Carol Sabel, RN, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair, School of Nursing · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Carol Sabel is an expert in examining barriers to nursing students continuing education and interprofessional collaboration.

Patient Education Patient Safety Nursing Education Interprofessional Collaboration Nursing

Stephen Rispoli, J.D.

Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Pro Bono Programs · Baylor University

Stephen Rispoli focuses on student relations, pro bono programs and access to justice issues

Access to Justice Community Outreach Orientation Pro Bono Student Affairs

Joshua Zide

Professor and Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Zide’s research interests focus on nanoscale engineering of novel semiconductor, composite electronic materials, quantum computing.

Nanoscale Engineering Semiconductors Optoelectronics Epitaxial Growth Nanocomposites, Surfaces

Dr. Jackie Eldridge

Co-Founder Hearts and Minds Matter and Teacher Educator · Hearts and Minds Matter and Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

Expertise in building safe, nurturing inclusive classrooms for all children through trauma-informed teaching and effective pedagogy.

Trauma-Informed Schools Presonality Dimensions Emotional Intelligence in School Leadership Teaching & Parenting

Lee Allen

Associate Professor · University of Memphis

Experienced presenter with over 20 years experience and expertise in educational technology leadership and teaching information sciences.

Online Teaching and Learning Technology as A Vehicle for Institutional Change Developing Communities of Practice in an Organization

Christopher Kaczor

Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Bioethics Ethics Positive Psychology & Spirituality Catholic Church

Abram Walton, Ph.D.

Professor | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business · Florida Tech

Director of the Center of Innovation Management & Business Analytics, and Professor of Management, specializing in Technology and Innovation

Project Management Organizational Development Blockchain / Internet of Things (IoT) Human Centered Design Technology Commercialization

Randall Stone

Professor of Political Science and Director of the Skalny Center for Polish & Central European Studies · University of Rochester

Stone is known for his studies on international political economy, international relations, and Russian and European politics.

International Monetary Fund International Economics Multinational Corporations International relations and finance Russia and Eastern Europe

Charles Cartin, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Director of Makerspaces & Professor of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Virginia Commonwealth University

Additive Manufacturing Advanced Engineering Mathematics Computer Aided Design (CAD) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Design Engineering

Rayid Ghani

Distinguished Career Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Rayid Ghani is a reformed computer scientist who wants to increase the use of large-scale Machine Learning in solving large public policy.

Predictive Analytics Machine Learning Ethics Public Policy Information Systems

Kara Dixon Vuic

LCpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt Professor of War, Conflict, and Society in 20th-Century America · Texas Christian University

Prof. Vuic writes about women, gender, and the US military.

War, Gender and the U.S. Military 20th Century United States Social, Cultural, and Gender History World Wars Women and the Military War and Society

John Hooker

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

John Hooker is a pioneer in the integration of optimization and constraint programming technologies.

Operations Research Constraint Programming Ethics Cross-Cultural Management Music Theory

Jason Kaiser

Department Chair Geosciences/Associate Professor of Geology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in volcanoes and understanding how and why magma accumulates in the Earth’s crust

Structural Geology Chemistry of Minerals Potential Natural Disasters in Southern Utah Potential Geological Hazards in Southern Utah Volcanology

Tyrha Lindsey-Warren

Clinical Associate Professor of Marketing · Baylor University

Dr. Tyrha Lindsey-Warren studies consumer behavior and attitudes, multicultural media & advertising, movies and entertainment

Consumer Attitudes Entertainment Multicultural & Diversity Consumer Behavior Marketing & Advertising

Michele Hammers

Associate Dean and Professor of Communication Studies, College of Communication and Fine Arts · Loyola Marymount University

Associate Dean and Professor of Communication Studies

Feminist Media Studies Qualitative Research Methods Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Social Movements Rhetorical Criticism

Joseph Carrabis

CRO & Founder · NextStage Evolution

"Kick-ass presentation" "Robin Williams as a professor" "Get there early and get a seat up front" "Very actionable & plenty of take-homes"

Neuro Social Brain-Based Marketing

Robert Alexander

Vice Provost & University Dean for Enrollment Management · University of Rochester

Alexander is an expert in undergraduate admissions, enrollment management, and curricular design.

Undergraduate Admissions Test optional admissions College Admissions Admissions Higher Education Affordability

Selmer Bringsjord

Director, Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Lab; Professor, Cognitive Science and Computer Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Expert in logic and philosophy, specializing in AI and reasoning

Artifical Intelligence Philosophical Foundations of AI Computational Economics AI Systems Formal Logic

Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor

Assistant Professor in faith and peaceful relations · Coventry University

Dr Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor specialises in how people engage with religion and with religious beliefs.

Diversity Muslim Women Inter-faith relations Religion Islam

Joaquín Noguera

Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Educational Leadership and Administration

Critical pedagogy Urban Education K-12 Teaching and Learning Healing-Centered Engagement Trauma-Informed Practice