David Takacs
Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: takacsd@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4845 / Office 329-200
Climate Change Law Environmental Law Earth Systems Science Biodiversity Law International Environmental Law
Jessica Vapnek
Lecturer, Global Programs Advisor, and Director of the M.S.L. Program · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: vapnekjessica@uchastings.edu
Agriculture and Natural Resource Law Legislative Drafting Rule of Law
Dayna Nadine Scott
Associate Professor · Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
Dr.Dayna Scott works in the areas of environmental law and policy; critical risk theory; environmental justice; and trade and globalization.
Environmental Law and Justice Gender and Environmental Health Toxic Substances Regulation Feminist Theory of the Body Pollution
Pamela Grothe
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Grothe's research focuses on climate change, specializing in past climates.
Oceanography Global Warming Climate Change Science Atmospheric Science Geology
Jennifer Kaiser
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Jennifer Kaiser examines the formation of air pollutants, with a focus on the emissions and chemistry of volatile organic compounds.
Development of Air Quality Monitoring Strategies Interactions of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions Emissions and Chemistry of Air Pollutants Global Chemistry-Transport Modeling
Diane Beckett
sustainability consultant · independent
Diane Beckett has more than three decades of experience addressing the human and environmental dimensions of sustainability
Low Carbon Energy Urban Environments Climate Natural Resource Management Gender Equality
Shawn (Sheng-Chieh) Chen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Shawn's research interests include airborne and liquid-borne nanoparticle filtration, NanoEHS, and indoor and urban air pollution control.
Nanofiltration and ultrafiltration Air pollution control Aerosol sampling and instrumentation Indoor Air Quality CFD simulation
William Gonwa, Ph.D.
Professor, Program Director for Civil Engineering · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. William Gonwa focuses on the water resources area of civil engineering including collection systems and stormwater management.
Civil Engineering Wastewater Collection Flood Control Infiltration and Inflow Statistics
Jeremy Firestone
Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware
Prof. Firestone's major research focus is renewable energy transition.
Energy Justice Wind Power Climate Change Policy Renewable Energy Transition Renewable Energy
Ramani Narayan
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science · Michigan State University
Expert in biodegradable plastics, biobased and recyclable composites
Renewable Resources Biodegradable Polymers and Materials Engineering Polymers and Plastics Biobased and Recyclable Composites
Rachel Adams
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Water Quality and Sustainability Aquatic Chemistry Environmental Systems Sediment Contamination Passive Sampling Development
Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Environmental Science and Public Health; Director of Environmental Health Science · Baylor University
Interdisciplinary expert researcher and author on water quality, environmental health and sustainability issues in rapidly urbanizing areas.
Contaminants of Emerging Concern Harmful Algal Blooms Urbanization Sustainability Issues Environmental Contaminants
Worth Longest, Ph.D.
Louis S. and Ruth S. Harris Exceptional Scholar Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Longest works to address significant current challenges in the field of medical aerosols
Infant Aerosol Delivery Targeting Inhaled Medications within the Lungs Inhaled Medications Respiratory Drug Delivery Particle Engineering
Brooke Flammang
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Flammang specializes in functional morphology, biomechanics, and bioinspired technology of fishes, including sharks and remora.
Marine Biology Physiology Biomechanics Biology Biomechanics of Animal Locomotion
Wesley Longhofer
Associate Professor of Organization & Management; Executive Academic Director, Business & Society Institute · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Organizational Sociology Business and Society Social Enterprise Philanthropy and Non-Profits Climate Change
Aaron McCright
Professor and Chairperson, College of Social Science/Lyman Briggs College · Michigan State University
Dr. McCright specializes in environmental sociology, sociology of science and technology, and social movements.
Political Polarization Values and Sciences Climate Change Politics Climate Change Climate Change Denial
Barry H. Rosen, Ph.D.
Expert in cyanobacteria, harmful algal blooms and blue-green algae · Florida Gulf Coast University
Barry Rosen studies the nature of freshwater harmful algal blooms and their dynamics.
blue-green algae Cyanobacterial genetics Diatoms Limnology Fish kills
Dr. Ron Dembo
Founder and CEO · Zerofootprint Software Inc.
Easily filling even the biggest shoes and still leaving no mark, the CEO of Zerofootprint developed software to reduce environmental impacts
Energy Management Carbon Measurement and Management Renewable Energy Green Buildings Enterprise Risk Management
Stephen Lee
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Stephen Lee focuses on issues of systems integration, material innovation, renewable energy and the integrated design process.
Architecture Renewable Energy Systems Integration Material Innovation Integrated Design Process
Michael Vandenbergh
Professor of Law · Vanderbilt University
Expert in environmental law and how private industry can help slow climate change.
Environmental Law Corporate Environmental Behavior Carbon Emissions Organizational Culture Climate Change Research