Baolian Wang

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Baolian Wang is an expert in behavioral finance, investor behavior, cryptocurrency and social finance.

Social Finance Cryptocurrency Investor Behavior Behavioral Finance Asset Pricing

Alessandro Acquisti

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alessandro Acquisti’s research investigates the economics and behavioral economics of privacy, and privacy in online social networks.

AI Ethics Transition Economics Human-Agent Interaction Economics of Privacy Information Security

Randall Curren

Professor of Philosophy · University of Rochester

Randall Curren is an ethicist who works across the boundaries of moral, political, legal, environmental, and educational philosophy.

Ethics of Sustainability Moral Psychology Ancient Greek Philosophy patriotic education

Yonghui Wu

Director/Associate Professor · University of Florida

Yonghui Wu’s research is in computer science and biomedical informatics to develop medical artificial intelligence to solve medical problems

Data Science Machine Learning Natural Language Processing Drug Repurposing

Kaylee Hackney, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Management · Baylor University

Dr. Hackney is an expert in Employee Work and Family Management as well as Workplace and Pregnancy Discrimination

pregnancy descrimination Work-Life Balance Work-family balance pregnancy at work working during pregnancy

Professor Vini Lander

Professor of Race and Education and Director of the Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality · Leeds Beckett University

Her research examines race inequalities in education, specifically in teacher education.

Race and Racism Teacher Education Inequalities in Education Diversity British Values in School

Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan

Professor | Human Development & Family Science Program · The Ohio State University

Developmental Psychology expert, specializing in parental transitions and familial relationships

Coparenting Maternal gatekeeping Father-child relationships Transition to parenthood Child influences on family relationships

Dr Virginie Grzelczyk

Reader/Associate Professor in International Relations · Aston University

Dr Grzelczyk's research focuses on security relationships over the Korean Peninsula and especially about North Korea.

Korean Peninsula Northeast Asia Politics Politics of North Korea Foreign Policy Towards North Korea North Korea

Jonathan Doh, PhD

Senior Associate Dean for Research, Faculty Advancement and Global Engagement; Herbert G. Rammrath Endowed Chair in International Business; Professor, Management & Operations · Villanova University

Jonathan Doh, PhD, is an expert in international business, global leadership and corporate social responsibility.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Cross-Cultural Management Latin America International Trade International Management

Sue Metzger

Professor of the Practice, Information Systems; Faculty Director, VU Women in Tech | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Sue Metzger, MS, is an expert in advancing women in technology, mobile app development and entrepreneurship, and enterprise computing.

Business Advancing Women in Technology Mobile Application Development and Entrepreneurship Enterprise Computing Including the Cloud Collaborative Media

Professor Louisa Ells

Professor of Obesity · Leeds Beckett

Louisa has specialised in applied obesity research for the past two decades.

Obesity Nutrition Public Health Weight Management

Michael Davis

Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Michael Davis researches cardiac regeneration and preservation.

Stem Cell Therapy Cardiac Regeneration

Marta Vicarelli

Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Policy · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Marta Vicarelli's research focuses on the risks and the socioeconomic impacts of climate variability and climate change.

Economics of Sustainability Political Economy of the Environment Environmental Policy Environmental Economics Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change

Jennifer Hancock

Transforming Lives Through Humanism

Be the Best Most Ethical Person You Can Be!

Morality Ethics Decision Making Critical Thinking Humanistic Business Management

Gail E. Thomas, PhD

Professor of Sociology · Soka University

Professor Thomas is a sociology professor who specializes in the analysis of higher education.

Mentoring and Empowering Youth Race, Class and Gender Differences in Educational Access and Outcomes Education and Status Attainment Effective Education for Diverse Learners and At Risk Youth Race and Gender Relations

Patrick Jung, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Patrick Jung's areas of focus include American history, German art history, and anthropology.

American History German Art History Cultural Anthropology American Indian History

M.V. Lee Badgett

Professor of Economics · University of Massachusetts Amherst

M. V. Lee Badgett is one of the world’s leading experts on the economics of same-sex marriage.

Economics of Sexual Orientation and Same-Sex Marriage Gay Marriage LGBT Inclusion Labor Economics Same-sex Couples

Dr David Lowe

Senior Research Fellow · Leeds Beckett University

Dr David Lowe's main research interests are in terrorism & security, policing and criminal law.

Criminal Law Police Security Terrorism Crime

Eric Layland

Assistant Professor · University of Delaware

Prof. Layland bridges LGBTQ+ developmental research to community impact.

LGBTQ+ Developmental Research Health Disparities Health Equity Quantitative Research LGBTQ+ Advocacy

Derrick Green

Chair and Assistant Professor of Communication · Cedarville University

Derrick Green is the chair of the Department of Communication and is an expert in virtual and organizational communication.

Communication Social & Digital Media