Eric Gonzalez Juenke

Associate Professor of Political Science · Michigan State University

Latino studies, Latino American politics, minority politics, minority candidates

Voting Behavior Latino Politics and Representation American Politics U.S Elections Minority Politics

Erica Frantz

Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Michigan State University

Authoritarian politics, aristocratic rule and policy, democratization, conflict

Dictatorship Conflict Authoritarian Politics Democratization Development

Nastassja A. Lewinski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Lewinski's research topics include nanomaterial toxicity, nanomedicine, and nanoinformatics.

Nanomaterial toxicity Nanoinformatics Nanomedicine Advanced in vitro exposure systems Comparative in vitro – in vivo analyses

Jan Barton

Associate Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Financial Reporting and Disclosure Financial Statement Analysis Equity Valuation Design Thinking Nonprofit Accounting

Sarah Strand (Sabbatical, Fall '24)

Associate Professor of Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Balance and Injuries Therapeutic Modalities in Orththopedic Injuries Concussions in Athletes

Alexandra Neel

Associate Professor of English and Director of Humanities · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Nineteenth-Century British Literature Visual Cultures Theories and Histories of Photography Travel Literature Polar Studies

Sr. Frances Gussenhoven, R.S.H.M.

Professor Emeritus of English · Loyola Marymount University

Poetry English English Literature

Abhik Roy

Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

College of Communication & Fine Arts

Intercultural Communication Communication Theory Rhetorical Theory and Criticism

Dustin J. Sleesman

Associate Professor, Management · University of Delaware

Dr. Sleesman studies the psychology of decision-making, negotiation and conflict resolution, as well as team effectiveness.

Motivation Teamwork Dynamics Negotiation Decision-Making Conflict Resolution

Doug Tallamy

Professor, Agriculture and Natural Resources · University of Delaware

Prof. Tallamy researches how plants that evolved elsewhere impact food webs and biodiversity.

Native Plants Insect Conservation Ecological Landscaping Ecosystem Function

Kyle Davis

Assistant Professor, Geography and Spacial Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Davis' work focuses on food systems, water sustainability, and global environmental change.

Human Migration Nutrition Global Environmental Change Food Systems Sustainability

Debbie Delaney

Associate Professor, Entomology · University of Delaware

Prof. Delaney researches evolutionary biology and population genetics of honey bees.

Population Genetics Honey Bees Evolutionary Biology

Jennifer Biddle

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Biddle's research interests include microbial ecology of marine systems, deep biosphere life, benthic archaea and bacteria.

Geobiology Deep Biosphere Life Microbial Ecology Marine Systems Benthic Archaea and Bacteria

Charles Higgins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Investments Financial Theory Financial Strategy Financial Applications and Analysis Linguistics

Kevin Brinson

Assistant Research Professor and Delaware State Climatologist · University of Delaware

Applied climatologist specializing in hydroclimatology, weather observation systems, and climate services.

Climate Data Analysis Environmental Data Systems Management Environmental Data Analysis Operations Applied Research

David Owens

Extension Specialist - Entomology · University of Delaware

Dr. Owens works with agricultural insect pest management


Rodrigo Vargas

Professor, Ecosystem Ecology and Environmental Change · University of Delaware

Prof. Vargas’ work focuses on global environmental change, nature-based solutions, and environmental data science.

Climate Change Environmental Data Science Blue Carbon Nature-based Solutions Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere

Robert S. Young

Professor · Western Carolina University

Robert S. Young is a licensed professional geologist in three states (FL, NC, SC).

Holocene landscape evolution in the southern Appalachians Wetlands Coastal Management Coastal Processes Hurricanes

Grace Pownall

Professor Emerita of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Information and Global Capital Markets Voluntary Disclosure Incentives and Practices International Accounting

David R. Dorondo

Professor · Western Carolina University

David R. Dorondo's research interests include the history of the European cavalry and the military horse.

European Diplomatic History Military Horse European Cavalry History Modern European History