Harsh Bais

Associate Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Bais conducts research in plant signaling – how plants recognize and communicate with one another.

Plant-Microbe Interactions Plant Biology Plant Signaling Root Exudation Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticulture

Frank M. LaFerla

Chancellor’s Professor and Dean · UC Irvine

Frank M. LaFerla,Ph.D.,is the dean of the UCI School of Biological Sciences.His research focuses on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Learning and Memory Alzheimer's Disease Molecular Biology Neurodegenerative disorders

Garrett Strosser

Department Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in empirical social psychology research on topics such as morality, political psychology, and cultural psychology.

Morality and Values Stigma Against Mentally Ill Statistics in Psychology Social Norms Political Psychology

Bruce Armitage

Professor and Co-Director · Carnegie Mellon University

Bruce Armitage’s current research interests include the use of PNA for sequence-specific recognition of DNA and RNA.

Peptide Nucleic Acids DNA Nanotechnology Bioorganic Chemistry Fluorescent Dyes Molecular Evolution

Philip McHarris

Assistant Professor of Black Studies · University of Rochester

McHarris is an expert in politics and race, policing, incarceration, housing, racism, and race and inequality.

Black Lives Matter Housing and Society Incarceration Incarceration and Racial Disparity Inequality

Bruce Morrill

Edward A. Malloy Chair in Roman Catholic Studies and Distinguished Professor of Theology · Vanderbilt University

A Roman Catholic Priest and Jesuit whose scholarship focuses on liturgy and sacraments and political theologies.

Easter Cultural Anthropology Sacramental Theology Suffering Roman Catholicism

Genoa Warner

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Environmental Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Examines how endocrine disrupting chemicals impact biological systems

Reproductive Biology Toxicology Hormones Chemical Biology Endocrine Disruption

Jennifer Jordan, Ph.D., M.S., FSCMR

Assistant Professor and ABET Coordinator, Department of Biomedical Engineering · B.S., NC State - Biomedical Engineering | Ph.D., VT-WFU School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences - Biomedical Engineering | M.S., Wake Forest - Clinical and Population Translational Sciences

Dr. Jordan's research involves translational cardiovascular imaging in cardio-oncology, sarcoidosis, and heart failure.

Heart Failure Image Processing Medical Imaging Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cardio-Oncology

Hongwu Wang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Hongwu Wang is a biomedical engineer merging AI, wearables, rehab robotics, and assistive tech into real-world aging/disability solutions.

User Participatory Design, Machine Learning & Sensor-Based Outcome Measures Assitive Technology & Rehabilitation Robotics Biomedical Engineering Rehabilitation Science Wearable/mHealth Technology

Eric Kmiec, Ph.D

Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer, The Gene Editing Institute · ChristianaCare

Dr. Kmiec, a pioneer in the field, has achieved several ground-breaking firsts in CRISPR gene editing.

Gene Editing Biomedical Research Molecular Medicine

James Hendler

Director, Future of Computing Institute · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading researcher in the Semantic Web and artificial intelligence

Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Semantic Web Computer Science

Spencer Fire, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Fire's research program combines an interest in the very smallest and the very largest organisms in the sea.

Wildlife Toxicology Marine Mammals Harmful Algal Blooms Marine Biotoxins Red Tide

Pulkit Grover

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Pulkit Grover is interested in interdisciplinary research directed towards developing a science of information for making computing systems.

Biomedical Systems Neuroengineering Computing Systems Neuroscience Information Theory

Gregg Fields, Ph.D.

Executive Director · Florida Atlantic University

Gregg Fields uses chemistry to answer biological questions, many of which assist in the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases.

Extracellular Matrix Biochemistry Matrix Metalloproteinase Collagen Drug Discovery Protein Biochemistry

Laurel Collins

Instructor in Political Sociology, Social Justice Studies, and the Sociology and Gender · University of Victoria

Publishes/presents on social movements, violence against women, civil liberties and anti-terrorism, electoral reform, and education.

Social & Political Philosophy Social Movements Social Movements and Collective Behaviour Political Activism Social movements and protest mobilization

Esther Lim

CEO and Chief Experience Architect · The Estuary, LLC

Passionately exploring the convergence of social media, storytelling, big data and emerging tech in marketing and digital entertainment

Transmedia Storytelling Digital Narratives: Co-Created Storyworld Communities Social Media Analytics Big Data Narrative Gamification

Joy Macci PhD ("Dr. Joy")

CEO/Innergetic Intelligence Expert · Joy of Sport, Inc.

Innergetic Intelligence..."Inner Winner" Leadership...Unlocking Biz & Life SUCCESS from the Inside/Out!

Innergetic Intelligence Bizfit Corporate Wellness Success in Sport of Life

Yoris Au

Chair and Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University

Yoris Au has a unique blend of technical, managerial and academic experiences in industry, consulting and academia

Cyber Security Operating Systems Security Telecommunication Systems Big Data & Analytics Information Systems Economics

Louise Philp

Co-Founder & CCO · Amity

Louise is the Chief Customer Officer at Amity.

Process Improvement Product Management Program Management Customer Success SaaS

Juergen Hahn

Professor & Department Head, Biomedical Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Specializes in systems biology and process modeling and analysis with a focus on Autism diagnosis and treatment

Modeling and Control Data Science Computational Systems Biology Autism Spectrum Disorder