Richard Dale

Managing Director · Big Data Boston Ventures

Experienced entrepreneur turned venture capitalist, specializing in understanding the dynamics in very early stage ventures.

Venture Capital Mentorship Entrepreneurship Business Models Finance

Catherine E. Hundleby

Associate Professor of Philosophy · University of Windsor

Feminist philosopher of argumentation and knowledge

Philosophy Critical Thinking Argumentation Scientific Knowledge Feminism

Viviane Yargeau

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering · McGill University

Yargeau's research focuses on the protection of water resources, wastewater treatment and monitoring of wastewater quality and contaminants.

Ecotoxicology Chemical Pollutants Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Environment

Jane Rabinowicz

Executive Director / Directrice générale · USC Canada

NGO leader with expertise in seed, agroecology and nonprofit management / Leader d'ONG avec expertise en semences, agroécologie, et gestion.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Semenciers Sécurité alimentaire Souveraineté alimentaire Circuits courts de commercialisation agricole

Jianjun Sun, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Neurobiology · University of Connecticut

Jianjun Sun, Ph.D. is an expert in reproduction biology and contraceptives.

Ovarian Cancer Contraception Reproductive Biology Reproductive Physiology

Yuichi Motai, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Virginia Commonwealth University.

System Safety Intelligent Systems with Adaptive Tracking Online Classification Methodologies Medical Imaging Pattern Recognition

Hal Herzog

Professor Emeritus · Western Carolina University

Hal Herzog has been investigating the complex psychology of our interactions with other species for more than two decades.

Animal Ethics Animal Welfare Human Sexuality Biological Psychology Animal Sciences

Charmion B. Rush

Associate Professor of Inclusive and Special Education · Western Carolina University

Charmion Rush's areas of research include culture relevant pedagogy, disproportionate representation, implicit bias and literacy practices.

Teacher Development Special Education Inclusion Disproportionate Representation Culture Relevant Pedagogy

Paul Topham

Head of School of Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering · Aston University

Professor Topham's research is focussed on sustainable polymer science; making new plastics of the future for a wide range of applications.

X-ray Scattering Electrospinning Polymer Science Block Copolymers Biodegradable Polymers

John R. Pollard, M.D.

Director, ChristianaCare Epilepsy Center · ChristianaCare

Dr. Pollard is an expert in treatment of drug resistant epilepsy in adults.

Epilepsy Clinical Trials Drug Resistant Epilepsy Epilepsy Biomarkers

Gabriel P. Pundrich

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

I use artificial intelligence/machine learning and natural language processing to help answer relevant accounting questions.

Municipal Bonds Debt Contracting Merger and Acquisitions Algorithmic Trading Natural Language Processing

Joyce Fassbender, Ph.D.

Expert in insect and spider biodiversity · Florida Gulf Coast University

Joyce Fassbender is an entomologist and arachnologist with research interests in general biology.

Beetles Spiders Insect Biodiversity Entomology Arachnology

Aron McConnell, DPT, COMT, CSCS

Physical Therapist · ChristianaCare

Aron McConnell is a physical therapist with ChristianaCare.

Rehabilitation Sports Injuries Exercise Science Injury Prevention Sport Biomechanics

Kurt Schwenk, Ph.D.

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut

Professor Schwenk studies the functional morphology and evolution of lizards and snakes.

Reptiles Lizards Phenotypic Evolution Evolutionary Biology Ecology

Gavin Naylor

Director · University of Florida

Gavin Naylor studies the diversity of the world's sharks and their biology, movement, genetics and evolution.

Sharks Shark Evolution Shark Biology Shark Attack Files

Kate Ratliff

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Kate Ratliff’s research investigates implicit biases and other barriers to diversity and inclusion.

Race Attitudes Implicit Bias Diversity & Inclusion Gender Attitudes Prejudice & Stereotyping

Nicholas Leadbeater, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry · University of Connecticut

Dr. Leadbeater specializes in cleaner, greener ways to make molecules.

Organic Chemistry Green Chemistry Metals in Preparative Chemistry Preparing Biofuels Public Communication of Science

Russell Burke

Professor of Biology · Hofstra University

Dr. Burke's current research involves diamondback terrapins at Jamaica Bay, wood turtles in northern NJ and the coyote invasion of LI

Urban Ecosystems Urban Environments Suburban Spaces and Development Ecology Evolution

Rhoel Dinglasan

Professor · University of Florida

Rhoel Dinglasan is an expert in vector-borne diseases, malaria, arbovirus, mosquito/tick biology, and OMICS analytical platforms.

OMICS Analytical Platforms Arbovirus Vector-Borne Diseases Systems Biology Malaria

Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.

Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.

Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials