Ronald Hall
Professor of Social Work · Michigan State University
An expert in racism and diversity.
Colorism Bleaching Syndrome Racism Discrimination Black/White Racial Conflict
Brian Cahill
Associate Instructional Professor · University of Florida
Brian Cahill studies the intersection of social and cognitive psychology and the legal system.
Interviewing/Interrogation Memory Detecting Deception Eyewitness Memory and Decision Making Jury Decision Making
Christopher Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor, Interim Department Chair and Interim Software Engineering Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Christopher Taylor's research interests include software engineering, computer science, and computer engineering.
Software Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Java
Alex Settles
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Alex Settles studies international sanctions on Russia and Russian firms, emerging market multinationals from Russia, China, and Brazil.
China Emerging Markets International Business Sanctions International Management
Kelly Welch, PhD
Professor of Sociology and Criminology; Program Director, Criminlogy | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Kelly Welch, PhD, is an expert on racial and ethnic profiling, racial disparities in school discipline and public punitiveness toward crime.
Criminology Racial Profiling School-to-Prison Pipeline Race and Justice Social Justice
Brian D. Avery
Senior Lecturer · University of Florida
Brian D. Avery is a professor and expert in safety management, amusement operations, event execution, and education.
Sport, Live Entertainment, Recreation, Attraction Operations/Risk Management Educational Development Events and Venue Crowd Control Event Design and Execution Legal Compliance Attractions Safety Management
Derek Riley, Ph.D.
Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Derek Riley is an expert in machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, simulation, and high-performance computing.
Large Language Models, Generative AI Machine Learning Deep Learning Computational Science Computer Science
Wayne Hulon
Executive Director · American College of Psychotherapy
In addition to his private practice, Wayne Hulon is privileged to serve as the Executive Director of the American College of Psychotherapy.
Concussions and mental health Light Therapy Neuroscience and the judicial system Developmental Trauma & Violence Psychotherapy
William Rankin, Ph.D.
Adjunct Faculty | College of Aeronautics · Florida Tech
Dr. Rankin's research focuses on airport management and security and runway safety.
Airport Planning and Development Snow Removal Operations Airport Logistics Airport Security Airport Management
Kathy Seifert
Dr. Seifert brings her unique research on the roots and prevention of violent crime and dynamic style to your discussion of today's top issu
Treatment of Trauma and Attachment Problems Assessment and Treatment of Violence Developmental Effects of Trauma Threat Assessment
Tom Wright
Psychologist, Associated Family Therapists & Author - W W Norton · Colossal Concepts Management
Psychology Works (if you let it) - A Survival - Success Guide from the published author, artist, & esteemed psychologist, Tom Wright, PhD.
Jeffrey Lefstin
Associate Academic Dean and Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: / 415-565-4682 / Office 355-200
Patent Law Patent Litigation Biotechnology Contract Law Intellectual Property Law
S. Megan Berthold, Ph.D., LCSW
Associate Professor and Director of Field Education · University of Connecticut School of Social Work
Prof. Berthold's clinical and research expertise is with refugee and asylum seeking survivors of torture and the Cambodian genocide.
Trauma and Recovery refugees and asylum seekers vicarious trauma and resilience human rights approach to social work co-ocurring health and mental health conditions post torture and genocide
Kassra Oskooii
Associate Professor, American Politics, Political Psychology and Race and Ethnic Politics; Director of Internships · University of Delaware
Prof. Oskooii's research expertise include political psychology, public opinion, voting rights and redistricting.
Race and Ethnic Politics Political Psychology Public Opinion Voting Rights Redistricting
Allison Stock, PhD
Senior Vice President, Environmental, Health & Safety · J.S. Held LLC
Toxicologist & Epidemiologist | Public Health Risk Expert | NIOSH Fellowship | CDC Fellowship
Epidemiology Toxicology Environmental Human Health Risk Assessments Chemical Exposures
Russ Roberts
Innovation Leadership Council, Innovation Policy and SR&ED · Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATAAlliance)
29 years of experience with Canada’s SR&ED Tax Incentive Program, from the perspective of both the public and private sectors
Change Management Entrepreneurship SR&ED Tax Credits Management Consulting
James McCall
Emeritus Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: 415.565.4655 /
International Antitrust and Competition Law Antitrust Evidence European Competition Law
Dr. Laurence Nagel
Chair, Circuit Seed Technical Advisory Board · Circuit Seed
Electrical Engineering consultant with 45 years of experience in integrated circuit simulation and design.
Patent and Trade Secret Litigation Integrated Circuit Processing Technology Analog Circuit Design Semiconductor Device Modeling Circuit Simulation
John Peiserich, Esq.
Executive Vice President | Environmental, Health & Safety Practice Lead · J.S. Held LLC
Environmental Risk & Compliance Expert | Independent Monitor - EPA Suspension & Debarment Program | Public Policy Advisor
Environmental Risk & Compliance Oil & Gas Products Liability & Mass Torts Toxic Torts Natural Resources