Jeff Hoffman

Partner & Co-Founder · ColorJar, LLC

Internationally recognized public speaker on the topics of innovation, leadership, entrepreneurship, and more.

Entrepreneurship New Media Leadership Branding Futurist

Aimée Eubanks Davis

Founder and CEO ·

Speaks to higher education outcomes, particularly related to job attainment and quality among first-generation and low-income students.

Social and Economic Mobility Higher Education Future of Work Employer/Employee Relations Labor Market

Helen Chang

Visiting Professor · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / Office 384-200

Jennifer Dunn

Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: / 415-581-8983 / Office M216-198

Health Law Human Subjects Research Maternal Health & Informed Consent Adolescent Health Women's Health

Dr Edina Harbinja

Reader in Media/Privacy Law · Aston University

Dr Harbinja's principal areas of research are related to the legal issues surrounding the Internet and emerging technologies.

Digital Resurrection AI and Law Online Harms Online Safety

Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Johnson-Roberson's research goal is to develop robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments.

Folding Space Structures Robotic Vision 3D Reconstruction Artifical Intelligence Robotics/Autonomous Vehicles

Jack Mateffy

Author, Employee Engagement Speaker · Mateffy & Company

Infectious Passion for Workforce and Personal Engagement

Workforce Engagement Employee Engagement Advanced Sales Skills Advanced Presentation Skills Motivational Presentations

Zhen Bai

Assistant Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester

Bai is an expert in human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and AI

3-D interaction technologies. Technology-Enhanced Learning Machine Learning for HCI Assistive Technology AI for parents of deaf children

James Feldman

Keynote Speaker & CEO · Shift Happens!®

Shift Happens is an essential tool to address change management. Explore our strategies & highly reviewed keynote speaker services.

Change Management Customer Service Innovation Problem Solving

Robert Anderson

National Security Consultant & Intelligence Analyst · Altadena Group

Understanding today's national security issues & how they impact what you do or want to do

National Security Current Events

C. Nataraj, PhD

Moritz Endowed Professor of Engineered Systems; Director, VCADS Research Center | College of Engineering · Villanova University

C. Nataraj, PhD, is an expert in unmanned vehicles, robotics, and diagnostic healthcare systems.

Autonomous Vehicles Drones Machine Learning Unmanned Vehicles Robotics

Greg Waymire

Professor Emeritus of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Waymire’s research has examined the effects of disclosure and the emergence of accounting institutions

Corporate Reporting and Disclosure Accounting History

Jerusha Conner, PhD

Professor of Education; Program Coordinator, Graduate Education | Department of Education and Counseling · Villanova University

Jerusha Conner, PhD, is an expert on student engagement, student voice, youth activism, and education policy.

Student Engagement Student Voice Youth Activism Urban Education Education Policy

Rich Milner

Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning · Vanderbilt University

Expert on urban education and teacher education, centering on equity and diversity.

Achievement Gap Urban Education Teacher effectiveness in urban schools Social Context of Education Urban Teacher Education

Diego Bufquin, PhD

Professor of Practice and Director of Hospitality Certificate · Tulane University

Diego Bufquin is an expert in Hotel Management, Restaurant Management, Consumer Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Social Psychology.

Hospitality and Tourism Hotel Management Restaurant Management Consumer Behavior Organizational Behavior

Tracy Fisher, Ph.D.

Public Trustee and Affiliate Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

A Black Feminist anthropologist with an intersectional perspective on race, gender, sexuality, class, nation, and social justice

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Black Feminisms Women of Color Feminisms Genders and Sexualities Feminist Theory and Methodologies

Nigel Raab

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Theories of Civil Society Habermas 19th Century Russia Urban History Global Encounters

Eric Feron

Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Eric Feron uses fundamental concepts of control systems, optimization and computer science to address problems in aerospace engineering.

Flight Mechanics & Controls Air Traffic Control Systems Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aerospace Software Systems

Stuart Candy

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Stuart Candy is an advisor, facilitator, educator, artist and designer with more than twenty years of experience in the futures field.

Speculative Design Future of Work Design Fiction Foresight Transmedia Storytelling

Parrish Waters

Associate Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Parrish Waters’ areas of expertise include neuroscience, physiology, hormone axis function, stress physiology and sensory perception.

Neuroscience Scientific Writing Molecular Biology Stress Physiology Human Physiology