Dan Feinberg

Professor of Health Informatics & Computer Science · Northeastern University

Daniel Feinberg is an expert in technology, health informatics, health care, healthcare information technology and entrepreneurship.

Computer Science Entrepreneurship Healthcare Information Technology Health Informatics

Amy Feirn

Principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP · Deloitte Services LLP

Diagnosing the issues and prescribing improvements to your health care facility is the specialty of Deloitte LLP's health systems analyst

Health Care Services Management Improving Patient Experiences in Health Care Facilities Revenue Cycle Assessment Healthcare Financial Management Enterprise Cost Management

Yvonne Troya

Clinical Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: troyay@uchastings.edu / 415-581-8918 / Office 300-100

Aging and Elderly Healthcare Decision-Making Children and Families Medical-Legal Partnerships Vulnerable Populations

Terrence Carolan, MSPT, MBA

Managing Director of Medical Rehabilitation and Aging Services · CARF International

Terrence Carolan has more than 20 years of experience as a provider, educator, and administrator in the medical rehabilitation field.

CARF Accreditation Assisted Living Continuing Care Retirement Communities Respite Care Adult Day Services

Kirsten Kallies, CCP, LP

Clinical Associate Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Kirsten Kallies is a clinical associate professor and clinical program director for the M.S. in Perfusion program at MSOE.

Healthcare Medical Devices Perfusion Higher Education Clincal Research

Deanne McCarthy

CEO · Swiftsure Innovations

Improving patient outcomes by preventing hospital acquired infections.

Hospital Acquired Infections Oral Care Healthcare Critical Care

Sherry Grace

Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Science · York University

Studying access to chronic cardiac care, as well as optimizing quantity and quality of life in heart patients.

Healthcare Public Health Clinical Research Heart Disease Behavioural Cardiology

Christopher Ategeka

Founder · LyfBase

Inventor, 2014 UN Global Accelerator, Forbes 30 Under 30, Echoing Green fellow, Founder cabikes, Co-Founder Privail

Healthcare Drones for Humanity Investments in Africa Medical Devices Mechanical Engineering

Larry Fennigkoh, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Larry Fenningkoh's areas of expertise include forensic engineering, control of medical error and medical instrumentation design.

Biomedical Engineering Medical Devices Clinical Engineering Medical Imaging

Frank Feather

CEO & Chief Futurist · Future Trends

►"FUTURE-PROOF" Business Transformation ►Future of Economy ►Futuristic Leadership ►Future of Tech ►Future of Marketing ►Future of China

Business Transformation Future of Economy to 2030 Innovation & Change Management Future of Marketing Futuristic Leadership

Katherine Kortes-Miller

Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Palliative Care Division Lead, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health (CERAH) · Lakehead University

An unconventional death educator and researcher with a passion for palliative care and improving end of life care for all

Gerontology Palliative Care End-Of-Life Care Interprofessional Education and Care LGBTQ

Robert Pollin

Distinguished Professor of Economics and Co-Director of Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Robert Pollin's research centers on macroeconomics and the economics of building a clean-energy economy in the U.S and globally.

Green Economy Clean Energy Economics Green Jobs Green New Deal Conditions for Low-Wage Workers

Mark Prausnitz

Professor, Director of Center for Drug Design, Development, and Delivery, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Mark Prausnitz and his colleagues carry out research on biophysical methods of drug delivery.

Biotechnology Materials and Nanotechnology Biophysical Methods of Drug Delivery Complex Systems

Juston Western

Director of Operations · ChaiONE

Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder at CogMine

Wearable Technology Smart Home Technology Enterprise Mobility

Steven Redpath

Director and Lead Physiotherapist · Fitfor/Life Physiotherapy Belfast

Director and Lead Physiotherapist at Fitfor/Life Physiotherapy Belfast

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sport and Exercise Medicine Orthopedic Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Sports Injuries

Phil C. Solomon

Consultant - Healthcare Blogger - Industry Speaker

Revenue Cycle, IT, BPO Change Agent | Marketing/Sales Strategist | Healthcare Blogger | Speaker

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Strategies Revenue Cycle Optimization B2b Sales and Marketing 2.0

Kingsley Chin

CEO, Doctor · KICventures

The way you get success is from success, no matter how small.

Healthcare and Executive Leadship

Dave Mawhinney

Associate Teaching Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Dave Mawhinney is the executive director of the Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship and the Donald H. Jones Center for Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship Advertising Startup Businesses Healthcare Information Technology Startups

Krzysztof Przybylski

Council Member | Sales Manager · Canon, Inc. | GLG|

Council Member |Sales Manager | Medical Devices | High-tech | Canon | GLG | 15+ years of expertise

Medical Devices Sales Operations Market Development Optical Diagnostics and Imaging Brand & Identity Development and Execution

Yanxiao Zhao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Zhao specializes in wireless networking, Internet of things and cyber security.

Wireless Communications and Networks Wireless Energy Harvesting Systems Wearable sensors for healthcare Internet of Things (IoT) Cyber Security