Danith Ly

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Danith Ly's research is focused on the design and development of molecular tools and reagents to regulate gene expression.

Stem Cells Reagents Molecular Tools Tissue Engineering Cellular Origins of Cancer

Roy Black

Professor Emeritus in the Practice of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Prof. Black is a Professor in the Practice of Finance and Director of the Real Estate Program at Goizueta Business School.

Real Estate Finance Real Estate Attorney Business Administration Real Estate Market Analysis

Kimberly Dodd

Director, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory · Michigan State University

Dr. Dodd is an internationally recognized expert in laboratory diagnostics and outbreak response for emerging infectious diseases.

Disease Pathogenesis Vaccine Development Emerging Diseases Laboratory Diagnostics Outbreak Responses

Brad Szollose

CEO · Brad Szollose International

Cross-Generational Leadership Development. Customized Workshops, Training & Executive Coaching for Talent Development.

Millennials Generation Y Baby Boomers Generation X 21st Century Management

Molly Nation, Ph.D.

Expert in environmental education · Florida Gulf Coast University

Molly Nation explores environmental issues within formal education settings.

Environmental Change Environmental Education Nature-based Solutions Translational Climate Climate Policy

Joleah Lamb

Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · UC Irvine

Joleah Lamb studies natural buffers for mitigating infectious diseases that threaten coral reefs in coastal regions.

Coral Reefs Ecosystems Conservation Biology Ocean Health Ocean Pollution Disease Ecology

Roelf Woldring

Lead · WeCRUT3.com

E-Learning Champion, Performance Contracting Champion, E-Author, Entrepreneur, Workplace Psychology Expert

Talent Management Innovation in Hr Changing Hr

Julie Jansen

Principal · Julie Jansen LLC

Dynamic speaker, best selling author, executive and career coach and problem solver for today's work place issues

Career Management Networking Executive Presence Working With People With Challenging Behavior Management Skills

Tiffany Muller Myrdahl

Urbanist and Feminist Geographer · Simon Fraser University

Specializes in equity and inclusion. Uses policy analysis and collaborative research with women and LGBTQ people to examine urban change.

Geographies of social difference (with an emphasis on gender and sexuality) Municipal Social Inclusion Policy Qualitative and Mixed Method Research Oral history methods for research and policymaking

Lindsay Distefano, Ph.D

Professor, Department of Kinesiology, and Associate Vice President for Research Development · University of Connecticut

Lindsay DiStefano works to promote safe physical activity in children through physical literacy development and sport-injury prevention.

ACL Youth Athletes Injury Prevention Motor Development Physical Literacy

Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in student success strategies, civil litigation, and student retention and first year experience in higher education

Non Traditional Students in Higher Education Second Year Retention in HIgher Education Student Success Strategies Student Retention in Higher Education Political Science

Nancy Fujishige

Associate Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Biology Plant Development Microbiology Molecular Biology Genetics

Peter Reinhart

Founding Director, Institute for Applied Life Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Peter Reinhart is founding director of the Institute for Applied LIfe Sciences which turns research into innovative products and services

Applied LIfe Sciences Biotechnology Drug Discovery Programs Drug Development Orphan Disease

Corinne Catalano, Ph.D., IMH-E

Associate Faculty - Infant & Early Childhood Development - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist with a focus on Inclusive Education

Teacher Preparation and Development Developmental Approaches to Autism Infant Mental Health Inclusive Education

Robert Kazanjian

Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Organization & Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Growth and Development of Technology-Based New Ventures Management of Innovation in Large Complex Organizations Strategy Implementation and Large Scale Strategic Change

Tamara Erickson

Founder & CEO · Tammy Erickson Associates

Top 50 global business thinker, award-winning author, and expert on organizations, the changing workforce, and generations at work

Executive Development Organizational Leadership Leadership Education Strategic Planning Management Consulting

Russell A. Sabella, Ph.D.

Expert in school counseling, cyberbullying, technology and social networking · Florida Gulf Coast University

Russell Sabella is an expert in solution-focused brief counseling, consultations and parent conferences.

School Counseling Use of Data AI in School Counseling Solution-Focused Brief Counseling Technological Literacy for School Counselors

Wesley Hoffman

Founder, Networker, Speaker, Business Developer, Friend · Treehouse Networkshop

Motivating and Connecting People

Networking Motivation Positive Energy

Jackie Blissett

Professor of Psychology · Aston University

Professor Blissett has a interest in children’s fussy eating including poor fruit and vegetable acceptance, emotional eating, and obesity.

Feeding and Eating Behaviour Psychology Childhood Eating Behaviour Fussy Eating Developmental Psychology

Jeffrey Miller

Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Sciences · Southern Utah University

Dr. Jeffrey Miller serves as the dean of the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences at Southern Utah University.

Computer Programming Ethics in Driverless Cars Vehicular Communications Software Engineering STEM Education and Learning