Kelly Goonan
Assistant Professor of Outdoor Recreation · Southern Utah University
Outdoor recreation expertise with outdoor safety tips, planning national park visits, and planning and management of outdoor recreation.
Visitor Use Management Wilderness First Aid Resource Management Recreation Impact Analysis Recreation Ecology
Dayna Nadine Scott
Associate Professor · Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
Dr.Dayna Scott works in the areas of environmental law and policy; critical risk theory; environmental justice; and trade and globalization.
Environmental Law and Justice Gender and Environmental Health Toxic Substances Regulation Feminist Theory of the Body Pollution
James Wilhelm
Executive Producer · James C. Wilhelm Media
Charismatic speaker teaching individuals the process of self understanding to access and implement the power within each of us to create pea
Empowerment Developing Maximum Potential Film and Video Production to Influence Decision Makers
Brenda Spotton Visano
University Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies · York University
Spotton Visano engages a variety of research methods to examine ways to improve access to basic financial services for low income Canadians.
Financial Literacy Economic Literacy Social Justice Financial Education Community Outreach
Lori Wilkinson
Professor of Sociology · University of Manitoba
Professor of Sociology, specializing in immigration and refugee studies and survey methods
Research Methods Race and Ethnic Relations Settlement Integration Youth and School-To-Work Transitions
Jessica Kinsey
Director and Curator of the Southern Utah Museum of Art · Southern Utah University
Specializing in community outreach and engagement, museum exhibition curation, and collection management
Art as Architecture Experiential Learning - Arts Administration Community Outreach Through Arts K-12 Art Education Fine Art
Alicia Domack, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Alicia Domack has a research background in cognition, learning and development.
Learning and Development Educational Psychology Cognition
Barbara D. Boyan, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Institute for Engineering and Medicine | B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Rice University · VCU College of Engineering
Dr. Boyan specializes in cell and tissue engineering
Cell and Tissue Engineering Response of Cells to Biomaterials Mechanisms of Action of Hormones and Growth Factors in Cartilage and Bone Normal and Pathological Calcification Stem Cell Delivery Technologies
David C. Virtue
Professor · Western Carolina University
David C. Virtue is the Taft B. Botner Distinguished Professor of Middle Grades Education in the School of Teaching and Learning.
Comparative Analysis Anthropology of Curriculum Policy Middle Level Teacher Preparation Curriculum Design Middle Grades Education
Mitchell Neubert, Ph.D.
Professor of Management; Senior Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development; Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business · Baylor University
Dr. Neubert explores how leadership, particularly servant leadership, and ethics affect performance and well-being of people & organizations
Servant Leadership Leadership Leadership Development Organizational Development Religion and Entrepreneurship
Maurice Suckling
Assistant Professor, Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Writer and historian specializing in narrative for video games and board game design.
Game Design & Development Board Games Narrative and Dialogue in Video Games Videogame Design History of Games
Lindsay Levine
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Lindsay Levine is an expert in consumer judgment and decision-making.
Social Cognition Marketing and Sales Consumer Behavior
Nicole M. Joseph
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education Teaching and Learning · Vanderbilt University
An expert in the barriers that Black women and girls face in the STEM field and STEM classroom.
Identity Development White Supremacy Gifted Education Gender in Education K-12 Education
My (Myla) Bui, Ph.D.
Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Neuroplasticity Social Marketing Public Policies Promoting Consumer Wellness Nutritional Labeling Healthcare Management & Innovation
Ali Bigdeli
Associate Professor (Reader) in Industrial Service Innovation · Aston University
Dr Bigdeli is an expert in servitization and advanced services in manufacturing.
Manufacturing Strategy Business Model Innovation Servitization Service Innovation Organisational Change
Justin Taillon
Assistant Professor · Centre for Business and Social Entrepreneurship
Prior to returning joining academia Justin worked for six years in the hotels, two years in F&B, and one year in event management.
Community Branding Market-Based Conservation Socio-Cultural Sustainability Sustainable Tourism Volunteer Tourism
Anita Anantharam
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Anita Anantharam’s research interests include leadership, environment, political economy, and South Asian history.
Nationalism South Asia Environment Food Women and Leadership
H. Shelton Weeks, Ph.D.
Expert in real estate and financial markets · Florida Gulf Coast University
H. Shelton Weeks has extensive industry experience in valuation of real property with an emphasis on senior living projects.
Economics Corporate Finance Real Estate Financial Markets Investments
Stephen Hernandez
Associate Professor of Specialized Programs in Education · Hofstra University
Stephen Hernandez is a specialist in teacher certification, special education and early childhood special education.
Collaboration Special Education Teacher Certification Early Childhood Special Education
Professor Rachel Julian
Professor · Leeds Beckett University
Professor Rachel Julian is an internationally recognised researcher working on Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping/Protection.
Security Peace Feminism Community Culture