Julia Kryuchkova
Conference Chair · i-Help
ProfsoUX'13 Chair
Usability Conference Design Events Coordination
Philip Gable
Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences · University of Delaware
Prof. Gable has expertise in emotion and motivational science; our sense of time, and neuroscience
Emotional Theory Motivation Neuroscience Social Psychology Autism
Joshua Bard
Associate Professor and Associate Head · Carnegie Mellon University
Joshua Bard is an architectural educator conducting applied research at the intersection of construction culture and robotic technology.
Architectural Robotics Robotic Technology Computational Methods Sustainable Architecture Design
Azadeh Sawyer
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Azadeh Omidfar Sawyer's interdisciplinary research focuses on quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate building envelopes.
Green Design Building Envelope Design Quality Virtual Reality Immersive Visualization Systems
Christopher Babson
Founder/CEO · Peak Performance Leadership
Acclaimed Expert in Leadership, Motivation, Engagement and Peak Performance. Stories and Tools to Inspire, Enrich and Empower Your Team.
Leadership Development Peak Performance & Personal Development Motivation and Empowerment Attitude Change Charisma & Presence
Sharon Mooney
Associate Professor, Film and TV Production · Loyola Marymount University
Sharon A. Mooney, MFA, Associate Professor in the School of Film and Television teaches post-production at LMU
New Media Short Film Production Post-Production Video Art Mutilmedia/Web TV
Lynn Gehl
Indigenous/Indigenist Cultural Critic, Writer, Author · Independent
Indigenist Cultural Critic
Sex-Discrimination in the Indian Act Treaty and Land Claims Process Indigenous Knowledge Algonquin Anishinaabeg Indigenous Affairs
Mimi Ito
Professor in Residence Informatics · UC Irvine
Mizuko Ito is a cultural anthropologist of technology use, focusing on children and youth's changing relationships to media.
Media and Communications Anthropology Children/Video Games Technology
Chris Evans
President/CEO · Evans Sales Solutions, Inc
Providing Sales Professionals with Tools for Success
Sales Business Development Trade Show Industry Wedding Industry
Sheng Lu
Professor, Fashion and Apparel Studies · University of Delaware
Prof. Lu's research focuses on the economic and business aspects of the global textile and apparel industry.
Textile and Apparel Industries International Trade Sustainability Issues Trade Policy Fashion and Apparel
Gian Fiero
Career & Life Coach · Fiero Flair
Mr. Fiero is dedicated to helping people remove barriers to growth that limit success at work, in careers, and in life.
Career Development Career Counseling Life Coaching
Caspar Berry
Motivational and Keynote Speaker and Trainer · Caspar Berry Ltd
Keynote and Motivational Speaker and Trainer on the subject of Risk Taking and Decision Making
Risk Decision Making Uncertainty Change Motivation
Lauren McMillan
Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington
Lauren McMillan is the University of Mary Washington's resident historical archaeologist and an expert on middle-Atlantic American history.
African Disapora Archaeology Archaeology Anthropology Historical Archaeology
Omar Khan
Head, School of Architecture · Carnegie Mellon University
Advanced Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence
Vivian Loftness
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Vivian Loftness is an internationally renowned researcher, author and educator with 30+ years in environmental design and sustainability.
Changing Nature of Work Environmental Quality Environmental Design Sustainability Energy
Michael Krondl
food writer, author, culinary historian · Michael Krondl
Experienced speaker and presenter to both a general more specialized public about food and culture.
The Uses of Dessert How Spices Transformed the World The Invention of Italian Cuisine Italian Cooking in the Renaissance How the French Invented Cuisine
Dr Islam Issa
Reader in Literature and History · Birmingham City University
His work has focused primarily on the modern-day reception of Renaissance and Early Modern English literature in global contexts.
Middle East Cultural History Literature Milton Shakespeare Cultural History
Bradley H. Smith
Director of Marketing, Investor Relations & Compliance Solutions · PR Newswire
Speaks to how multimedia and content management solutions are shaping the investor relations market
Public and Media Relations Online Marketing Sales Campaign Management Social Media Strategies Marketing and Corporate Communications
Ryan Paul
Assistant Professor of History and Director of A.P.E.X. · Southern Utah University
Specializing in U.S. history, cultural history, and the beginnings of Utah's National Parks.
Utah National Parks History Utah Parks Company American History History Through Film Historic Preservation
Dustin Hahn
Associate Professor · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hahn's research examines the presence and use of production elements (such as statistics) in sports media and their effects on fans.
Sports Fanship Statistics in Media Sports Media Sport and Social Media