Barbara Frei

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University

Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.

Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding

Lance Dublin

Creative Abrasionist (and CEO/Chief Solution Architect) · Dublin Consulting

Dynamic, engaging, and experienced speaker who challenges and energizes audiences

Change Organizational Learning Learning Transformation

Mohan Nadarajah

Founder & CEO · PlayLab Inc.

This start-up really starts them up! PlayLab's CEO delivers educational workshops that nurture young innovators to develop essential skills

Start-Ups Entrepreneurship Business Planning Business Modeling

Patricia Oliver

Associate Professor of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

College of Communication & Fine Arts

Communication Studies Public Speaking Gender Communication Rhetoric of Women

Michael E. Raynor

Director · Deloitte Services LLP

Acclaimed author, researcher and consultant who advises businesses on strategic initiatives designed to improve innovation and growth

Kerri Froc

Postdoctoral Fellow · Carleton University

Kerri Froc's research interests include feminist legal theory and women's constitutional rights claims

Constitutional Law Government Relations Legal Research Legal Writing Administrative Law

Gabriele Varieschi

Chair and Professor of Physics · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

General Relativity and Cosmology Gravitational Physics Physics and Astronomy Particle Physics and Astrophysics Alternative Theories of Gravity

Marc Freedman

CEO and Founder ·

An award-winning social entrepreneur, frequent commentator in the national media, and the author of multiple books

Retirement Baby Boomers Aging Careers

Jonathan Brown

Author · Buffalo Consulting

Family, life and values told in humorous eclectic stories about famous people, technology, government, America, and some surprises.

Tax Policy Public Policy Analysis and Advocacy Nonprofit Management

Andrew Selepak

Instructional Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Andrew Selepak can speak to a variety of topics, including pop culture, online education, fake news and partisan media.

Personal Branding Online Learning Online Media Media Effects Social Media

Patricia Wilson, J.D.

Associate Dean & Professor of Law · Baylor Law School

Professor Patricia A. Wilson has been a member of the Baylor Law School faculty since 1993

Employment and Labor Law International Law Family Law Public Speaking Mediation

Bin Chen

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Human Development · Michigan State University

Dr. Chen is the founding member of DahShu, a non-profit organization to promote research and education in data sciences.

Cancer Therapy Drug Repositioning Translational Bioinformatics AI Big Data

Charles Emery

Professor | Department of Psychology · The Ohio State University

Clinical psychology expert, specializing in aging and adult development

Cardiopulmonary endurance Cognitive functioning Psychological well-being

Deeann Mathews

Creative Director · Praising Pilgrims Music

Music Business Straight Talk

Lee McKnight

Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation · Syracuse University

Visionary Inventor of Cloud to Edge Software Applications - Edgeware Wiglets and Gridlets

Virtual Markets and Wireless Grids Social Radio Social Emergency Response Edgeware Creative Destruction

Bill Lublin

CEO · Social Media marketing Institute

Entertaining and Informative speaker bringing real world expertise to the application of social marketing for businesses and professionals

Social Media Training Camp Social Media Risk Management and Implementation Cloud Computing Solution for Business

Robert MacPhee

Founder/President · Heart Set, Inc.

Leadership and Team Building Expert

Leadership Team Building Manifesting

Neil Denny

Director · AllLD Learning and Development

Get Artisan in all you do. Stop just doing a shift. MAKE the shift instead.

Conflict Communications Collaboration - Sharing Experiences From His Collaborative Law Career Neil Looks At Collaboration in the Public and Private Sector. What Will It Take to Get Teams Within an Organisation To Collaborate? What Skills A Artisan

Thomas Burzler, CSP

Owner · Thomas Burzler

Trainer. CSP. Author. Sales Man. Burzler.

Selling With Profit Winning New Customers

Greg Hardin

Librarian II - Reference · Texas Woman's University

Reference Librarian at Texas Woman's University

Academic Libraries Reference Services Library Information Technology