John Verboncoeur

Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies · Michigan State University

John Verboncoeur studies computational plasma physics, electromagnetics, beam physics and high field effects,

Propulsion Technologies

Cristina L. Archer

Professor, Geography and Spatial Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Archer's research interests include: renewable energy, wind power, climate change, and numerical modeling of atmospheric processes.

Air Quality Wind Power Renewable Energy Meteorology Climate Change

Michael Tarr

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Michael Tarr is an expert in visual perception and how the brain transforms 2D images into high-level percepts.

Cognitive Neuroscience Cognitive Science Computational Perception

Jay Samit

CEO · SocialVibe

Top Industry expert on how Brands can leverage Social Media

Social Media Roi Engaging the Consumer Secrets of Successful Brands in Social Media

Holly Brophy-Herb

Professor of Human Development and Family Studies · Michigan State University

Early Childhood Development Expert

Obesity Risk Infant Mental Health Parenting Self-regulation and emotion regulation Reflective functioning

Jeffrey McCune, Jr.

Frederick Douglass Professor · University of Rochester

McCune is founding chair of the Department of Black Studies, and an expert on matters of race, gender, and equality.

Race Black Studies Queer Theory Contemporary African-American Literature & Drama Popular Culture and Media Communication

John L. Diamond

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: / 415-565-4628 / Office M202-198

Tort Law Criminal Law Mass Media Law Defamation Law

Jennifer Cobbina

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Expertise is in topics on race, crime, and policing; protest movements; and prisoner reentry

Race, Crime, and Policing Gender and Crime Race and Crime Prisoner Re-entry

Isaac Chun-Hai Fung

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Dr. Isaac Chun-Hai Fung is a digital health expert and an infectious disease epidemiologist.

Digital Health Outbreak Responses Epidemiology Infectious Disease Epidemiology Emergency Preparedness

Myunghee Lee

Professor · Michigan State University

Myunghee Lee's teaching and research interests include authoritarian politics, democratization, protest and foreign policy.

Epidemiology Asian Studies

Heather M. Field

Eucalyptus Foundation Chair & Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4716 / Office 334-200

Taxation Law Federal Income Taxation Tax Elections Tax Ethics Corporate Taxation

Rodger MacArthur, MD

Professor · Augusta University

A widely recognized expert in COVID-19, HIV antiretroviral therapy, resistance to antiretroviral drugs, and sepsis.

Deep soft tissue infections HIV COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Sepsis Infectious Global Health

Weisong Shi

Alumni Distinguished Professor and Chair of Computer and Information Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Shi is an internationally renowned expert in edge computing, autonomous driving, and connected health.

Edge Computing Vehicle Computing Autonomous Driving Mobile and Connected Health

Lauren Stewart

Associate Professor, Director of Structural Engineering/Materials Laboratory, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Lauren Stewart is considered by many to be among the top blast researchers in the US.

Computational Mechanics Mechanical Shock/Impact Blast Engineering Hazard Engineering

Amy J. Williams

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Amy J. Williams is searching for habitable environments and microbial life on Mars and outer world moons.

Space Persverance Rover NASA Mars Missions Mars Missions Mars

Stephen Rich

Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (NEWVEC) · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Stephen Rich studies zoonotic diseases, with a focus on tick-borne diseases and human malaria. He is the director TickReport.

Powassan Vector-Borne Diseases Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases Parasitic diseases Malaria Research

Arthur Trembanis

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Trembanis research focuses on understanding beaches for resilience and mapping the seafloor using robots to develop the Blue Economy.

Seafloor Mapping Coastal Erosion and Morphodynamics Hurricanes and Nor'easters Underwater Robots Shipwrecks

John Hollenbeck

Professor of Management · Michigan State University

Expert in team decision-making, self-regulation theories of motivation, organizational behavior and human decision processes.

Organizational Psychology Organizational Behavior Self-Regulation Theories of Work Motivation Team Decision Making and Performance Employee Seperation and Acquisition Process

Brian Byrd

Professor · Western Carolina University

Brian Byrd's research focuses on domestic mosquito‐borne diseases, specifically La Crosse encephalitis.

Global Health Medical Entomology Epidemiology

Daniel Bolnick, Ph.D.

Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Bolnick is an expert on how evolution maintains genetic variation within species.

Speciation Host-parasite Interactions Ecology Evolutionary Biology Immunology