Michael Salerno

Emeritus Clinical Professor of Law, Director of the UC Hastings Legislation Clinic · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: salernom@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4663 / Office 202-198

The Legislative Process Statutory Interpretation and Bill Drafting Issues in State and Local Governance Legislative Process and Procedure Bruget Processes

Shiladitya Banerjee

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Shiladitya Banerjee develops theoretical models to understand how the internal structures of a living cell impacts its characteristics.

Single-cell Biophysics Soft Living Matter Physics Physics of Living Systems Molecular and Cell Biology

Laleh Golshahi, Ph.D.

Engineering Foundation Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Golshahi specializes in aerosol science and in vitro-in vivo correlations for respiratory support, diagnosis and inhalation therapy.

Aerosol Science and Medicine In Vitro and In Vivo Models Of Respiratory Deposition Health-Related Aerosols Exposure Control Targeted Respiratory Drug Delivery Aerosol filtration

Imogen Coe

Dean, Faculty of Science · Ryerson University

Dr Imogen R. Coe is a scientist who is internationally recognized for her advocacy in promoting equity & diversity in science in Canada

Science Education Women in STEM Membrane Protein Cell Biology Membrane Protein Cell Biochemistry Clinical Research

David Levin, MD

Chief Medical Information Officer · Cleveland Clinic

Challenging audiences to discover how analysis of “big data” can be used to transform healthcare, from practice redesign to new markets

Healthcare Information Technology Clinical Decision Support: From Alerts to Watson Emr and Related Clinical Systems-Strategy Selection and Physician Adoption Analytics: Data Strategies

Ozzie Zehner

Visiting Scholar · UC Berkeley

Author of Green Illusions | Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley

Alternative Energy Environmentalism Wind Power Consumer Society Walking and Biking Neighborhoods

Aaron Young

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Aaron Young is an expert in powered orthotic and prosthetic control systems for persons with stroke, neurological injury or amputation.

Robotic Mobility Enhancement Myoelectric Control Biological Signal Processing Machine Learning Assistive Devices

Taghi Khoshgoftaar, Ph.D.

Motorola Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Taghi Khoshgoftaar researches computer security and intrusion detection systems.

Computer Security and Intrusion Detection Systems Software Engineering Machine Learning Data Mining Big Data Analytics

Swati Agrawal

Assistant Professor · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Agrawal's research focuses on protozoan pathogens that cause serious diseases like African sleeping sickness and Toxoplasmosis.

Molecular Biology (CRISPR-cas9 gene editing) Microscopy (Fluorescence, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy) Biochemistry Bioinformatics Biomolecular Visualization (PyMOL, MolStar, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality)

Kurt Cogghe

Partner · 4C Consulting

Advanced Analytics; Big data in Reality; Marketing Mix Forecasting

Advanced Analytics Big Data in Reality Corporate Performance Management

Neil Ward-Dutton

Research Director · MWD Advisors

Research Director and Co-founder, MWD Advisors

Business Management It Strategy Business Transformation Digital Transformation Customer Experience

P. Lynne Honey

Associate Professor and Chair · MacEwan University, Department of Psychology

Behaviour, biopsychology, evolution, and critical thinking. I'm interested in where nature and nurture shake hands.

evolution and human behaviour animal learning and conditioning theory teaching of psychology social dominance sex differences

Sharareh Sharififar

Assistant Scientist · University of Florida

Sharareh Sharififar research focuses on rehabilitation science.

Biomechanics of Human Movement Rehabilitation

Ace Vo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Big Data Machine Learning Data Mining Spatial Analytics

John Gizis

Professor, Physics and Astronomy · University of Delaware

Prof. Gizis focuses his research on improving the understanding of stars and brown dwarfs (failed stars).

Brown Dwarfs and Binaries Cool Stars Stars Solar System Cosmology

Corinne Huggins-Manley

Professor · University of Florida

Corinne Huggins-Manley studies quantitative methods for measuring and analyzing educational phenomena.

Fairness in Testing Educational Measurement Statistical Bias in Testing

Paul Ellickson

Professor of Economics and Marketing at the Simon Business School · University of Rochester

Paul Ellickson researches quantitative marketing and industrial organization and has expertise in supermarkets, supercenters, and strategy

Supermarket Strategy Pricing Supermarkets Big Box Retailers Walmart and Big Box Retailers

Darnyelle A. Jervey

CEO · Incredible One Enterprises, LLC

Dynamic Speaker that transforms businesses with marketing strategy

Market Like A Rock Star Social Media Marketing Secrets Brand Like A Billionaire Next Level Networking Secrets Magnetize Your Marketing

Marcel Ilie

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Southern University

Marcel Ilie is an expert in combustion modeling, fluid dynamics, biofluids, turbomachinery, and renewable energy.

Renewable Energy Fluid Dynamics and Biofluids Combustion Modeling Turbomachinery

Valentin Soloiu

Allen E. Paulson Distinguished Chair of Renewable Energy and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Southern University

Valentin Soloiu is an expert in Renewable and Sustainable, Biofuels Advanced Combustion Technologies, and Heat Transfer and Emissions.

Heat Transfer and Emissions Renewable and Sustainable Biofuels Advanced Combustion Technologies