Dale Peeples, MD

Pediatric Psychiatrist / Associate Professor of Psychiatry · Augusta University

Peeples is a highly-regarded psychiatrist providing tips to maintain mental wellbeing throughout the COVID-19 outbreak.

Foster Care and Adoptions Medical Education Juvenile Delinquency Pediatric Psychiatry Telepsychiatry

Jennifer Reynolds

President & CEO · Women in Capital Markets

Advocate for the advancement of women in the capital markets and for increasing the representation of women in leadership in Canada.

Women in Capital Markets Capital Markets Venture Capital Investment Banking Private Equity

Diane Beckett

sustainability consultant · independent

Diane Beckett has more than three decades of experience addressing the human and environmental dimensions of sustainability

Low Carbon Energy Urban Environments Climate Natural Resource Management Gender Equality

Sam Coogan

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Sam Coogan researches in the area of dynamical systems and focuses on developing tools for cyber-physical systems.

Formal Methods Cyber-Physical Systems Autonomous Systems Transportation Networks Control Theory

Henny Admoni

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Henny Admoni directs the Human And Robot Partners (HARP) Lab, which develops assistive and collaborative robots and AI.

Cognitive Psychology Robotics Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Healthcare Human Assistance

Peter Roberts

Professor of Organization & Management; Academic Director of Specialty Coffee Programs, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Micro-Business Development Specialty Coffee Entrepreneurship Social Enterprise

Michael S. Rogers

Senior Advisor, Washington, D.C. · Brunswick Group

Michael Rogers advises in the areas of cyber security, privacy, geopolitics, technology and intelligence as well as crisis management.

National Security Crisis Management Telecommuncations Cyber Security Intelligence and Counter Intelligence

Joshua Wilson

Associate Professor, Education · University of Delaware

Prof. Wilson's research focuses on ways that technology and artificial intelligence can improve the teaching and learning of writing.

Writing Instruction Writing Assessment Automated Scoring Automated Feedback Artificial Intelligence in Education

John Girton

Owner · John Girton Speaks.com

Where Passion Meets Purpose

Entrepreneurship (Vsb) Marriage and Relationships High School/College Student Motivation

Stacy Rosenberg

Associate Teaching Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Stacy Rosenberg contributes content for news media covering politics, political campaigns, crisis communication, and disinformation.

Politics Political Campaigns Crisis Communication Disinformation

Keith M. Bradshaw

Associate Dean of the College of Performing and Visual Arts, Professor of Music · Southern Utah University

Specializing in vocal and instrumental instruction, international preforming, and music theory pedagogy

Vocal and Instrumental Instruction Music Theory Pedagogy Musical Arrangements Music Education Aural Skills

Henry A. McGee Jr., Ph.D.

Founding Dean, Dean Emeritus and Professor · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. McGee led the joint VCU/VA Tech project to bring quality engineering education to the metro Richmond area.

Eric Nyberg

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Eric Nyberg builds software applications that can understand and process human language.

Automatic Text Translation Processing Human Language Automated Qustion Answering IBM Watson Information Retrieval

Joshua White

Assistant Professor of Finance · Vanderbilt University

A former SEC economist who studies financial regulation, cryptocurrency, and securities and investments.

Financial Disclosure Sarbanes-Oxley Securities and Investments Cryptocurrency Financial Regulation

Brian Levine

Director of Cybersecurity Institute and Distinguished Professor in the Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Brian Levine's work focuses on thwarting child sexual exploitation on the internet.

internet-based child exploitation Digital Forensics Network Security Internet Security Child Rescue

Eric Jackson, Ph.D.

Executive Director, CTI, and Director, CTSRC · University of Connecticut

Eric Jackson researches driver behavior and vehicle impacts on transportation safety

Autonomous Vehicles Safety data integration and analysis Transportation Data Systems Web-based data collection, distributuon, and analysis Remote sensing and geographic information systems

Michael Knodler Jr.

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director of the UMass Transportation Center · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Michael Knodler's main areas of research and teaching are related to transportation safety, operations, design, and education.

Transportation Engineering Traffic Operations Driver Behavior (Older & Younger) Transportation Safety Pedestrian & Bicycles

Moeness Amin, PhD

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director of the Center for Advanced Communications | Villanova College of Engineering · Villanova University

Moeness Amin, PhD, is an expert in the theory of signal and array processing with applications to radar, sonar, and communications

Smart Antennas Radar Radar Imaging Sonar Surveillance

Subha Das

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Subha Das has helped developed conditions for click-chemistry for the rapid modification and functionalization of DNA and RNA.

Nanotechnology RNA Biochemistry Organic Synthesis Future of Science Nucleic Acids Chemistry

Lynsey Steinberg

Director of Innovation at the Georgia Cyber Center · Augusta University

Lynsey Steinberg is one of the 300 board-certified medical illustrators and also an expert on virtual reality.

Community and Economic Virtual Reality Medical Illustration Gamification Innovation