Mary Lusk

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Mary Lusk focuses her research on well water and septic system.

Urban Water Quality, Stormwater, and Low Impact Development for Urban Areas Onsite Wastewater Treatment (Septic Systems) Urban Fertilizer Ordinances Pathogens in Water Bodies Urban Agriculture

Frank Barrett, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Creating learning organizations; improvisation and sustainability in organizations; appreciative inquiry as a positive mode of action.

Appreciative Inquiry Improvisation and Organizational Innovation Organizational Learning Spiritual Development Social Impact of Information Technology

Mitchell Neubert, Ph.D.

Chavanne Chair of Christian Ethics in Business · Baylor University

Dr. Neubert explores how leadership, particularly servant leadership, and ethics affect performance and well-being of people & organizations

Servant Leadership Leadership Leadership Development Organizational Development Religion and Entrepreneurship

Mimi Ito

Professor in Residence Informatics · UC Irvine

Mizuko Ito is a cultural anthropologist of technology use, focusing on children and youth's changing relationships to media.

Media and Communications Anthropology Children/Video Games Technology

Xiuchun (Cindy) Tian, Ph.D.

Interim Department Head and Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Tian is an expert in animal biotechnology.

Pluripotent Stem Cells Nuclear Reprogramming by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Genetic Engineering in Farm Animals Assisted Reproductive Technologies Pre-Implantation Embryo Development

Chris Carder

Managing Partner · Kinetic Café

For Chris sky is the limit…as a result I believed that I could accomplish anything I put my mind to. "

Career Coaching Social Media Starting Your Own Business Entrepreneurship Mergers and Acquisitions

Debra Duke

Professor of the Practice and Director of Fundamentals of Computing, Department of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Duke is a computer scientist focused on learning and engagement strategies

Computer Science Education

Hadis Morkoç, Ph.D.

Virginia Microelectronics Consortium Chair, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Morkoç researches nitride semiconductor heterostructures and devices

Group III-V Semiconductors Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Nitride Semiconductor Heterostructures

Mary G. Warren, Ph.D., IMH-E(IV-P)

Affiliate Faculty - Infant & Early Childhood Development - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Learn to use your powerful voice to advocate for services/funding/policies for infants/toddlers and families!

Advocacy for Young Children and Their Families Infant Mental Health Infant Mental Health Endorsement Culture and Child Rearing

Gary Sibeck, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Business Law, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Law Latin America International Marketing

Verena Seufert

Postdoctoral Fellow · University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

Scientist interested in all things food and nature. Studying how we can do agriculture better.

Sustainability organic agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Change

Mahsa Ebrahim

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Phase interactions Multi-phase flows Spray cooling Electronic cooling Droplet impingement

Ayalla Ruvio

Associate Professor of Marketing · Michigan State University

Expert on consumer behavior and consumer psychology

Shopping Behavior Identity and Consumption Experiential Consumption Materialism Luxury Consumption

Ronald Shapiro

Speaker & Consultant · Ronald G. Shapiro, Ph. D.

Improve job or school performance, educate, and entertain at the same time!!! Learning which is applicable and a ton of fun!!!

Human Factors/Ergonomics Leadership/Management/Teamwork Career Development Understanding Human Capabilities and Limitations Special Recognition

Penelope Tobin

Founder & Creative Director · Barrier Breakers

Author, barrier-breaker, soft skills advocate, and jazz musician

Leadership Development Organizational Development Personal Development

Matthew Lackner

Director of Wind Energy Center and Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Matthew Lackner studies offshore wind energy with a focus on the aerodynamics and structural control of floating offshore wind turbines.

Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Renewable Energy Systems Wind Turbines Energy, Environment, and Water Offshore wind power

Peter Popplewell

Chief Technology Officer · Canopy Growth

Leading the design and engineering of numerous high-volume consumer cannabis delivery devices

Cannabis Vaporizer Devices Cannabis Delivery Systems Research and Development Design Engineering Vaping

Sue Metzger

Professor of the Practice, Information Systems; Faculty Director, VU Women in Tech | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Sue Metzger, MS, is an expert in advancing women in technology, mobile app development and entrepreneurship, and enterprise computing.

Business Advancing Women in Technology Mobile Application Development and Entrepreneurship Enterprise Computing Including the Cloud Collaborative Media

Kathy Archer

Leadership Development Coach · Silver River Coaching

Growing Courage & Confidence in Women Leaders

Women's Leadership Confidence and Courage Courage Building Workshops Confidence Building Work-Life

Chuck Hodges

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Charles Hodges's research is focused on learner motivation, online teaching & learning, self-efficacy, self-regulation, & emerging tech

Teacher Professional Development Instructional Technology Online Teaching Instructional Design Technology Enhanced Learning