Cathy Cavanaugh

Research Scientist · University of Florida

Cathy Cavanaugh's researches development in virtual schools, online and blended professional learning, and education system transformation.

Digital Transformation in Education Online and Distance Learning Education Professional Learning Virtual School

Almut Winterstein

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Almut Winterstein is an expert in drug safety and ways to improve medication use.

Medical Marijuana Healthcare Quality Drug Use in Maternal and Child Health Medical Marijuana Safety Pharmacoepidemiology

Kathryn Libal, Ph.D.

Director, Human Rights Institute and Professor, Social Work & Human Rights · University of Connecticut

Professor Libal researches human rights norms and practices, including the ability to secure adequate food and housing.

U.S. Resettlement of Refugees Asylum Seekers Women's Rights Children's Rights Migrant Children

Jeffrey Rosensweig

Associate Professor of Finance; Director, The Robson Program for Business, Public Policy, and Government · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Business Strategy in a Global Economy Global Economic Trends and Linkages International Finance

Andrea Hershatter

Associate Professor in the Practice of Organization & Management; Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Design Thinking Management Education Economics Millennial Generation Entertainment

Seyedahmad Rahimi

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Seyedahmad Rahimi specializes in assessing and fostering students’ 21st-century skills and STEM-related knowledge acquisition.

Justina Ray

President and Senior Scientist · Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Justina Ray's research is focused on evaluating the role of shifting landscapes in biodiversity decline and/or change in forested ecosystems

Conservation Planning Forested Ecosystems Biodiversity Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Conservation

Michelle Grimes

Assistant Professor of Child Clinical Psychology · Southern Utah University

A licensed psychologist specializing in clinical child psychology, principles of phycological assessment, and sibling conflict resolution

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Insomnia and Sleep Disorders Oppositional Defiance Exposure and Response Prevention Habit Reversal

Karen Shackleford, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Media Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Media violence; Fandom and the construction of meaning from media; Media, race and gender.

Media Psychology Media Effects Social Psychology Gender Race

Barbara Dandro

Motivational Workshop Facilitator · B.J. Dandro, MBA, & Associates

Thriving With Positive Attitudes!

Using Time Strategies for More Productivity Being Truly Effective in Team Communication Thriving With Positive Attitudes

Mark Cenicola

President and CEO ·

Mark strips away the hype and gives his take on technology and its use in establishing a better business online.

Blogging Email Marketing SEO Branding Social Media

Jason Moser

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Multi-method approaches to self-regulation deficits in anxiety.

Therapy Affective Science Neuroscience Anxiety Cognitive Science

Greg Payne

Vice President, Portfolio Management · Investeco Capital Corp.

You thought only Kermit was green? Supporting investments in the environmental economy is a passion for Greenchip's Portfolio Manager

Cleantech Green Investing Socially Responsible Investing Green Economic Development Cities and Sustainable Development

Aileen McManamon

Managing Partner · 5T Sports Group

Sustainability Strategist - Sports Industry Futurist - Sponsorship Expert - Brand Leverage and Optimization Specialist

Sports Sponsorship Sports Marketing Brand Management Business Strategy Marketing Strategy

Katherine Kahl

Extension Assistant Professor, Sustainable Fisheries & Coastal Resilience · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Katherine Kahl studies sustainable fisheries and coastal resilience needs and is an expert of growing the "blue economy."

Coastal Resilience Coastal Ecosystems Sustainable Fisheries Blue Economy

M. Brent Donnellan

Chair, Department of Psychology · Michigan State University

An expert in personality traits, personality assessment, personality development, and research practices in the psychological sciences.

Relationships Personality Disorders Personalities Temperament

Lee McKnight

Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation · Syracuse University

Visionary Inventor of Cloud to Edge Software Applications - Edgeware Wiglets and Gridlets

Virtual Markets and Wireless Grids Social Radio Social Emergency Response Edgeware Creative Destruction

Jeff Karp

Professor · Brigham and Women's Hospital - Harvard Medical School

Dr. Jeff Karp is a leading researcher in the fields of drug delivery, medical devices, stem cell therapeutics, and tissue adhesives.

Biomaterials Stem Cell Therapeutics Drug Delivery Medical Devices Biomedical Engineering

Rachel Davidson

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware

Prof. Davidson conducts research on natural disaster risk modeling and civil infrastructure systems.

Disaster Research Natural Disaster Risk Modeling Civil Infrastructure Systems​ Lifelines

Manuel W. Lloyd

Founder & Futurist · Manuel W. Lloyd Consulting®

Helping Organizations Achieve Legislative Compliance & Data Breach Protection Within Their IT Environments

Cloud Computing Strategic Planning Governance Issues Education and Technologies (Icts) It Compliance