Hongwu Wang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Hongwu Wang is a biomedical engineer merging AI, wearables, rehab robotics, and assistive tech into real-world aging/disability solutions.

User Participatory Design, Machine Learning & Sensor-Based Outcome Measures Assitive Technology & Rehabilitation Robotics Biomedical Engineering Rehabilitation Science Wearable/mHealth Technology

Spencer Fire, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Fire's research program combines an interest in the very smallest and the very largest organisms in the sea.

Wildlife Toxicology Marine Mammals Harmful Algal Blooms Marine Biotoxins Red Tide

Eric Kmiec, Ph.D

Executive Director and Chief Scientific Officer, The Gene Editing Institute · ChristianaCare

Dr. Kmiec, a pioneer in the field, has achieved several ground-breaking firsts in CRISPR gene editing.

Gene Editing Biomedical Research Molecular Medicine

James Hendler

Director, Future of Computing Institute · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading researcher in the Semantic Web and artificial intelligence

Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Semantic Web Computer Science

Pulkit Grover

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Pulkit Grover is interested in interdisciplinary research directed towards developing a science of information for making computing systems.

Biomedical Systems Neuroengineering Computing Systems Neuroscience Information Theory

Bruce Morrill

Edward A. Malloy Chair in Roman Catholic Studies and Distinguished Professor of Theology · Vanderbilt University

A Roman Catholic Priest and Jesuit whose scholarship focuses on liturgy and sacraments and political theologies.

Easter Cultural Anthropology Sacramental Theology Suffering Roman Catholicism

Ana Santos Rutschman, SJD, LLM

Professor of Law · Villanova University

Professor Rutschman, SJD, LLM researches topics in health law, biotech, innovation policy, patent law, and law and technology.

Drug Prices Intellectual Property/Patent Innovation Policy Health/Bio 3D Printing Health AI

Margaret Rubega, Ph.D.

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Behavior · University of Connecticut

Professor Rubega is an expert in the functional ecology of feeding in birds and the anatomy, and biomechanics, performance of wild birds.

Social Media in Science Avian Conservation Anatomy of Birds Evolutionary Biology Ecology

Gregg Fields, Ph.D.

Executive Director · Florida Atlantic University

Gregg Fields uses chemistry to answer biological questions, many of which assist in the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases.

Extracellular Matrix Biochemistry Matrix Metalloproteinase Collagen Drug Discovery Protein Biochemistry

Dr Eirini Theodosiou

Senior Lecturer, Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry · Aston University

Dr Theodosiou's main expertise is in the development of technologies for the isolation of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs).

Biochemical Engineering Biopharmaceutical Process Development Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) Bioprocessing Tools Stem Cell Biology

Angela Crawley

Scientist, Chronic Disease Program · Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Chronic Disease Program

Angela Crawley's lab studies the immunopathogenesis of HIV and hepatitis C (HCV) infection.

Biomedical Research Immunology Chronic Disease T-cell biology Hepatitis C Virus Infection (Hcv)

Kathryn Mouzakis

Associate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting Nucleic Acids Biochemistry Structual Biology HTLV-1

Dean Marsden

Digital Marketer

Experienced Digital Marketer specialising in SEO, PPC and converting website visitors.

Search Engine Optimisation Pay Per Click Digital Marketing Conversion Optimisation Search Engine Marketing

Sarah Emanuel

Assistant Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Biblical Studies New Testament Christian Origins First Century Judaism Bible and Theory

Lissa Leege

Professor & Center for Sustainability Director · Georgia Southern University

Lissa Leege's research focuses on plant conservation ecology, plant population and community ecology and threats to biodiversity.

Biology of Plants Principles of Biology Environmental Biology Issues in Sustainability

Jennifer Biddle

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Biddle's research interests include microbial ecology of marine systems, deep biosphere life, benthic archaea and bacteria.

Geobiology Deep Biosphere Life Microbial Ecology Marine Systems Benthic Archaea and Bacteria

Daniel Ferris

Professor · University of Florida

Daniel Ferris studies how humans move, focusing on both neuroscience and biomechanics, including individuals in health and disability.

Robotic Exoskeletons Electroencephalography Biomechanics of Human Movement Neural Control Human-machine Interfaces

Laurel Collins

Instructor in Political Sociology, Social Justice Studies, and the Sociology and Gender · University of Victoria

Publishes/presents on social movements, violence against women, civil liberties and anti-terrorism, electoral reform, and education.

Social & Political Philosophy Social Movements Social Movements and Collective Behaviour Political Activism Social movements and protest mobilization

Esther Lim

CEO and Chief Experience Architect · The Estuary, LLC

Passionately exploring the convergence of social media, storytelling, big data and emerging tech in marketing and digital entertainment

Transmedia Storytelling Digital Narratives: Co-Created Storyworld Communities Social Media Analytics Big Data Narrative Gamification

Joy Macci PhD ("Dr. Joy")

CEO/Innergetic Intelligence Expert · Joy of Sport, Inc.

Innergetic Intelligence..."Inner Winner" Leadership...Unlocking Biz & Life SUCCESS from the Inside/Out!

Innergetic Intelligence Bizfit Corporate Wellness Success in Sport of Life