Katharine Thakkar

Assistant Professor of Psychology · Michigan State University

Professor Thakkar is an expert in psychotic disorders.

Neuropsychological Assessment Eye Tracking Psychosis Bipolar Disorder Schizophrenia

Ram Sharma, M.D.

Psychiatrist · ChristianaCare

Dr. Ram Sharma is a psychiatrist with the Behavioral Health Unit at ChristianaCare’s Wilmington Hospital.

Psychiatric Clinical Research Psychopharmacology Psychosis Treatment Resistant Depression Bipolar Disorder

Deepa Dabir

Professor of Biology · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Disease Disease Mechanisms Yeast Genetics Neuroscience Cell Biology

John Stepp

Associate Professor · University of Florida

John Stepp conducts conservation research on the persistence, change and variation of traditional ecological knowledge.

China Biocultural Diversity Indigenous Peoples Issues Latin American Studies Ethnobotany

Sai Zhang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Sai Zhang's research leverages machine learning and big biomedical data to decode complex human diseases and advance precision medicine.

Computational Biology Computational Genomics Machine Learning Precision Medicine Statistical Genetics

Greg Lontok

Clinical Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Cloud Computing Machine Learning E-Commerce Data Science Digital Marketing

Nicole Bouvier-Brown

Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry; Director of Environmental Science Program; Co-Executive Director of Coastal Research Institute · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Climate Literacy Environmental Justice Biogenic VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Atmospheric Chemistry

Anoushka Concepcion

Aquaculture Associate Extension Educator · University of Connecticut

Anoushka P. Concepcion is an Assistant Extension Educator focusing on marine aquaculture with the Connecticut Sea Grant Program.

Sugar Kelp Shellfish Veterinary Sciences Fisheries Marine Aquaculture

Maia Hoskin

Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology

School Counseling Mental Health Counseling Diversity & Inclusion Structural Racism Antiblack Racism

Joleah Lamb

Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology · UC Irvine

Joleah Lamb studies natural buffers for mitigating infectious diseases that threaten coral reefs in coastal regions.

Coral Reefs Ecosystems Conservation Biology Ocean Health Ocean Pollution Disease Ecology

Hossein Asghari

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Biomedical imaging Image Processing Embedded Systems Photonics Optical communications

James Costa

Professor and Executive Director of Highlands Biological Station · Western Carolina University

Jim Costa's interests include insect behavior and ecology, environmental history and philosophy, and the history of science.

Charles Darwin Conservation Ecology Insect Behavior Evolutionary Biology

Larry Fennigkoh, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Larry Fenningkoh's areas of expertise include forensic engineering, control of medical error and medical instrumentation design.

Biomedical Engineering Medical Devices Clinical Engineering Medical Imaging

Harsh Bais

Associate Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Bais conducts research in plant signaling – how plants recognize and communicate with one another.

Plant-Microbe Interactions Plant Biology Plant Signaling Root Exudation Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticulture

Frank M. LaFerla

Chancellor’s Professor and Dean · UC Irvine

Frank M. LaFerla,Ph.D.,is the dean of the UCI School of Biological Sciences.His research focuses on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Learning and Memory Alzheimer's Disease Molecular Biology Neurodegenerative disorders

Garrett Strosser

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in empirical social psychology research on topics such as morality, political psychology, and cultural psychology.

Morality and Values Stigma Against Mentally Ill Statistics in Psychology Social Norms Political Psychology

Bruce Armitage

Professor and Co-Director · Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Armitage’s current research interests include the use of PNA for sequence-specific recognition of DNA and RNA.

Peptide Nucleic Acids DNA Nanotechnology Bioorganic Chemistry Fluorescent Dyes Molecular Evolution

Philip McHarris

Assistant Professor of Black Studies · University of Rochester

McHarris is an expert in politics and race, policing, incarceration, housing, racism, and race and inequality.

Black Lives Matter Housing and Society Incarceration Incarceration and Racial Disparity Inequality

Genoa Warner

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Examines how endocrine disrupting chemicals impact biological systems

Reproductive Biology Toxicology Hormones Chemical Biology Endocrine Disruption

Jennifer Jordan, Ph.D., M.S., FSCMR

Assistant Professor and ABET Coordinator, Department of Biomedical Engineering · B.S., NC State - Biomedical Engineering | Ph.D., VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences - Biomedical Engineering | M.S., Wake Forest - Clinical and Population Translational Sciences

Dr. Jordan's research involves translational cardiovascular imaging in cardio-oncology, sarcoidosis, and heart failure.

Heart Failure Image Processing Medical Imaging Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cardio-Oncology