Tara Trammell
Associate Professor, Urban Forestry · University of Delaware
Prof. Trammell studies how biophysical and sociological factors affect urban ecosystem structure and function.
Invasive Species Urban Forests Urban Ecosystems Biology Pollution
Chris Saffron
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
Christopher Saffron’s research investigates the use of thermochemical technologies for converting plant biomass into fuel.
Valerie Karplus
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Valerie Karplus studies resource and environmental management in organizations operating in diverse national and industry contexts.
Strategy Political Economy Globalization Energy Economic Development
Daniel Peppe, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director Department of Geosciences · Baylor University
Daniel Peppe's research focuses on understanding how plant and animal communities respond to changes in climate through Earth history.
Paleobotany Paleoclimatology Paleomagnatism Ecosystems Paleoecology
Tyler Loftus
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Dr. Tyler Loftus uses artificial intelligence for clinical decision making to improve surgical care while adhering to bioethical principles.
Bioethics Crtical care Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Trauma Surgery
John Sedunov, PhD
Professor of Finance and Real Estate | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
John Sedunov, PhD, is an expert in banking, cryptocurrencies and financial institutions
Blockchain Federal Reserve Tariffs Political Economy fintech
Aaron M. Bauer, PhD
Professor and Gerald M. Lemole Endowed Chair in Integrative Biology · College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Villanova University
Aaron Bauer, PhD, is a leading expert on reptiles, with a specialty in geckos, systematics and biogeography.
Reptiles Vertebrate Morphology Systematics Biogeography Natural History Collections
Nicholas Reich
Professor of Biostatistics / Director of Influenza Forecasting Center of Excellence · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nicholas Reich's research focuses on infectious disease modeling and optimizing design and analysis for cluster-randomized studies.
Infectious Disease Modelling Flu forecasting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Biostatistics Influenza Pandemics
Deborah Kurrasch
Associate Professor, Department of Medical Genetics · University of Calgary
Kurrasch’s research is focused on genetic programs that govern hypothalamic development using both mice and zebrafish as model organisms.
Molecular Biology Developmental Biology Pharmacology Neuroscience Genetics
Stephen S. Fong, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Bioengineer who modifies micro-organisms to produce chemicals (e.g. from beer to fuel).
Systems Biology Synthetic Biology Evolutionary Biology Metabolic Engineering Molecular engineering
Philippa Drennan
Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Plant Ecophysiology Ecology Plant Stress Biology Structure/Function Relationships in Plants Biology
Tomasz Arodz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Arodz's research focuses on machine learning and bioinformatics
Biomedical Data Science Foundational Models Bioinformatics Machine Learning & Deep Learning Quantum Machine Learning
Eric Fortune
Associate Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Eric Fortune specializes in evolutionary biology, specifically the mechanisms and evolution of animal behavior.
Locomotion Birds Biology Neuroscience Evolutionary Biology
Melanie Gainey
STEM Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University
Melanie Gainey is a trained neuroscientist and spent over 10 years studying the plasticity of neural circuits in sensory cortex.
Bioinformatics Library & Information Science Neuroscience Open Science Biology
Lori Foroozandeh
Author · Author
Speaker for WOMENS rights EVERYWHERE: Domestic Violence, Childhood sexual abuse, fighting for Womens Rights in IRAN!!!
Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Laws and Culture in Iran (What to Avoid) Domestic Violence (Sharing and Motivation) Islam Muslim
G Philip (Phil) Robertson
University Distinguished Professor · Michigan State University
Agriculture and climate change (particularly mitigation strategies), bioenergy sustainability, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Soil Carbon Dynamics Climate Change Mitigation Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Agriculture Climate change and agriculture Bioenergy Sustainability
Karyn Rogers
Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Focuses on the relationships between microbial communities and environmental conditions in extreme ecosystems
Geobiology Geological & Environmental Sciences Geochemistry Geomicrobiology Astrobiology
Judith Hurwitz
President & CEO · Hurwitz & Associates
Experienced, dynamic speaking focused on impact of technology on to drive innovation and business success
The Future of Cloud Computing How to Be A Successful Technology Entrepreneur Big Data
Claudiu Popa
CEO · Informatica Corporation
Data Protection Evangelist. Trusted Risk Advisor. Relentless Educator.
Big Data Global Privacy Social Media Security
Ahu Yildirmaz, Ph.D.
Vice President, Head of ADP Research Institute · ADP
PhD economist with global background and insight on employment, big data, healthcare and workforce demographics
Big Data Business Intelligence Employment Jobs Creation Workforce Demographics