Helen Wood

Professor in Media and Cultural Studies · Aston University

Helen Wood is the author of numerous books and articles on media, gender and class formation.

Media Gender Class Television Cultural Studies

Diana C. Parry

Professor, Applied Health Sciences, Special Advisor to the President, Women's and Gender Issues · University of Waterloo

Dr. Diana C. Parry research explores the roles of leisure in women’s health and wellbeing through a feminist lens.

Women's Leisure Gender Leisure Health and Well-Being Qualitative Inquiry Feminist Theory

Kate McInturff

Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Kate McInturff is director of the CCPA's initiative on gender equality and public policy, Making Women Count.

Gender Equality Policy Analysis Family policy Labour Economics Budget and Tax Policy

Mai Linh Spencer

Associate Clinical Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: spencerm@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4743 / Office 350-100

Biplab Datta, PhD

Assistant Professor, Institute of Public and Preventive Health and in the Department of Population Health Sciences · Augusta University

Dr. Datta’s research explores the niche areas in the junction of public health and economics.

Global Health Health Economics Non-Communicable Diseases Healthcare Financing Socioeconomic Determinants of Health

Olivier Walther

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Olivier Walther focuses on cross-border trade and transnational political violence in North and West Africa.

Africa Borders Cities Conflict Regional Integration

Dr Graeme Hayes

Reader in Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Hayes focuses on environmental protest movements, climate change, direct action, civil disobedience & criminal trials of activists.

Social Transformation Disobedience Climate Change Contemporary Social Movements Direct Action

Jacquelyn Micieli-Voutsinas

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas is a critical museum studies scholar with expertise on 9/11 memory and landscapes of terrorism, broadly defined.

Post-9/11 Heritage Debates Museum Studies Memory and Geopolitics 9/11 Memorial Landscapes Cultural Heritage at Sites of Terrorism

Dr Anton Popov

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Popov's research interest is in social anthropology, with a particular focus on postsocialist societies.

Social Anthropology Postsocialist Societies Cultural Heritage Identity and Transnationalism Youth Culture

Stephanie Nawyn

Associate Professor and Co-director of Center for Gender in Global Context · Michigan State University

Stephanie Nawyn specializes in migration and refugees, human trafficking and migrant labor exploitation.

Gender Immigration Refugees Resettlement

Patrick Flavin, Ph.D.

Bob Bullock Professor of Political Science · Baylor University

Dr. Flavin focuses on political inequality, the impact of politics and public policies on citizens’ quality of life, and state politics.

Politics Inequality State Politics Teachers' Unions and Politics Quality of Life

Jordan Christopher

Lecturer of Classics and Archaeology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Comparative History Macedon Ancient Warfare Citizenship Ancient Infrastructure

Jennifer Horney

Professor and Director, Epidemiology · University of Delaware

Jennifer Horney's research focuses on the health impacts of disasters and public health emergencies including climate change.

Epidemiology epidemic COVID-19 Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response Rapid Assessment

Micki McElya, Ph.D.

Professor of History · University of Connecticut

Professor McElya is an expert in the histories of women, gender, sexuality, and race in the U.S., with a focus on politics and memory.

U.S. Cultural and Political History Women & Gender Sexuality & LGBTQ History Feminist Theory Queer Theory

Jeffrey Rosensweig

Associate Professor of Finance; Director, The Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Business Strategy in a Global Economy Global Economic Trends and Linkages International Finance

Christine Saulnier

Nova Scotia Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Christine Saulnier serves as the Nova Scotia director for the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Research Women and Politics Canadian Public Policy Social Policy Antipoverty

Chris Curran

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Chris Curran’s applies causal inference, mixed methodologies, and data science approaches to the study of public policy and education.

Public Policy School Discipline Early Childhood Education School Resource Officers Children and Poverty

Landon Frim, Ph.D.

Expert in politics, philosophy, ethics, and religion · Florida Gulf Coast University

Antisemitism Catholicism Islam Middle East Philosophy

Michelle Faubert

Professor · University of Manitoba, Romantic Literature & Visiting Fellow, Northumbria University

Professor of Romantic Literature in the Department of English, Film and Literature

Romanticism Representation of Suicide History of Psychiatry Historical Feminism Literature of Sensibility

Timothy Shanahan, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

History & Philosophy of Science Philosophy & Film