Jonathan S. Dordick

Institute Professor, Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Biological Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Applies biological principles to advance bioengineering and biomanufacturing, stem cell engineering, and drug discovery

Drug Discovery Biomanufacturing Biochemical Engineering Biochemistry Chemistry

Barbara Frei

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Natural Resource Sciences · McGill University

Conservation biologist, scientific communicator & collaborative researcher. Champion for conservation in a rapidly changing world.

Conservation Biology Ecosystem services Biodiversity Agroecosystems Birds Birding

Alan Griffith

Associate Professor of Biology · University of Mary Washington

Professor Griffith leads the development of the UMW Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), aiming to enhance the experiences of first-year students

Biology Environmental Sciences Conservation Wetlands Wetlands Ecology

Lisa F. Clark

Research Associate · University of Saskatchewan

Political Scientist researching food politics and food policy

Food Agriculture & Environment Public Policy Analysis Governance & Regulation Innovation Food Safety and Security

Angela Danyluk

Biologist/Sustainability specialist · local government

Ecologist who connects information and people to make change, solve problems and find solutions within the local government sector.

Reducing greenhouse gases Fish Ecology Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation

Karl Peace

Professor, Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar, Jiann-Ping College of Public Health · Georgia Southern University

Karl Peace researches biostatistics, clinical trials and drug research and development.

Clinical Trials Pharmaceutical Research Health & Disease Health Sciences Biostatistics

Deborah O'Dell

Professor of Biology · University of Mary Washington

Dr. O'Dell performs research into how bees use magnetic fields to orient themselves.

Biology Neuroscience Magnetic Orientation in Animals Developmental Neurobiology Alzheimer's Disease

Phil Tinmouth

Vice President & Head, Business Development & Alliance Management · Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Phil Tinmouth manages highly valuable and strategic collaborations in the biotechnology industry.

Commercialization Pharmaceutical Industry Business Development Strategy Biotechnology

Kevin Rose

Frederic R. Kolleck ’52 Career Development Chair in Freshwater Ecology · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Computational modeling of links between freshwater ecology and carbon cycling

Climate Change Aquatic Ecology Carbon Cycling Freshwater Ecosystems Biogeochemistry

Deborah Cullinan

Chief Executive Officer · YBCA

Deborah is a leading advocate on the pivotal role artists & cultural organizations play in shaping our social & political landscape.

Nonprofit Management Civic Engagement COVID Recovery Unemployment Philanthropy

Professor Imran Awan

Professor of Criminology · Birmingham City University

He is one of the UK’s leading criminologists and experts on Islamophobia and countering extremism.

Conspiracy Theories of Lockdown Bigotry Extremism Islamaphobia Crime

Rebecca Crawford

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry & Biochemistry · Loyola Marymount University

Biochemistry Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry Food Chemistry Pharmacology

Rebecca L. George

Instructor of Anthropology and Assistant Director of Forensic Anthropology Facilities · Western Carolina University

Rebecca L. George focuses on the utility of dental morphology and metrics to estimate population affinity within forensic anthropology.

Forensic Anthropology Dental Anthropology Osteology Skeletal Processing Bioarchaeology

Chris Tam PhD

Co-Founder & CEO · Integrated Nanotherapeutics

Maximizing the therapeutic potential of drugs through nanotechnology.

Nanoparticles Nanomedicine Healthcare Nanotechnology Biochemistry

Kiley Graim

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Kiley Graim develops and applies computational approaches to genomic data to understand disease and biological systems.

Artifical Intelligence Genomics Bioinformatics Precision Medicine

Rafael Quirino

Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Professor Quirino focuses on the use of triglycerides as starting materials for different chemistries.

Renewables and Environment Catalysis Carbon Organic Chemistry Catalysts

Guilhem De Hoe

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Guilhem De Hoe focuses on the chemistry and engineering of plastics and composites, including their recycling and ability to biodegrade.

Chemistry Recycling Thermosets Bioplastics Plastics

Gianluca De Leo, PhD

Chair of the Department of Health Management, Economics and Policy · Augusta University

Dr. Gianluca De Leo is a leading expert on using technology, such as virtual reality and e-health, in public health and health care.

Telemedicine Augmented Reality Health Technology Biotechnology Public Health

Channa R. De Silva

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Channa De Silva teaches chemistry and carries out research in the areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computational chemistry.

General Chemistry Computational Chemistry Nanotechnology Biotechnology Inorganic Chemistry

Tara Trammell

Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware

Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.

Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution