Dru Riddle

Professor, Nurse Anesthesia · Texas Christian University

Dr. Riddle is an expert in evidence-based practice and applying research in practice.

Pharmacogenetics Evidence Based Practice Anesthesia Racial Health Equity Pharmacogenomics

Michael Roizen, MD

Chief Wellness Officer; Chair, Wellness Institute · Cleveland Clinic

Reveals how to stay fit, the right way to diet, and how to control your genes, choose the right supplements and keep the brain healthy

The Cleveland Clinic Experience in Bending the Cost Curve: How Social Media Has Buttressed Other Technologies Changing Health Caregiver Stress Top 12 Things You Can Do for Your Health Economics of Prevention

Susan Coffey, M.D., MSMS, CHSE

Director of the Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center · ChristianaCare

Dr. Susan Coffey is the director of ChristianaCare’s Virtual Education and Simulation Training Center.

Healthcare Simulation Team Training Curriculum Development and Design for Healthcare Education Psychological Safety Debriefing

Timothy Morey

Professor/Chair/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Tim Morey's research interests include medication adherence, propofol use, pulse oximetry and postoperative cognitive dysfunction.

Anesthesiology Research Productivity Healthcare Affairs and Leadership Pharmacology

F. Kayser Enneking

Professor · University of Florida

Dr. F. Kayser Enneking is interested in regional anesthesia for orthopaedic surgeries and ambulatory anesthesia.

Women in Medicine Regional Anesthesiology Perioperative Medicine

Robert Fuller, M.D., FACEP

UConn Health Chairman of Emergency Medicine · University of Connecticut

Fuller has responded to nations battered by natural and manmade disasters -New York after 9/11, Haiti ; Philippines after a typhoon.

Coronavirus Efficiency of Emergency Services International Disaster Medical Response Emergency Medical Care Natural Disasters

C. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP

Head and Distinguished Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice · University of Connecticut

Dr. White’s research interests are in drug, dietary supplement, and illicit drug safety, quality, and cost

Diet CBD Drug Costs Dietary Supplements Cardiovascular Drugs

Katharina Busl

Professor/Chief · University of Florida

Dr. Katharina Busl is a professor of neurology and neurosurgery.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Brain Death Neurocritical Care Acute Brain Injury

Melissa Powell-Williams, PhD

Professor of Sociology · Augusta University

Dr. Powell-Williams' research interests include domestic violence victim advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deaf culture Domestic Violence Victim Advocacy Subcultures Social Movements Organizations

Giles Peek

Clinical Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Giles Peek is a congenital heart surgeon and ECMOlogist with experience in neonates, children, and adults.

ECMO Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Aryn Gittis

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Aryn Gittis studies neural circuits in a multifunctional brain region that plays a role in the regulation of movement, learning, and reward.

Movement Disorders Optogenetics Neuroscience Electrophysiology Neural Circuits

Nash Moawad

Professor/Chief · University of Florida

Dr. Nash Moawad is an expert surgeon with clinical interests in endometriosis, hysterectomy, robotic surgery and uterine fibroids.

Uterine Fibroids Complex Hysteroscopic Surgery Ovarian Masses Robotic Surgery Laparoscopy

Tammy Clifford

Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards · Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)

Supporting evidence-informed decisions in Canadian health care as CADTH's Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards.

Epidemiology Evidence-Based Medicine Health Health & Healthcare Law and Policy health technology assessment

Jennifer Dunn

Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: dunnj@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8983 / Office M216-198

Health Law Human Subjects Research Maternal Health & Informed Consent Adolescent Health Women's Health

Rick Pierce

CEO and Co-founder · SanaRx Biotherapeutics

Rick Pierce is a senior level executive and advisor, with expertise in attracting capital, forging transformative strategic alliances .

Strategic Planning Medical Devices Technology Transfer Lifesciences Pharmaceutical Industry

Christine Chambers

Professor & Canada Research Chair in Children's Pain · Dalhousie University and IWK Health Centre

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, Professor of Pediatrics & Psychology. Passionate about science helping children

Pain Social Media Psychology Knowledge Mobilization Knowledge Translation

Mark Kossick

Professor · Western Carolina University

Mark Kossick has been on faculty at several universities and has lectured extensively across the country over the last 25 years.

Cardiovascular Monitoring Research Pathophysiology Cardiovascular Anatomy Physiology

Olga Imas, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Olga Imas is an expert in signal and image processing, biomedical engineering, circuit theory, and advanced imaging applications.

Molecular Imaging Medical Imaging EEG Analysis Digital Signal Processing Computing Tomography

James K. Stoller, MD, MS

Chair, Education Institute · Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic's leading expert on physician leadership development offers provocative ideas and new perspectives to your audience

Coronavirus Physician Leadership Leadership in Healthcare Developing Physician Leaders COVID-19

Gregory Janelle

Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Gregory Janelle specializes in adult and pediatric cardiothoracic anesthesia.

Hyperbaric Medicine Aerospace Medicine Bloodless Surgery Adult and Pediatric Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Transplant Anesthesiology