Katerina Zacharia

Professor of Classics · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Classics and Archaeology Classical Reception Greek drama Greek Cinema Greek ethnicity

Carlos Dr. Forlenza

Managing Director · eisc European Institute of Social Capital

Managing Director for the Americas at eisc European Institute of Social Capital

Executive Data Science Big Data Management Human Capital Leadership Consulting

Paolo Spadoni, PhD

Associate Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Paolo Spadoni is a widely recognized expert on Cuba and its international relations.

Cuba Latin America International Relations Costa Rica U.S.-Cuba Relations

Glen Duerr, Ph.D.

Professor of International Studies · Cedarville University

Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory

International Terrorism Domestic Terrorism International Relations Brexit

Paul Steege, PhD

Associate Professor of History | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Paul Steege, PhD, is a go-to expert on twentieth-century Germany and researches the history of violence in everyday life.

World Cup Cold War History of Violence History of Soccer Nazi Germany

Dr Smirti Kutaula

Associate Professor in Human Resource Management · Kingston University

Dr Smirti's interests include fairtrade, sustainability, psychological contract, and HRM.

Psychological Contract Sustainability Fairtrade HRM

Shane Barter, PhD

Associate Professor of Comparative Politics · Soka University

Professor Barter focuses on Southeast Asian politics, Civilians in war, as well as autonomous areas and conflict resolution

Minorities Separatism Indonesia Conflict Resolution Southeast Asia

Nicola Rohrseitz

Technology Expert · Vissee — We are, We see

Founder, CEO at ViSSee

Robotics Start-Ups Biomimicry Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Innovation & Design Thinking

Vladlena Benson

Professor of Cybersecurity Management · Aston University

Professor Benson is an industry-recognised expert in cybersecurity management and governance.

Emergent Technologies Cybersecurity and Risk Management Digital Transformation

Michael Burcham

Senior Lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Faculty Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the business of healthcare and entrepreneurial development.

Business Economics Startup Incubators Healthcare business strategy Entrepreneurship Venture Capital

Dr Dannielle Green

Senior Lecturer in Ecology · Anglia Ruskin University

She researches the impact of human activities on land, rivers, seas and oceans.

Discarded Cigarette Waste Plastic Pollution Oceans Ecology Marine Biology

Professor Christopher Cooper

Professor · Leeds Beckett University

Chris Cooper has more than forty years experience in tourism and has worked as a researcher and teacher in every region of the world.

Travel Tourism

Yonah Welker

Explorer, Public Evaluator, Board Member · Yonah.ai /. org

Entrepreneur Women & Entrepreneurship Startups Venture Capital Accelerators and Venture Labour

Willajeanne McLean

Distinguished Professor of Law · University of Connecticut

Willajeanne F. McLean is an internationally recognized expert on the interface of intellectual property and European law.

Law European Law Trademark Law

Kevin Cottam

President · King Arthur Productions Inc

Interactive, mindful and engaging speaker who energetically connects you to a mind body soul life performance

Curtain's Up

Shawn Brixey

Professor; Affiliate Faculty · VCU College of Engineering

Affiliate Faculty in Computer Science, former Dean School of the Arts.

Immersive Media Film & Video Production Stereoscopy Computer Graphics Spatial Imaging

Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.

Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University

Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.

Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology

Michel Neray

Chief Differentiation Officer · The Essential Message

Learn to differentiate yourself and your business in a competitive marketplace.

Sales & Conversational Selling Branding/Marketing Peak Performance & Personal Development Leadership Differentiation

Joantxo Llantada

promotion executive · Think Tank Travel

Marketer, digital storyteller, social media strategist, tourist trends @ DMO Land of Valencia, Spain.

Social Media Transmedia Storytelling Destination Marketing Leissure and Hospitality Marketing Strategy

Professor Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo

Professor · Leeds Beckett

Nnenna Ifeanyi-Ajufo's teaching and research focuses primarily on Cyber governance, cyber security and governance of digital technologies.

Law Cybersecurity Human Rights Law and Technology Cybercrime