coastal regions.
Coral Reefs Ecosystems Conservation Biology Ocean Health Ocean Pollution Disease Ecology
Craig Albert, PhD
Graduate Director, PhD in Intelligence, Defense, and Cybersecurity Policy and Master of Arts in Intelligence and Security Studies · Augusta University
Dr. Craig Albert focuses on propaganda, information warfare, national security studies, cyberconflict, and political thought.
National Security & Intelligence Issues Propaganda and Persuasion National Security Political Science Terrorism
T.S. Harvey
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in cross-cultural doctor-patient interactions, public health communications, disaster relief and crisis management.
North America Medical Anthropology Sanitation Environmental Protection Global Public Health
Brittany Glidden
Associate Clinical Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Brittany Glidden is an Associate Clinical Professor of Law at UC Hastings
Civil Litigation Civil Rights Prisoners' Rights Employment Rights Externships
Benn R. Konsynski
George S. Craft Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Electronic data interchange (EDI) Channel systems Electronic integration Information partnerships Digital Commerce
Sridhar Tayur
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Sridhar Tayur's research interests involve quantum computing, health care operations and supply chain management
Quantum Computing Healthcare Operations Supply Chain Management
Gary M. Atkinson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Atkinson specializes in microelectromechanical systems
Microelectromechanical Systems Biochip Smart materials Micro and Nanofabrication Energy Conversion Devices
Omar A. Khan, M.D., MHS, FAAFP
Enterprise Chief Scientific Officer · ChristianaCare
Dr. Omar Khan is the enterprise chief scientific officer and vice president of research administration and scientific affairs.
Global Health Medical Education Public Health Medical Writing Healthcare Leadership
Giorgio Rizzoni
Director, Center for Automotive Research| Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering · The Ohio State University
Professor Rizzoni is Director of the Center for Automotive Research and the Ford Motor Company Chair of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
System dynamics, measurements, control, and fault diagnosis with application to automotive systems. Future ground vehicle propulsion systems, including advanced Diesel engines, electric and hybrid-electric drivetrains, and fuel cell systems. Sustainable mobility
Haresh D. Rochani
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences · Georgia Southern University
Haresh Rochani works with bio-statistics and sampling designs to improve public health.
Generalized Linear Models Longitudinal Data Analysis Multiple Imputations Missing Data in Diagnostic Medicine Categorical Missing Data
Baratunde A. Cola
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Dr. Cola brings science to energy and thermal management solutions.
Applications of Carbon Nanotubes Thermal Management of Electronics Combustion and Energy Systems Heat Transfer Micro and Nano Engineering
Jill Scott
Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning) and Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures · Queen's University
Dr. Scott has worked as professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and as Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning).
German Literature Indigenous Cultural Revitalization Law & Literature Indigenous Storytelling Social Dynamics
Douglas Scharre
Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University
Dr. Scharre specializes in cognitive disorders and dementias, including Alzheimer's disease
Neurology Neurobehavioral Manifestations Lewy Body Disease Dementia, Multi-Infarct Amnesia, Transient Global